W3C::LogValidator::Basic - [W3C Log Validator] Sort Web server log entries by
popularity (hits)
use W3C::LogValidator::Basic;
my $b = new W3C::LogValidator::Basic;
$b->uris('http://www.w3.org/Overview.html', 'http://www.yahoo.com/index.html');
my $result_string= $b->process_list();
This module is part of the W3C::LogValidator suite, and simply gives back pages
sorted by popularity. This is an example of simple module for LogValidator.
- $b = W3C::LogValidator::Basic->new
- Constructs a new
"W3C::LogValidator:HTMLBasic" processor.
You might pass it a configuration hash reference (see
"config_module" in W3C::LogValidator and
W3C::LogValidator::Config) Particularly relevant for this module are the
"verbose", "MaxDocuments" and obviously
"tmpfile" (see
"process_list"). Pass the
configuration hash ref as follows:
$b = W3C::LogValidator::HTMLValidator->new(\%config);
- b->uris
- Returns a list of URIs to be processed (unless the configuration gives the
location for the hash of URI/hits berkeley file, see
"process_list" If an array is given as a
parameter, also sets the list of URIs and returns it. Note: while this
method is useful in other modules of W3C::LogValidator, this basic module
is here to sort URIs extracted from Log Files by popularity, this method
is hence rather useless for W3C::LogValidator::Basic.
- b->trim_uris
- Given a list of URIs of documents to process, returns a subset of this
list containing the URIs of documents the module supposedly can handle.
For this module, the decision is made based on the setting for
ExcludedAreas only
- b->process_list
- Formats the list of URIs sorted by popularity.
Returns a result hash. Keys for this hash are:
name (string): the name of the module, i.e "Basic"
intro (string): introduction to the processing results
thead (array): headers of the results table
trows (array of arrays): rows of the results table
outro (string): conclusion of the processing results
Public bug-tracking interface at http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/
Olivier Thereaux <ot@w3.org> for W3C
W3C::LogValidator, perl(1). Up-to-date complete info at