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NAMEWWW::Comic::Plugin - Plugin superclass for WWW::ComicDESCRIPTIONThis is a plugin superclass for WWW::Comic from which all plugin modules are subclassed.METHODSEach plugin module should subclass WWW::Comic::Plugin, and support the following methods explicitly or through inheritance:new *MANDATORY*This method is mandatory. Your plugin must allow instantiation through this method.comicsThis method should return a list of comics which your plugin will support.The default superclassed "comics()" method will try to determine what comics your plugin supports by loogking for "$self-"{comics}>, which can be an array of hash of comic names. If it cannot find a suitable list of comics there, it will look for @WWW::Comic::Plugin::YourPlugin::COMICS or %WWW::Comic::Plugin::YourPlugin::COMICS. strip_url *MANDATORY*This method is mandatory. This method must return a valid comic strip image URL. A predefined LWP::UserAgent object can be obtained in order to perform this functionality by calling the superclassed "_new_agent()" method.This method should return an "undef" value upon failure. get_stripThe default superclassed "get_strip()" method will try and download a URL in to a scalar, and if it contains a valid GIF, JPEG or PNG image, it will return. The URL of the comic strip image can be passed as a paramater. If it is not passed, it will ask the "strip_url()" method for a comic strip URL.If you overload the default method, you should return "undef" on failure, or return the binary image data as a scalar if successful. You method should validate the binary image data as a valid GIF, JPEG or PNG image file by using the superclassed "_image_format()" method. mirror_stripThe default superclassed method will use the "get_strip()" method to download a comic image URL and then write it to disk. If no filename paramater is passed, it will assume a sensible default filename to write to disk based upon the comic strip URL that it is retrieving. It will return the name of the file that it wrote to disk.If you overload the default method, you should return "undef" on failure, or return the name of the file that was written to disk if successful. PRIVATE METHODSThe following private methods existing withing the WWW::Comic::Plugin module as utility methods. These are not intended to be part of the publically exposed and documented part of your plugin API._new_agentThis method returns an LWP::UserAgent object, preconfigured with sensible default paramaters._image_formatThis method accepts a single scalar argument which should contain binary image data. It will return a scalar value of "gif", "jpg" or "png" to match the format of the image.It will return an "undef" value if it is not a valid GIF, JPEG or PNG image. EXAMPLESSee inside WWW::Comic::Plugin::UFS, WWW::Comic::Plugin::uComics, WWW::Comic::Plugin::Dilbert, WWW::Comic::Plugin::VenusEnvy, WWW::Comic::Plugin::UserFriendly, WWW::Comic::Plugin::Goats and WWW::Comic::Plugin::MrWiggles.A good boiler plate example is WWW::Comic::Plugin::MrWiggles. VERSION$Id: Plugin.pm,v 1.7 2006/01/10 15:49:32 nicolaw Exp $AUTHORNicola Worthington <nicolaw@cpan.org><http://perlgirl.org.uk> COPYRIGHTCopyright 2006 Nicola Worthington.This software is licensed under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0>