NAMEWWW::2ch - scraping of a popular bbs of Japan.SYNOPSISuse WWW::2ch; my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://live19.2ch.net/ogame/', cache => '/tmp/www2ch-cache'); $bbs->load_setting; $bbs->load_subject; foreach my $dat ($bbs->subject->threads) { $dat->load; my $one = $dat->res(1); print $dat->title . "\n"; print '>>1: ' . $one->body; foreach my $res ($dat->reslist) { print $res->resid . ':' . $res->date . "\n"; print $res->body_text . "\n"; } last; } my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://live19.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/ogame/1140947283/l50', cache => '/tmp/www2ch-cache'); my $dat = $bbs->subject->thread('1140947283'); $dat->load; # dat in cash is taken out my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://live19.2ch.net/ogame/', cache => '/home/ko/cpan/my/WWW-2ch/cache'); my $dat = $bbs->recall_dat('1141300600'); # parse dose dat from file my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://live19.2ch.net/ogame/', cache => '/home/ko/cpan/my/WWW-2ch/cache'); open my $fh, "test.dat" or return; my $data = join('', <$fh>); close($fh); my $dat = $bbs->parse_dat($data); # returns it with raw article data. $dat->dat; #plugin load my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://example.jp/test/read.cgi/ogame/1140947283/l50', cache => '/tmp/www2ch-cache', plugin => 'ExampleJp'); # plugin file load my $bbs = WWW::2ch->new(url => 'http://example.com/test/read.cgi/ogame/1140947283/l50', cache => '/tmp/www2ch-cache', plugin => '/usr/local/www-2ch/lib/ExampleCom.pm'); DESCRIPTIONIt is suitable for the scraping of a popular bbs of Japan.other BBS and the news sites and other sites are also possible by the addition of the plugin for scraping. Please take care with the flood control to an excessive access. Method
SEE ALSO<http://2ch.net/>, <http://www.monazilla.org/>, WWW::2ch::Subject, WWW::2ch::Dat, WWW::2ch::ResAUTHORKazuhiro Osawa <ko@yappo.ne.jp>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSECopyright (C) 2006 by Kazuhiro OsawaThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.5 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
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