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WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPI(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPI(3)

WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPI - Get contacts via Google Contacts Data API

    use WWW::Contact;
    use Data::Dumper;

    my $wc = WWW::Contact->new();
    my @contacts = $wc->get_contacts('', 'password');
    my $errstr   = $wc->errstr;
    die $errstr if ($errstr);
    print Dumper(\@contacts);

WWW::Contact::GoogleContactsAPI uses the Google Contacts Data API (<>) to retrieve all a user's contacts.

"$wc->get_contacts($email, $password)"
Login to Google using "email" and "password". Fetch all the given user's contacts. Return them as a list or, in a scalar context, as a reference to a list. Each element of the result represents one contact as a reference to a hash with one or more of the following keys (all fields are optional):
The contact's main name as a single string. This may be a person's full name or the name of an organisation.
A person's family name (surname or last name), usually shared with one or both parents.
A person's given name (christian name or first name).
An alternative name or alias for the contact.
An ordered list of references to pairs, "[$address, $type]", where $type is "home", "work", "other" or some custom label and $address is the corresponding e-mail address.
The first address in "emails", if any. Deprecated: use "$contact->{emails}->[0][0]".
As for "emails" but $address is a postal addresses, given as a single string.
The date of birth in the form "YYYY-MM-DD" or "--MM-DD".
The age in years today, calculated from the date of birth.
An ordered list of references to pairs, "[$date, $type]", where $date is the date of the event in the form "YYYY-MM-DD" and $type is the type of event, e.g. "anniversary".
An ordered list of references to pairs, "[$protocol, $address]", where $protocol is one of "gtalk", "jabber", "msn", "skype", "yahoo" and possibly others.
An ordered list of references to pairs, "[$number, $type]", where $type is one of "home", "work", "mobile" and possibly other values. $number may include punctuation and comments.
The time when this contact was last modified in the form "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ" where "T" is a literal "T", "SS.SSS" is seconds and milliseconds as a decimal and "Z" indicates the UTC time-zone.
Arbitrary text.
"child", "spouse", etc.
Relations are returned as references to lists of names (even mother and father).
An ordered list of reference to pairs, "[$organisation, $type]", where $organisation is a body this contact is associated with and $type is the type of relationship.
A reference to a list of group names
Custom fields
Any custom fields not recognised by the module are returned in the output hash with a simple string value.

WWW::Contact, WWW::Mechanize, Net::Google::AuthSub

Fayland Lam, "<fayland at>" Denis Howe, ""

Copyright 2008 Fayland Lam, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

2018-02-28 perl v5.32.1

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