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UserFile(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
UserFile(3) |
RADIUS::UserFile - Perl extension for manipulating a RADIUS users file.
use RADIUS::UserFile;
my $users = new RADIUS::UserFile
File => '/etc/raddb/users',
Check_Items => [ qw(Password Calling-Station-Id) ];
$users->add(Who => 'joeuser',
Attributes => { key1 => 'val1', key2 => 'val2' },
Comment => 'Created on '. scalar localtime);
$users->update(File => '/etc/raddb/users',
Who => qw(joeuser janeuser));
print $users->format('joeuser');
Perl5.004, Fcntl, File::Copy, Tie::IxHash
This module provides methods for reading information from and modifying a RADIUS
users text file.
- new RADIUS::UserFile
- new RADIUS::UserFile(File => $USERS_FILE, Who
=> $USER, Check_Items => [
- new RADIUS::UserFile(File => $USERS_FILE, Who
=> [ @USERS ], Check_Items => [
- Creates and returns a new
"RADIUS::UserFile" object.
"File" specifies the RADIUS
users file to load (e.g. "/etc/raddb/users"). If no file is
specified, one isn't loaded; in this case, the
"load()" method can be used to
retrieve any user data. If an error occurred while reading
"File", 0 is returned instead.
"Who" limits the retrieval
of user information to the list of users specified. A single user can be
named using a string, or a set of users can be passed as a reference to
an array. If Who is left undefined, all users will be loaded.
"Check_Items" is a reference
to a list of attributes that should be included in the first line of the
record. By default, this list includes: "Password",
"Auth-Type", "Called-Station-Id",
"Calling-Station-Id", "Client-Port-DNIS", and
- ->add(Who => $USER, Attributes =>
\%ATTRS, Comment => $TEXT, Debug =>
- Adds information about the named user. This information will henceforth be
available through "users",
"comment", etc. Any comments are
automatically prefixed with "# ".
"Attributes" should be specified as a
reference to a hash; each value should either be an array ref or a string.
On success, 1 is returned. On error, 0 is returned and STDERR gets an
appropriate message. The debug level is used by the
"debug" function described below.
- ->attributes($USER)
- Returns a list of defined attributes for the specified user. If the user
doesn't exist, undef is returned.
- ->comment($USER)
- Returns a string representing the comments that would prefix the given
user's entry in the users file. If the user doesn't exist, undef is
- ->debug(level, @messages)
- Prints out the list of strings in @messages if the
debug level is >= level.
- ->dump($USER)
- Prints out the attributes of the named user, in alphabetical order.
$self is returned.
- ->files
- Returns a list of files from which we have read user attributes. The list
is sorted according to the order in which the files were read. If no files
have yet been read successfully, an empty array is returned.
- ->format($USER)
- Returns a string containing the attributes of the named user, prefixed by
any comments, according to the format required for the RADIUS users file.
If the user doesn't exist, an empty string is returned.
- ->load(File => $USERS_FILE, Who =>
- ->load(File => $USERS_FILE, Who =>
- Loads the contents of the specified RADIUS users file. The name of the
file is stored in a first-in, last-out stack enumerating which
"databases" have been loaded (see
"files()"). The
"RADIUS::UserFile" object is returned.
The options are the same as described in
"new()". If a user already exists and
further info is read about that user from the specified file, the new
information is just added to what is already known. On success, 1 is
returned; on failure, 0 is returned and an appropriate message is sent to
- ->read_users($USERS_FILE,
- ->read_users($USERS_FILE, \@USERS)
- Reads in the contents of the specified RADIUS users file, and returns a
pair of hashes: one indexed by user name, with each element containing a
hash of (attribute name => [ values ]) pairs; and another also indexed
by user name, containing the comments that immediately preceded that
user's file entry. The options are the same as in
"new()". Each comment value is a string.
Each user attribute value is a ref to an array of strings. This is mainly
designed as a utility function to be used by
"new()" and
"load()", and doesn't affect the calling
object. On failure, 0 is returned.
- ->remove($USER ...)
- Deletes the specified users from the object. The list of users
successfully deleted is returned.
- ->removed()
- Returns a list of users that have been removed from the object.
- ->update(File => $USERS_FILE, Who =>
- Updates user attributes in a RADIUS users file. If the file is specified,
its contents are updated; otherwise, the last file read is modified. If a
list of users is provided, only their entries are updated; otherwise, all
known users are. All users to be "updated" are printed using the
results of "format". Other users are
printed as found. It should be noted that some extra newlines can be left
in a file with this method: if an empty line follows a given record that
has been "remove()"d, then it will still
be there in the file being updated. On success, non-zero is returned. On
failure, 0 is returned and STDERR gets an appropriate message.
- ->user($USER)
- Returns a ref to a hash representing the attributes of the named user. If
the user doesn't exist, undef is returned.
- ->usernames
- Returns a ref to an anonymous array of strings representing the users
about which we have attributes defined. If no users are defined, a ref to
an empty anonymous array is returned.
- ->users
- Returns a ref to a hash of user hashes, where each user hash is a set of
(attribute name => value) pairs. This is the actual data stored in the
object, so use with caution.
- ->values($USER,
- Returns an array of strings representing the values for the named
attribute of the given user. If the user or attribute doesn't exist, undef
is returned.
Copyright (c) 2001 O'Shaughnessy Evans <oevans@cpan.org>. All rights
reserved. This version is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself
(i.e. it's free), so enjoy.
Thanks to Burkhard Weeber, James Golovich, Peter Bannis, and
others for contributions and comments that have improved this software.
RADIUS::Packet, RADIUS::Dictionary, Authen::Radius.
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