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URI::GoogleChart(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
URI::GoogleChart(3) |
URI::GoogleChart - Generate Google Chart URIs
use URI::GoogleChart;
my $chart = URI::GoogleChart->new("lines", 300, 100,
data => [45, 80, 55, 68],
range_show => "left",
range_round => 1,
# save chart to a file
use LWP::Simple qw(getstore);
getstore($chart, "chart.png");
# or embed chart in an HTML file
use HTML::Entities;
my $enc_chart = encode_entities($chart);
open(my $fh, ">", "chart.html") || die;
print $fh qq(
<h1>My Chart</h1>
<p><img src="$enc_chart"></p>
close($fh) || die;
This module provide a constructor method for Google Chart URLs. When
dereferenced Google will serve back PNG images of charts based on the provided
The Google Chart service is described at
<http://code.google.com/apis/chart/> and these pages also define the
Web API in terms of the parameters these URLs take. This module make it
easier to generate URLs that conform to this API as it automatically takes
care of data encoding and scaling, as well as hiding most of the cryptic
parameter names that the API uses in order to generate shorter URLs.
The following constructor method is provided:
- $uri = URI::GoogleChart->new( $type, $width, $height, %opt )
- The constructor method's first 3 arguments are mandatory and they define
the type of chart to generate and the dimension of the image in pixels.
Additional arguments are provided as key/value pairs. The return value is
an HTTP URI object, which can also be treated as a string.
The $type argument can either be one
of the type code documented at the Google Charts page or one of the
following more readable aliases:
The additional arguments in the form of key/value pairs can
either be one of the "chXXX"
parameters documented on the Google Chart pages or one of the
- data => [{ v => [$v1, $v2,...], %opt }, ...]
- data => [[$v1, $v2,...], [$v1, $v2,...], ...]
- data => [$v1, $v2,...]
- data => $v1
- The data to be charted is provided as an array of data series. In the most
general form each series is defined by a hash with the "v"
element being an array of data points (numbers) in the series. Missing
data points should be provided as
"undef". Other hash elements can be
provided to define various properties of the series. These are described
As a short hand when you don't need to define other properties
besides the data points you can provide an array of numbers instead of
the series hash.
As a short hand when you only have a single data series, you
can provide a single array of numbers, and finally if you only have a
single number you can provide it without wrapping it in an array.
Data series belong to ranges. A range is defined by a minimum
and a maximum value. Data points are scaled so that they are plotted
relative to the range they belong to. For example if the range is (5 ..
10) then a data point value of 7.5 is plotted in the middle of the chart
area. Ranges are automatically calculated based on the data provided,
but you can also force certain minimum and maximum values to apply.
The following data series properties can be provided in
addition to "v" described above:
The "range" property can be used to group data
series together that belong to the same range. The value of the
"range" property is a range name. Data series without a
"range" property belong to the default range.
- min => $num
- max => $num
- Defines the default minimum and maximum value for the default range. If
not provided the minimum and maximum is calculated from the data points
belonging to this range.
The specified minimum or maximum are ignored if some of data
values provided are outside this range.
Chart types that plot relative values (like bar charts or venn
diagrams) should use 0 as the minimum, as this make the relative size of
the data points stay the same after scaling. Because of this the default
default minimum for these charts is 0, so you don't actually need to
specify it.
- range_round => $bool
- Extend the default range so that the min/max values are nice multiples of
1, 5, 10, 50, 100,... and such numbers. This gives the chart more
"air" and look better if you display the range of values with
- range_show => "left"
- range_show => "right"
- range_show => "top"
- range_show => "bottom"
- Makes the given axis show the range of values charted for the default
- range => { $name => \%opt, ...},
- Define parameters for named data series ranges. The range named
"" is the default range.
The option values that can be set are "min",
"max", "round", "show". See the
description of the corresponding entry for the default range above.
- encoding => "t"
- encoding => "s"
- encoding => "e"
- Select what kind of data encoding you want to be used. They differ in the
resolution they provide and in their readability and verbosity. Resolution
matters if you generate big charts. Verbosity matters as some web client
might refuse to dereference URLs that are too long.
The "t" (or "text") encoding is the most
readable and verbose. It might consume up to 5 bytes per data point. It
provide a resolution of 1/1000.
The "s" (or "simple") encoding is the most
compact; only consuming 1 byte per data point. It provide a resolution
of 1/62.
The "e" (or "extended") encoding provides
the most resolution and it consumes 2 bytes per data point. It provide a
resolution of 1/4096.
The default encoding is automatically selected based on the
resolution of the chart and the number of data points provided.
- color => $color
- color => [$color1, $color2, ...]
- Sets the colors to use for charting the data series. The canonical form
for $color is hexstrings either of
"RRGGBB" or "RRGGBBAA" form. When you use this
interface you might also use "RGB" form as well as some comon
names like "red", "blue", "green",
"white", "black",... which are expanded to the
canonical form in the URL.
The built in colors are the 16 colors of the HTML
specification (see
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML_color_names>). If you want to
use additional color names you can assign your mapping to the
%URI::GoogleChart::COLOR_ALIAS hash before start
creating charts. Example:
local $URI::GoogleChart::COLOR_ALIAS{"gold"} = "FFD700";
- background => $color
- Sets the color for the chart background. See description for color above
for how to specify color values. The color value "transparent"
gives you a fully transparent background.
- title => $str
- title => [ $str, $color, $fontsize ]
- Sets the title for the chart; optionally changing the color and fontsize
used for the title.
- label = $str
- label = [ $str, $str,... ]
- Labels the data (or data series) of the chart.
- rotate => $degrees
- Rotate the orientation of a pie chart (clockwise).
The first slice starts at the right side of the pie (at 3
o'clock). If you rotate the pie 90 degrees the first slice starts at the
bottom. If you rotate -90 degrees (or 270) the first slices starts at
the top of the pie.
- margin => $num
- margin => [ $left, $right, $top, $bottom ]
- Sets the chart margins in pixels. If a single number is provided then all
the margins are set to this number of pixels.
Copyright 2009 Gisle Aas.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
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