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NAMEWWW::Myspace - Access MySpace.com profile information from PerlVERSIONVersion 0.92WARNINGMarch 2007: Using WWW::Myspace for commenting, messaging, or adding friends will probably get your Myspace account deleted or disabled.SYNOPSISWWW::Myspace.pm provides methods to access your myspace.com account and functions automatically. It provides a simple interface for scripts to log in, access lists of friends, scan user's profiles, retreive profile data, send messages, and post comments.use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = WWW::Myspace->new ($account, $password); OR my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; # Prompts for email and password unless ( $myspace->logged_in ) { die "Login failed: " . $myspace->error } my ( @friends ) = $myspace->get_friends(); This module is designed to help you automate and centralize redundant tasks so that you can better handle keeping in personal touch with numerous friends or fans, or coordinate fan communications among multiple band members. This module operates well within MySpace's security measures. If you're looking for a spambot, this ain't it. WWW::Myspace works by interacting with the site through a UserAgent object, using HTTP::Request::Form to process forms. Since by nature web sites are dynamic, if you find that some interaction with the site breaks, check for a new version of this module (or if you go source diving, submit a patch). You can run "cpan -i WWW::Myspace" as a cron job or before running your scripts, if appropriate, to make sure you have the latest version. SET OPTIONS / LOG INThe new method takes the following options, all of which are optional. See the accessor methods below for defaults. Any option can be passed in a hash or hashref to the "new" method, and retreived or set using the appropriate accessor method below.account_name => 'myaccount', password => 'mypass', cache_dir => '/path/to/dir', cache_file => 'filename', # $cache_dir/$cache_file auto_login => 1 # 1 or 0, default is 1. human => 1 # Go slow. Saves bandwidth. OPTION ACCESSORSThese methods can be used to set/retreive the respective option's value. They're also up top here to document the option, which can be passed directly to the "new" method.account_nameSets or returns the account name (email address) under which you're logged in. Note that the account name is retreived from the user or from your program depending on how you called the "new" method. You'll probably only use this accessor method to get account_name.EXAMPLE The following would prompt the user for their login information, then print out the account name: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; print $myspace->account_name; $myspace->account_name( 'other_account@myspace.com' ); $myspace->password( 'other_accounts_password' ); $myspace->site_login; WARNING: If you do change account_name, make sure you change password and call site_login. Changing account_name doesn't (currently) log you out, nor does it clear "password". If you change this and don't log in under the new account, it'll just have the wrong value, which will probably be ignored, but who knows. passwordSets or returns the password you used, or will use, to log in. See the warning under "account_name" above - same applies here.cache_dirWWW::Myspace stores the last account/password used in a cache file for convenience if the user's entering it. Other modules store other cache data as well.cache_dir sets or returns the directory in which we should store cache data. Defaults to $ENV{'HOME'}/.www-myspace. If using this from a CGI script, you will need to provide the account and password in the "new" method call, or call "new" with "auto_login => 0" so cache_dir will not be used. cache_fileSets or returns the name of the file into which the login cache data is stored. Defaults to login_cache.If using this from a CGI script, you will need to provide the account and password in the "new" method call, so cache_file will not be used. auto_loginReally only useful as an option passed to the "new" method when creating a new WWW::Myspace object.# Don't log in, just create a new object my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( auto_login => 0 ); Defaults to 1 for backwards compatibility. humanWhen set to a true value (which is the default), adds delays to make the module act more like a human. This is both to offset "faux security" measures, and to conserve bandwidth. If you're dumb enough to try to use multiple accounts to spam users who don't want to hear what you have to say, you should turn this off because it'll make your spamming go faster.max_get_attemptsThis is only here by request and should probably be left alone. Setting max_get_attempts controls the number of times the module will attempt to get a page. You can make your script really robust by setting this to a really high number. For example setting it to about 17280 would make the module try to get a given page for about 24 hours before giving up. Default is 20. You could also set this to a lower number if you wanted to be "nice" to Myspace, although set get_page mostly retries on errors, this is a bit pointless. Note though that on some occasions if a regular expression on the page being requested doesn't match (possibly due to a change in the site), get_page will keep trying a page that will never load up to max_get_attempts times.max_post_attemptsThis is the form version of max_get_attempts. This controls the number of times the submit_form function will attempt to submit a form before giving up. This defaults to 5. This should probably be kept at 5 since posting a form means you're usually sending some data (i.e. a comment), so in the event of a problem (such as the regular expression matching issue mentioned in max_get_attempts above), you could in theory be posting a successful form up to max_post_attempts times. In normal operation, however, submit_form will attempt to post until the post is successful, no matter what the outcome, so it will only retry if it gets an error page or the page doesn't match an expected regular expression. That is, when you're using myspace and have to keep trying things, submit_form does the same thing, but only up to max_post_attempts times. Change at your own risk.captcha_handlerThis can be set to a reference to a subroutine that will be called when a CAPTCHA is encountered. The subroutine will be passed two parameters: the value of the "captcha_handler_param" field (see below), and a hash reference containing the following elements:
The following elements may exist in the hash as well (always check that a value is defined before trying to use it) :
The handler is expected to return "undef" if it can't (or doesn't want to) provide a response to the CAPTCHA. Otherwise, it should return a hashref containing only one element:
Here is an example of a fully working CAPTCHA handler: sub my_captcha_handler { my $self = shift; # Unused in this handler my $data = shift; # Some people require that everyone solves a CAPTCHA to be able to add # them. As an example, we decide not to respond those CAPTCHAs. return if ( $data->{'friend_requires_captcha'} ); # Give up if 5 attempts to solve a CAPTCHA failed for the same action if ( defined $data->{'attempt'} && $data->{'attempt'} > 5 ) { warn "Failed ".($data->{'attempt'}-1)." times to solve CAPTCHA\n"; warn " for action '".$data->{'action'}."'\n" if $data->{'action'}; return; } my $filename = "captcha"; # Try to add a sensible filename extension if ($data->{'image_type'} eq "image/jpeg") { $filename .= ".jpg"; } elsif ($data->{'image_type'} eq "image/png") { $filename .= ".png"; } elsif ($data->{'image_type'} eq "image/gif") { $filename .= ".gif"; } # Save CAPTCHA image to file open FILE, ">$filename" or die "Couldn't write '$filename': $!\n"; print FILE $data->{'image_data'}; close FILE; # Ask user to manually input the solution print "Please see the CAPTCHA in '$filename' and enter the solution:\n"; my $response = <STDIN>; chomp $response; return { response => $response }; } use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; # Enable the user-defined CAPTCHA handler $myspace->captcha_handler(\&my_captcha_handler); # The CAPTCHA handler could be tested like this my $solution = $myspace->_handle_captcha( { image_url => 'http://www.example.com/captcha.png' } ); print "Got CAPTCHA solution: '$solution'\n"; captcha_handler_paramThis field's value is passed as the first parameter to the CAPTCHA handler. By default it contains "undef". Some examples of how this can be used are:
captcha_killer_api_keyIf you have an API key for captchakiller.com, you can set it using this method, or pass it to the "new" method when creating the myspace object. Methods that support it will use captchakiller to process captchas.use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( captcha_killer_api_key => 'asdfjhasdfe' ); When this value is set, "captcha_handler" will be automatically set to the built-in Captcha Killer handler. captcha_triesThis setting is for the Captcha Killer handler only.Sets or returns the number of attempts that should be made to retreive the catpcha code (basically, how long it should wait before it gives up - each try takes about 5 seconds). Defaults to 20. new( $account, $password )new( )If called without the optional account and password, the new method looks in a user-specific preferences file in the user's home directory for the last-used account and password. It prompts for the username and password with which to log in, providing the last-used data (from the preferences file) as defaults.Once the account and password have been retreived, the new method automatically invokes the "site_login" method and returns a new WWW::Myspace object reference. The new object already contains the content of the user's "home" page, the user's friend ID, and a UserAgent object used internally as the "browser" that is used by all methods in the WWW::Myspace class. Myspace.pm is now a subclass of WWW::Myspace::MyBase (I couldn't resist, sorry), which basically just means you can call new in many ways: EXAMPLES use WWW::Myspace; # Prompt for username and password my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; # Pass just username and password my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( 'my@email.com', 'mypass' ); # Pass options as a hashref my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( { account_name => 'my@email.com', password => 'mypass', cache_file => 'passcache', } ); # Hash my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( account_name => 'my@email.com', password => 'mypass', cache_file => 'passcache', auto_login => 0, ); # Print my friend ID print $myspace->my_friend_id; # Print the contents of the home page print $myspace->current_page->decoded_content; # Print all my friends with a link to their profile. @friend_ids = $myspace->get_friends; foreach $id ( @friend_ids ) { print 'http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?'. 'fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID='. ${id}."\n"; } # How many friends do we have? (Note: we don't include Tom # because he's everybody's friend and we don't want to be # bugging him with comments and such). print @friend_ids . " friends (not incl Tom)\n"; It is possible to detect if the supplied username or password were invalid by doing the following: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; if ( $myspace->error =~ qr/Login Failed.*username.*password/is ) { die "Invalid username or password!\n"; } site_loginLogs into the myspace account identified by the "account_name" and "password" options. You don't need to call this right now, because "new" does it for you. BUT I PLAN TO CHANGE THAT. You don't need to be logged in to access certain functions, so it's semi-silly to make you log in the second you call "new". Plus, it's not good practice to have "new" require stuff. Bad me.If you call the new method with "auto_login => 0", you'll need to call this method if you want to log in. It's also called automatically if the _check_login method finds that you've been mysteriously logged out, for example if Myspace.com were written in Cold Fusion running on Windows. If the login gets a "you must be logged-in" page when you first try to log in, $myspace->error will be set to an error message that says to check the username and password. Once login is successful for a given username/password combination, the object "remembers" that the username/password is valid, and if it encounters a "you must be logged-in" page, it will try up to 20 times to re-login. Clever, huh? _set_locale( $locale )Changes the locale in use by the current Myspace session. This is called immediately after login to set the locale to en-US. This is necessary for the module's regexp matches to work as intended.The "locale" parameter is in ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 format, e.g. 'en-US'. At present, this is implemented by modifying the MSCulture cookie directly, changing the PreferredCulture setting. This mimics the behaviour of the JavaScript used on the website. _get_login_forms( $page )Attempts to identify any login forms on the page whose HTML content is given by $page. Login forms are identified by the presence of inputs for both email address and password.Returns an array containing zero or more hashes, each representing a login form that was found on the page. The hashes are stored in the array in the same order the forms were declared in the HTML of $<%page>. Each hash provides the following key-value pairs:
Security warning: submitting login credentials to login forms detected on any page other than the homepage may be unsafe. mech_paramsPass this parameters you wish the WWW::Mechanize object to use, inside a hash reference. for example:$myspace->mech_params({ onerror => undef, agent => 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)' stack_depth => 1, quiet => 1, }); See the docs for WWW::Mechanize for more information. You should really know what you are doing before using this feature. logoutClears the current web browsing object and resets any login-specific internal values. Currently this drops and creates a new WWW::Mechanize object. This may change in the future to actually clicking "logout" or something.get_login_formThis handy little convenience method returns a string of HTML code that is a login form pre-filled with the account_name and password. I use it in a little "Dashboard" script I wrote that displays the notifications and a Login button.use WWW::Myspace; use CGI qw/:standard/;; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; # Display a login form print header, start_html('Is it worth logging in?'), $myspace->get_login_form, end_html; CHECK STATUSlogged_inReturns true if login was successful. When you call the new method of WWW::Myspace, the class logs in using the username and password you provided (or that it prompted for). It then retreives your "home" page (the one you see when you click the "Home" button on myspace.com, and checks it against an RE. If the page matches the RE, logged_in is set to a true value. Otherwise it's set to a false value.Notes: - This method is only set on login. If you're logged out somehow, this method won't tell you that (yet - I may add that later). - The internal login method calls this method to set the value. You can (currently) call logged_in with a value, and it'll set it, but that would be stupid, and it might not work later anyway, so don't. Examples: my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; unless ( $myspace->logged_in ) { die "Login failed\n"; } # This will try forever to log in my $myspace; do { $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( $username, $password ); } until ( $myspace->logged_in ); errorThis value is set by some methods to return an error message. If there's no error, it returns a false value, so you can do this:$myspace->get_profile( 12345 ); if ( $myspace->error ) { warn $myspace->error . "\n"; } else { # Do stuff } current_pageReturns a reference to an HTTP::Response object that contains the last page retreived by the WWW::Myspace object. All methods (i.e. get_page, post_comment, get_profile, etc) set this value.EXAMPLE The following will print the content of the user's profile page: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; print $myspace->current_page->decoded_content; mechThe internal WWW::Mechanize object. Use at your own risk: I don't promise this method will stay here or work the same in the future. The internal methods used to access Myspace are subject to change at any time, including using something different than WWW::Mechanize.GET INFOget_notificationsReturns a hash of status codes and printable indicators for "New" indicators ("New Messages!", "New Comments!", etc). Note that you probably want to call this right after logging in, as if you use any of the "read" methods, Myspace will reset that indicator. For example, if you use "get_inbox", Myspace will think you looked at your mail.Codes returned are: NC => New Comments! NM => New Messages! NFR => New Friend Requests! NIC => New Image Comments! EV => New Event Invitation! BC => New Blog Comments! BP => New Blog Posts! # Print all notifications use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( $account, $password ); my $notifiers = $myspace->get_notifications; foreach $code ( keys( %notifiers ) ) { print $notifiers{ $code }; } # CGI script to display notifications and a Login button # to click if it's worth logging in (be sure you provide the # account and password ;-): use CGI qw/:standard/; use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( $account, $password ); print header, start_html('Is it worth logging in?'); my ( %notifiers ) = $myspace->get_notifications; foreach $code ( keys( %notifiers ) ) { print $notifiers{ $code }, br; } print p, $myspace->get_login_form, p, end_html; my_friend_idReturns the friendID of the user you're logged in as. Croaks if you're not logged in.EXAMPLE print $myspace->my_friend_id; is_band( [friend_id] )Returns true if friend_id is a band profile. If friend_id isn't passed, returns true if the account you're logged in under is a band account. If it can't get the profile page it returns -1 and you can check $myspace->error for the reason (returns a printable message). This is used by send_friend_request to not send friend requests to people who don't accept them from bands, as myspace passively accepts the friend request without displaying an error, but doesn't add the friend request.EXAMPLE $myspace->is_band( $friend_id ); if ( $myspace->error ) { die $myspace->error . "\n"; } else { print "They're a band, go listen to them!\n"; } IMPORTANT: You can NOT assume that a profile is a personal profile if is_band is false. It could be a film profile or some future type of profile. There is currently no test for a personal or film profile. is_comedy( [ $friend_id | friend_id => $friend_id ] [ page => $page ] );Returns true if the specified profile is a comedy page. The method checks for the existence of the "Myspace Comedy" graphic on the page.is_private( friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page )Returns true if we think the profile has been set to private. You should note that you will get the most accurate results if you use this method while *not* logged in. If you *are* logged in and you check the profile of someone who is your friend, you will never get a true response returned you, even if this person has their profile set to private. There will be no warnings or errors if you call this method while logged in. We trust you'll "do the right thing".You can choose to pass either a friend_id OR a Myspace profile page in the form of a response object. You may use the get_profile method or just fetch the page on your own use WWW::Mechanize or an object which provides a $obj->decoded_content method. Returns true (1) if profile is private. Otherwise returns false (0). Returns undef and sets $myspace->error if there is an error. # Thorough privacy check with error checking if ( $myspace->is_private( friend_id => $friend_id ) ) { print "Ooh, it's private...\n"; } elsif ( $myspace->error ) { print $myspace->error; } else { print "It's so not private.\n"; } is_invalid( friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page )Returns true if we think the profile is invalid or disabled.You can choose to pass either a friend_id OR a Myspace profile page in the form of a response object. You may use the get_profile method or just fetch the page on your own use WWW::Mechanize or an object which provides a $obj->decoded_content method. Returns true (1) if profile is invalid/disabled. Otherwise returns false (0). Returns undef and sets $myspace->error if there is an error. # Thorough invalid profile check with error checking if ( $myspace->is_invalid( friend_id => $friend_id ) ) { print "Profile is invalid or disabled.\n"; } elsif ( $myspace->error ) { print $myspace->error; } else { print "Profile seems fine to me.\n"; } user_nameReturns the profile name of the logged in account. This is the name that shows up at the top of your profile page above your picture. This is NOT the account name.Normally you'll only retreive the value with this method. When logging in, the internal login method calls this routine with the contents of the profile page and this method extracts the user_name from the page code. You can, if you really need to, call user_name with the contents of a page to have it extract the user_name from it. This may not be supported in the future, so it's not recommended. friend_user_name( [friend_id] )Returns the profile name of the friend specified by friend_id. This is the name that shows up at the top of their profile page above their picture.If no friend_id is specified, this method scans the current page so you can do: $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); print $myspace->friend_user_name; (Note, DON'T go using this to sign comments because most users use funky names and it'll just look cheesy. If you really want to personalize things, write a table mapping friend IDs to first names - you'll have to enter them yourself). friend_url( [friend_id] )Returns the custom URL of friend_id's profile page. If they haven't specified one, it returns an empty string.Example: foreach my $friend_id ( $myspace->get_friends ) { my $url = $myspace->friend_url( $friend_id ); if ( $url ) { print 'Friend's custom URL: http://www.myspace.com/' . $myspace->friend_url( $friend_id ); } else { print 'Friend doesn't have a custom URL. Use: '. 'http://www.myspace.com/' . $friend_id; } } If no friend_id is specified, this method scans the current page so you can do: $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); print $myspace->friend_url; friend_id ( friend_url )Returns the friend_id corresponding to a given custom URL. (This is basically the reverse of friend_url).# Print the friendID of Amber G: myspace.com/iamamberg print $myspace->friend_id("iamamberg"); > 37033247 If no friend_url is specified, this method scans the current page so you can do: $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); print $myspace->friend_url; "get_real_name( [ $friend_id | friend_id =" $friend_id | page => $page ] )>Tries to determine the real name of the person whose profile is specified. It does this by looking for "my name is ____" or "my real name is _____" on their profile page. The regex used takes several common myspace grammar/spelling erorrs into account.If passed no arguments, real_name parses the current page. If passed a friend_id, it calls get_profile to retrieve the friend's profile page. If passed a page (an HTTP::Response object), it parses $page->decoded_content. friend_countReturns the logged in user's friend count as displayed on the profile page ("You have NN friends").Note that due to one of WWW::Myspace's many bugs, this count may not be equal to the count of friends returned by get_friends. Like the user_name method, friend_count is called by the internal login method with the contents of the user's profile page, from which it extracts the friend count using a regexp on the "You have NN friends" string. If you need to, you can do so also, but again this might not be supported in the future so do so at your own risk. last_login_ymd ( [$friend_id || $friend_url || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page] )Returns the "Last Login" date for a profile in YYYY-MM-DD form (ISO 8601).Parameter is the same as for "last_login"; please refer to that function's documentation. This date format allows lexical comparisons to be made, for example: # Remember to use eq, gt, lt here instead of ==, <, > if ( $myspace->last_login_ymd( $friend_id ) lt "2005-04" ) { print "They haven't logged in since before April 2005!\n" } Returns "undef" on failure. last_login( [$friend_id || $friend_url || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page] )Returns the "Last Login" date for a profile in POSIX time format, aka UNIX time: seconds since the epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) excluding leap seconds.Parameter can be a friend ID, a friend URL, or a previously-retrieved HTTP::Response object; if unspecified it will use the current page, for example: $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime( $myspace->last_login ); or: if ( $myspace->last_login( $friend_id ) < today - 86400 * 90 ) { print "They haven't logged in in 90 days!\n" } Returns "undef" on failure. get_profile( $friend_id || $friend_url )Gets the profile identified by either $friend_id or $friend_url. That means both of these will work:$myspace->get_profile( "12345" ); $myspace->get_profile( "hilaryduff" ); Returns a reference to an HTTP::Response object for the profile page. The following displays the HTML source code of the profile identified by $friend_id: my $res = $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); print $res->decoded_content; profile_views( $friend_id || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page )Returns the listed number of Profile Views for a given friend_id. This has only been tested on band profiles. You can choose to pass either a friend_id OR a Myspace profile page in the form of a response object. You may use the get_profile method or just fetch the page on your own use WWW::Mechanize or an object which provides a $obj->decoded_content method.EXAMPLE my $views = $myspace->profile_views( friend_id => $friend_id ); OR my $page = $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); $myspace->profile_views( page => $page ); comment_count( $friend_id || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page )Returns the listed number comments posted a given friend_id. Behaves the same way as profile_views. See profile_views for documentation on passing parameters to this function.get_basic_info( $friend_id || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page );This routine takes either a friend_id or a page response object and returns a hash of information containing:country - country in profile (names of countries are as standardized on MySpace) cityregion - the line with city and region information (this is free text) headline - whatever it says next to the picture (including quotes) lastlogin - date of last login city - city* region - region* in addition, for profiles of individuals returns age - as number gender - as text, either male or female while for band/music profile returns profileviews - number of people that checked the profile EXAMPLE: my ( %info ) = $myspace->get_basic_info( $friend_id ); print "Your friend is $info{'age'} years old and is a $info{'gender'}.\n"; # sample output: Your friend is 25 years old and is a female. * Note: MySpace joins the profile data from city and region to one line (such as Berlin, Germany). However, both city and region are free text so people can write whatever they want. What is more, region and city is optional. This function tries to extract the city and the region by splitting cityregion at the last comma and do some other guesswork if there is only one value. However, it might not work (depending on the profile information) so both city and region can either be undefined or empty. See profile_views for documentation on passing parameters to this function. "get_comments( friend_id =" $friend_id, last_comment_time => time(), last_comment => comment_id )>Returns a list of hashrefs, like "get_inbox", of comments left for the profile indicated by $friend_id.Returns the logged-in user's comments if no friend_id is specified. if last_comment_time is specified, returns comments left at the same time or more recently than the time specified. last_comment_time is a UTC time value (i.e. what "time" returns). This should work as expected if you convert your local time, as it is compared to the "time" return value (see below), which is also converted to UTC. For example, "last_comment_time => time - 3600" will return all comments left within the last hour. "last_comment_time => time( 2007, 11, 01, 14, 00 )" will return comments left since 2PM Nov 1, 2007 in your server's time zone. (I might have the format to "time" wrong there, but hopefully you get the idea that comment times are given to your server in your server's local time and this module converts all those times to UTC for comparison). If last_comment_id is specified, get_comments will return all comments left AFTER the specified comment. Note that the comment_id might not be a "real" unique ID, so this could break. get_comments returns a maximum of 100 pages of comments (about 5000). This limit was added in version 0.66 to prevent the method from "running away" if myspace changes the code for which the method looks when gathering the comments. It was updated from 50 to 100 pages in version 0.73. Each list element contains: { comment_id => $comment_id # Myspace's unique ID for this comment (might change/break) sender => $friend_id, # friendID of the person who sent the comment sendername => $name, # Profile "name" of the person who sent the comment date => $date_time, # As formatted on MySpace time => $datetime, # time the comment was left in "time" format. comment => $string # HTML of the comment. } Note: The comment_id is used in myspace's "delete" buttons - it might be a unique ID, or it could change in the future. Try not to depend on it for long-term dependencies. Short-term it might work. Comments are returned in the order in which they appear on myspace (currently most recent first). Dies if called when not logged in. get_profile_type( $friend_id || friend_id => $friend_id || page => $page )Can take either a friend id or a page response object and returns an integer that indicates the type of MySpace profile.The codes are as follows 1 individual profile 2 band profile (detected by looking for the MySpace Music logo) 3 film profile (detected by looking for the MySpace Film logo) 4 comedy profile (detected by looking for the MySpace Comedy logo) First we try to look for all the non-individual profiles. If these do not match, we try to make sure that we have at least a "Last Login" date on the profile to make sure that this is really an individual's profile. returns undef and sets an error if nothing of the above matches. get_birthdaysReturns a hash of the birthdays from View Upcoming Birthdays as friendID => birthday, friend_id => birthday, ...Croaks if called when not logged in. Example: my ( %birthays ) = $myspace->get_birthdays; foreach my $friend ( keys( %birthdays ) ) { print "Friend ${friend}'s birthday is on ". $birthdays{"$friend"} . "\n"; } EDIT ACCOUNTget_photo_ids( %options )Each of your profile's photos is stored using a unique ID number.This method returns a list of the IDS of the photos in your profile's photo section. The only valid option at this time is: friend_id => $friend_id Defaults to your friendID. Croaks if called when not logged in. set_default_photo( photo_id => $photo_id )Sets your profile's default photo to the photo_id specified.Example: Set your default photo to a random photo. use WWW::Myspace 0.60; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; my @ids = $myspace->get_photo_ids; $myspace->set_default_photo( $ids[ int( rand( @ids ) ) ] ); FIND PEOPLE"find_friend( $email )"Takes an email address and returns one or more matching friend IDsSets "$myspace-"error> on failure. Example: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace=new WWW::Myspace( auto_login=>0 ); my $email = shift; my ( @friend_ids ) = $myspace->find_friend( $email ); if ( $myspace->error ) { die $myspace->error; } elsif ( @friend_ids ) { print "${email}'s friendID is @friend_ids\n"; } else { print "Don't think $email is on myspace, sorry\n"; } "search_friend_list( $name )"Takes a name to search for and returns a list of the friend_ids of the owner. Per Myspace's page, "You can search for display name, full name, MySpace URL or email."It does so by clicking "View Friends" and filling in the "Search Friend List" form. Example: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace=new WWW::Myspace; my $name = shift; my ( @friend_ids ) = $myspace->search_friend_list( $name ); if ( $myspace->error ) { die $myspace->error; } elsif ( @friend_ids ) { print "Search for $name yielded these friendID's: ", join(', ", @friend_ids); } else { print "No friend's matched the search for $name."; } browseCall browse with a hashref of your search criteria and it returns a list of friendIDs that match your criteria.This is a complex form. Don't trust the defaults you see in your web browser. Easiest thing to do is paste this into your script and change the values you want. (This example script looks up the specified criteria and dumps a list of friendIDs in YAML). use WWW::Myspace; use YAML; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( human => 0, auto_login => 0 ); my @friends = $myspace->browse( { 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$Scope' => 'scopeFullNetwork', # or 'scopeMyFriends' 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$Gender' => 'genderWomen', # or 'genderMen', 'genderBoth' 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$minAge' => 18, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$maxAge' => 35, # Marital Status 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$statusSingle' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$statusInRelationship' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$statusSwinger' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$statusMarried' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$statusDivorced' => 'off', # Here for 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$motiveDating' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$motiveNetworking' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$motiveRelationships' => 'on', # Location (there are MANY country values. Check the browse page # source (see below)). 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$country' => 'US', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$zipRadius' => 20, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$zipCode' => 91604, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$region' => 'Any', # Photos 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$showHasPhotoOnly' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$showNamePhotoOnly' => 'on', # Leave this on for speed. # Ethnicity 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$asian' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$white' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$black' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$eastIndian' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$latino' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$midEastern' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$nativeAmer' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$ethnOther' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$pacIslander' => 'off', # Body Type 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$slimSlender' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$average' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$moreToLove' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$athletic' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$littleExtra' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$bodyBuilder' => 'off', # Height 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$Height' => 'heightBetween', # or 'heightNoPreference' 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$minFoot' => 5, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$minInch' => 0, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$maxFoot' => 6, 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$maxInch' => 0, # Background & Lifestyle 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$Smoker' => 'smokerBoth', # or 'smokerNo', 'smokerYes' 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$Drinker' => 'drinkerBoth', # or 'drinkerNo', 'drinkerYes' 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$straight' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$bi' => 'on', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$gay' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$notSure' => 'off', # Education (note: all off means no preference) 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$highSchool' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$inCollege' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$gradSchool' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$someCollege' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$collegeGrad' => 'off', 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$postGrad' => 'off', # Religion 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$religion' => 'NoPreference', # Possible Values Are: # NoPreference # Agnostic # Atheist # Buddhist # Catholic # ChristianOther # Hindu # Jewish # Mormon # Muslim # Other # Protestant # Scientologist # Taoist # Wiccan # Income 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$income' => 'NoPreference', # Possible Values Are: # NoPreference # LessThan30000 # From30000To45000 # From45000To60000 # From60000To75000 # From75000To100000 # From100000To150000 # From150000To250000 # From250000ToHigher # Children 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$children' => 'NoPreference', # Possible Values Are: # NoPreference # IDontWantKids # Someday # Undecided # LoveKidsButNotForMe # Proud parent # Sort By (last login is good to weed out dead accounts) 'ctl00$Main$ctl00$SortBy' => 'sortByLastLogin', # Possible Values Are: # sortByLastLogin # sortByNewToMySpace # sortByDistance } ); print Dump( @friends ); I'm not sure how I'm going to make the criteria passing easier. I'm also concerned about your script breaking if they change the browse form variable names. So maybe I'll add a mapping later. The values above are current, and you can copy/paste that code, change the values, and browse away. If you need to look at values (i.e. something's not working or you need to change "Location" fields): Go to the browse page: http://browseusers.myspace.com/browse/Browse.aspx Switch to Advanced mode and enter your search criteria. View Source in your web browser and find "<form". The second form should be named "aspnetForm". Look through the input tags on the form (hint: find "<input"), entering name and value pairs as above for your search criteria. Many/most of them are in the example above, but myspace does weird things like differentiate checkboxes solely by their name instead of name and value (i.e. you'd expect multiple inputs with name="ct100$Main$SexualPreference" , and value="straight", value="bi", etc, but instead there are inputs with name="ct100$Main$straight" and name="ct100$Main$bi" and no value attribute at all). Note: to "check" a checkbox with no "value" attribute, use 'on' to turn it on, 'off' to turn it off. If you don't specify a field/checkbox in in your search criteria, you'll get the default value, which is hard to determine with this weird form (and is quite possibly NOT the default value you'll see if you open the page in your web browser). _browse_next( $page )The browse form's Next button calls a JavaScript function that sets "action" and "page" in the browse form and "clicks" submit. So we do the same here. Called by browse to simulate clicking "next"._browse_action( $function_name )Gets the action set by the specificied function on the Browse page.cool_new_people( $country_code )2008-08-12 -- this feature no longer exists at Myspace. It has been replaced by a similar feature on the homepage whcih may be supported in the future by WWW::Myspace. This function is disabled until then.This method provides you with a list of "cool new people". Currently Myspace saves the "cool new people" data to a JavaScript file which is named something like this: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/js/coolNewPeople_us.js Since these files are named using country codes, you'll need to provide the ISO 3166-1 two letter code country code for the list you'd like to get. For example, $myspace->cool_new_people( 'US' ) When called in a list context, this function returns the friend ids of the cool folks: my @friend_ids = $myspace->cool_new_people( 'US' ); If you treat the return value as a hash reference, you'll get a hash keyed on friend ids. The values consist of hash references containing the urls of the friend thumbnails (thumb_url) as well as their display names (friend_user_name). There will probably be about 200 keys returned in the hash. my $cool = $myspace->cool_new_people('US'); my %cool_new_people = %{$cool}; %cool_new_people = { ... 'friend_id' => { 'thumb_url' => 'url_to_jpg_here', 'friend_user_name' => 'friend display name here' }, ... } So far, we know of 4 country-specific cool new people lists: AU, CA, UK/GB and US Submitting any of these values to the function should return valid friend ids. If you want to check for other countries for which cool people lists may exist, you can do something like this: use Locale::SubCountry; my $world = new Locale::SubCountry::World; my %countries = $world->code_full_name_hash(); my @country_codes = sort keys %countries; foreach my $country_code ( @country_codes ) { my %cool_people = $myspace->cool_new_people($country_code); if (%cool_people) { print "$country_code $countries{$country_code} has cool folks\n"; } else { print "****** $country_code\n"; } } get_friends( %options )NOTE: As of version 0.59, "source => inbox" has been removed due to a formatting change in Myspace.com. Use the "friends_who_emailed" method instead.This method is a complete re-write as of version 0.62. Please see the Changes file. Returns, as a list of friendIDs, all of your friends. It does not include Tom, because he's everybody's friend and when you're debugging your band central CGI page it's probably best to limit your mistakes to actual friends. # Simplest form - gets your friends. @friends = $myspace->get_friends; # Advanced form @friends = $myspace->( source => 'group', # 'profile', 'group', 'inbox', or '' id => $group_id, # friendID or groupID as appropriate start_page => $start_page # Start on this page. Starts on page 1 if not included. end_page => $end_page, # Stop on this page. Goes to last page if not included. max_count => 300, # Number of friends to return ); Accepts the following options: source: "profile" or "group" If not specified, gets your friends. profile: Get friends from the profile specified by the "id" option. group: Get the friends from the group specified by the "id" option. id: The friendID or groupID (depending on "source"). "id" is only needed for "profile" or "group". (See the "friends_in_group" method for more info). start_page: Start on this page. end_page: Stop on this page. $myspace->get_friends( end_page => 5 ); If not specified, gets all pages. See note below about interaction with other options. max_count: Return this many friendIDs. $myspace->get_friends( max_count => 300 ); Stops searching and returns when max_count is reached. (See note below). exclude: Ignored as of version 0.62. Previous versions took this as a list of friends to exclude. If you specify max_count and end_page, get_friends will stop when it hits the earliest condition that matches. max_count may return up to 40 more friends than you specify. This is because it reads each friend page, and returns when it's gathered max_count or more friends (and there are 40 per page). Myspace trivia: The friends on friends lists are sorted by friendID. Croaks if called with no arguments (i.e. to get your friends) and you're not logged in. friends_from_profile( %options )Returns a list of the friends of the profile(s) specified by the "id" option. id can be a friendID or a reference to an array of friendIDs. If passed a list of friend IDs, scans each profile and returns a sorted, unique list of friendIDs. Yes, that means if you pass 5 friendIDs and they have friends in common, you'll only get each friendID once. You're welcome.Also accepts the same options as the get_friends method (end_page, max_count, etc). Examples: # Band 12345 and 54366 sound like us, get their friends list @similar_bands_friends= $myspace->friends_from_profile( id => [ 12345, 54366 ] ); # Get the first 500 friends from profile 12345 @friends = $myspace->friends_from_profile( id => 12345, max_count => 500 ); friends_in_group( group_id );Convenience method; the same as calling:get_friends( source => 'group', id => $group_id ) Returns a list of the friend IDs of all people in the group identified by "group_id". Tom is excluded from this list (as is the case when using the "get_friends" method directly). Example: my @hilary_fans = $myspace->friends_in_group( 100011592 ); @hilary_fans will now contain the friend ID of everyone in the Hilary Duff Fan Club group (group ID 100011592). The group ID can be found immediately after "groupid=" in the URL of the group's page on Myspace, for example: http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=groups.groupProfile&groupid=100011592 friends_who_emailedConvenience method. Reads messages from "inbox" method and returns a list of senders.This used to be the same as calling "get_friends( source => 'inbox' )", but Myspace changed the way the inbox paging wored and it was more practical to read from the inbox method. Changed in 0.59. Returns, as a list of friend IDs, all friends with messages in your inbox (mail). Note that this only tells you who you have mail from, not how many messages, nor does it contain any method to link to those messages. Use "inbox" for that. This method is primarily designed to aid in auto-responding programs that want to not contact (comment or email) people who have sent messages so someone can attend to them personally. Frankly, it was written before "inbox" and may be deprecated in the future. Croaks if you're not logged in. @friends = $myspace->friends_who_emailed; search_musicSearch for bands using the search music form.Takes a hashref containing field => value pairs that are passed directly to submit_form to set the search criteria. http://musicsearch.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=music.search The easiest way I've found to get your values is to fill them in on the search form, click "Update", then look at the page source. Scroll to the botton where "PageForm" is and you'll see the values you selected. Put the pertinent ones (i.e. things you changed) into your script. Note that the field *names* are different, so just take the values, and use the names as described below. Any value the form can take (present or future) can be passed, so in theory you could write a CGI front-end also that just had the form, posted the values to itself, then used those values to call this method (i.e. do what I suggested above automatically). Here are the currently available form labels/values (looking at the form helps): genreID: See the form for values search_term: 0: Band Name 1: Band Bio 2: Band Members 3: Influences 4: Sounds like keywords: text field. Use it if you're searching by band name, etc. Country: Labeled "Location" in the form. See the form source for values. localType: The radio buttons. Set to: countryState: To search by Country / State distanceZip: To search by distance and zip code. if localType is "countryState", set this: state: State code (like the post office uses, thankfully. See form code if you have any questions). If localType is "distanceZip", set these: zip: The 5-digit zip code. distance: Distance from zip code [0|5|10|20|50|100|500]. 0="Any" and is the default. OrderBy: [ 5 = Plays | 4 = Friends |3 = New | 2 = Alphabetical ] Default is 2. IMPORTANT: Results are currently sorted by friendID regardless of the OrderBy setting. For those who care about details, here's how the Search Music page works: There are three forms on the page, the generic "search" form in the nav bar, a second form called "myForm" that is the user-modified update form, and a third form called "PageForm" that is actually used to pass the values. PageForm is updated with the values after "update" is clicked in myForm. Clicking "Next" just sets (using JavaScript in Myspace) the page value in PageForm and submits PageForm. Oddly enough, PageForm ends up being a "GET", so you could theoretically just loop through using URLs. But we don't, we fill in the form like a browser would. CONTACT PEOPLEThese methods interact with other users.post_comment( $friend_id, $message )Post $message as a comment for the friend identified by $friend_id. The routine confirms success or failure by reading the resulting page. It returns a status string as follows:P => Passed! Verification string received. PA => Passed, requires approval. FF => Failed, you must be someone's friend to post a comment about them. FN => Failed, network error (couldn't get the page, etc). FC => Failed, CAPTCHA response requested. FI => Failed, Invalid friendID. FL => Failed, Add Comment link not found on profile page. F => Failed, verification string not found on page after posting. Warning: It is possible for the status code to return a false "Failed" if the form post is successful but the resulting page fails to load. If called in scalar context, it returns the status code. If called in list context, returns the status code and the description. EXAMPLE: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; foreach $id ( $myspace->friends_who_emailed ) { $status = $myspace->post_comment( $id, "Thanks for the message!" ) } # Get a printable status (and print it) ( $status, $desc ) = $myspace->post_comment( $id, "Thanks for being my friend!" ); print "Status of post: $desc\n"; post_comment loads $friend_id's profile page, clicks the "Add Comment" link, fills in, posts, and confirms a comment. If $friend_id is a non-true value (i.e. "0" or ''), post_comment will search for and click an "Add Comment" link on the last page loaded. This lets you do this without double-loading the profile page wasting time and bandwidth: $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); if ( $myspace->current_page->decoded_content =~ /something special/ ) { $myspace->post_comment( 0, "Your page is special!" ); } If called when you're not logged in, post_comment croaks to make you look stupid. See also the WWW::Myspace::Comment module that installs with the distribution. captchaIf post_comment returns "FC", the "captcha" method will return the URL to the CAPTCHA image that contains the text that the user must enter to post the comment.Psuedo-code example of how you can use this in a CGI script: my $response = $myspace->post_comment( 12345, 'This is a message' ); if ( $response eq 'FC' ) { # Get and display the image print '<form>\n'. "<img src='" . $myspace->captcha . "'>\n". '<input type=text name=\'CAPTCHAResponse\'>' . '<input type=submit>' . '</form>'; } # Post the comment $myspace->post_comment( 12345, 'This is a message', $captcha_response ); (Use in a CGI script is currently problematic since you'll lose the Myspace object. I'll try to write a better example later. You could try doing a YAML Dump and Load of the $myspace object...) comment_friends( $message )comment_friends( $message, { 'ignore_dup' => 1 } )This convenience method sends the message in $message to all of your friends. (Since you can only comment friends, it sends the comment to everyone you can).By default it will scan the user's profile page for a previous comment (by searching for your profile URL on the page, which also detects you if you're in their top 8 or otherwise linked to from their page). If called in the second form, it forgoes this duplicate checking (ignores duplicates), and posts anyway. Note that you'll probably want to use the WWW::Myspace::Comment module as if the process is interrupted (which is likely), this routine doesn't offer a way to recover. The WWW::Myspace::Comment module logs where comments have been left, scans for previous comments we've left on the user's page, and can stop after a specified number of posts to avoid triggering security measures. It can also be re-run without leaving duplicate comments. Of course, if you just want to whip off a quick comment to a few (less than 50) friends, this method's for you. EXAMPLE: A simple script to leave a comment saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone on your friends list: use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; $myspace->comment_friends( "Merry Christmas!" ); already_commentedReturns true if there is a link to our profile on "$friend_id"'s page. (If we've left a comment, there'll be a link).Note that if you're friends with this person and they have another link to your profile on their page, this will return true, even though you may not have left a comment. EXAMPLE my WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; foreach $friend_id ( $myspace->get_friends ) { unless ( $myspace->already_commented( $friend_id ) ) { $myspace->post_comment( $friend_id, "Hi, I haven't commented you before!" ) } } already_commented croaks if called when you're not logged in. get_inbox ( %options )Returns a reference to an array of hash references that contain data about the messages in your Myspace message inbox. The hashes contain:sender (friendID) sendername (friend's display name) status (Read, Unread, Sent, Replied) message_id (The unique ID of the message) subject (The subject of the message) The messages are returned IN ORDER with the newest first to oldest last (that is, the same order in which they'd appear if you were looking through your inbox). There is currently one option: end_msg => $message_id # Stop and return when # the message with this # messageID is reached. # Does NOT return message $message_id. end_page => $page_no # Stop and return after reading this page. page_no => $page_no # Only read this page of messages. (Must do page 1 first). end_msg is primarily used if you're caching your mail into a database. This lets you get all the mail since the last message you cached. get_inbox does not return the message matching $message_id (because you already have it). If there are no new messages before $message_id, returns an empty list. end_page will read up to and including the page specified. So if you pass "end_page => 1", it will read only the first page of messages. page_no is handy if you want to do some processing on the messages and step through the inbox one page at a time. See Example#3 below. I'm sure reading that first line made you as dizzy as it made me typing it. I think this says it all much more clearly: EXAMPLE # This script displays the contents of your inbox. use WWW::Myspace; $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; print "Getting inbox...\n"; my $messages = $myspace->get_inbox; # Display data for each message foreach $message ( @{$messages} ) { print "Sender: " . $message->{sender} . "\n"; print "Sendername: " . $message->{sendername} . "\n"; print "Status: " . $message->{status} . "\n"; print "messageID: " . $message->{message_id} . "\n"; print "Subject: " . $message->{subject} . "\n\n"; } (This script is in the sample_scripts directory, named "get_inbox"). EXAMPLE 2 # Read the messages since the last one we got my $last_msg = selectrow_array( "select message_id from mydatabase order by messagedate desc limit 1" ); # Sorry for the psuedocode, but hopefully you get the idea my $messages = $myspace->get_inbox( stop_at => $last_msg ) EXAMPLE 3 # Step through the inbox reading and processing unread messages # Note that you must call get_inbox with page_no = 1 first to # "go to" the inbox screen. Remember that WWW::Myspace just acts like # a person at a web browser. If you were on myspace, you'd have to log in, # click inbox, then click a page in the inbox. Calling get_inbox( page_no => 1) # does that for you. my $page_no=0; MESSAGE: { while ( $page_no++ ) { my $messages = $myspace->get_inbox( page_no => $page_no ); last MESSAGE if $myspace->error; last MESSAGE unless $messages; foreach my $msg ( @${messages}) { last MESSAGE unless $message->{status} eq "Unread"; &process_message( $msg ); } } "inbox" croaks if called when you're not logged in. inboxHere for backwards compatibility only. Use get_inbox instead. (Version 0.69)read_message( message_id )Returns a hashref containing the message identified by message_id.my $message_ref = $myspace->read_message( 123456 ); print 'From: ' . $message_ref->{'from'} . ."\n" . # Friend ID of sender 'Name: ' . $message_ref->{'fromname'} . ."\n" . # friend's display name 'Date: ' . $message_ref->{'date'} . ."\n" . # Date (as formatted on Myspace) 'Subject: ' . $message_ref->{'subject'} ."\n" . 'Body: ' . $message_ref->{'body'} . "\n" . # Message body 'URL: ' . $message_ref->{'url'} . "\n" . # URL to the message 'Message ID: ' . $message_ref->{'message_id'} . "\n"; # Message unique ID. The message subject and body are HTML, except that <br /> tags are turned into newlines in the message body (because myspace ads them at the end of each line). It could be argued that these should be left, but since they're added, not typed, we remove them. Other HTML is left as-is, except that if a message has a </div> tag in it, due to the way the message body is extracted from the page's HTML code, you'll only get the message body to the </div> tag. $message_ref->{'url'} is new as of WWW::Myspace 0.74. It's the URL to the message. If you go to that URL in your web browser (if you're logged into the account that can read that message), you'll be able to read the message. It's handy if you're writing a routine that caches or displays messages (perhaps filtering them), then displays the message with a link in case you want to read/delete/reply/etc the message on myspace. read_message croaks if you're not logged in. reply_message( $message_id, $reply_message )Reply to message $message_id using the text in the string $reply_message. Using this method is the equivilent of going to the message, clicking "Reply", and typing your message at the top of the window (where your cursor lands bby default). It properly retains the original message and once sent, the message status will show "Replied" in your myspace inbox.Returns a status code: P: Posted. Verified by HTTP response code and reading a regexp from the resulting page saying the message was sent. FC: Failed. A CAPTCHA response was requested. FF: Failed. The person's profile is set to private. You must be their friend to message them. FA: Failed. The person has set their status to "away". FE: Failed. The account has exceeded its daily usage. FN: Failed. The POST returned an unsuccessful HTTP response code. F: Failed. Post went through, but we didn't see the regexp on the resulting page (message may or may not have been sent). Example: my $status = $myspace->reply_message( 1234567, "Thanks for emailing me!" ); If you're not logged in? Croaks. send_message( $friend_id, $subject, $message, $add_friend_button )send_message( %options )Options are friend_id, subject, message, atf. Example: $status = $myspace->send_message( friend_id => 12345, subject => 'Hi there', message => 'This is the bestest message ever!', atf => 0, skip_re => 'i hate everyone', # Skip negative people ); The %options hash is the "correct" method of passing arguments as of version 0.53. The parameter based method is here for backwards-compatibility. The "message" parameter can also contain HTML, but note that some accounts remove HTML from incoming messages (it is not clear where in the account settings this is done). In that case the HTML would be replaced with dots (..), and that would include any <br> tags included in "message". Line breaks should use \n or \r\n instead. send_message sends a message to the user identified by "friend_id". If "atf" is a true value, HTML code for a "View My Profile" link will be added at the end of the message. (This was an Add To Friends button until Myspace started munging that code). If "skip_re" is defined, friend_id's profile will be matched against the RE. Whitespace will be compressed and the match will NOT be case-sensitive. So you can do this: skip_re => 'i hate everyone!* ?(<br>)?' And it will match: I Hate EVERYONE!!!! I hate everyone<br> I Hate EvEryone!!! <BR> etc. If "friend_id" is an untrue value (i.e. 0 or ''), send_message will look for a Send Message button (identified by a "fuseaction=mail.message" URL if you're curious) on the current page. This lets you do this efficiently: # Send a message only if the profile has "fancy regex" on their page $myspace->get_profile( $friend_id ); if ( $myspace->current_page =~ /fancy regex/ ) { $myspace->send_message( subject => "Hello", message => "I'm messaging you" ); } $status = $myspace->send_message( friend_id => 6221, subject => 'Hi Tom!', message => 'Just saying hi!', atf => 0 ); if ( $status eq "P" ) { print "Sent!\n" } else { print "Oops\n" } Returns a status code: P => Passed! Verification string received. FF => Failed, profile set to private. You must be their friend to message them. FN => Failed, network error (couldn't get the page, etc). FA => Failed, this person's status is set to "away". FS => Failed, skipped. Profile doesn't match RE. FE => Failed, you have exceeded your daily usage. FC => Failed, CAPTCHA response requested. FI => Failed, Invalid friend ID. F => Failed, verification string not found on page after posting. If called in list context, returns the status code and text description. ( $status, $desc ) = $myspace->send_message( $friend_id, $subject, $message ); print $desc . "\n"; See also WWW::Myspace::Message, which installs along with the distribution. (Croaks if called when you're not logged in). delete_message( @message_ids )Deletes the message(s) identified by @message_ids. Takes a list of messageIDs or of hashrefs with a message_id subcomponent (such as one gets from the "inbox" method). Croaks if called when not logged in.Deletes all messages in a single post. Returns true if it worked, false if not, and sets the "error" method to the error encountered. Example: # Delete message 12345 $myspace->delete_message( 12345 ); # File myspace mail where it belongs. $all_messages = $myspace->inbox; $myspace->delete_message( @{ $messages } ); approve_friend_requests( [ "message" ] )Looks for any new friend requests and approves them. Returns a list of friendIDs that were approved. If "message" is given, it will be posted as a comment to the new friends. If called when you're not logged in, approve_friend_requests will croak.If approve_friend_requests runs into a CAPTCHA response when posting comments, it will set $myspace->captcha to the URL of the CAPTCHA image. If no CAPTCHA was encountered, $myspace->captcha will be 0. So you can say: if ( $myspace->captcha ) { print "oh no!\n" } approve_friend_requests will approve all friends whether or not it can comment them as it approves first, then comments the list of approved friends. EXAMPLES # Approve any friend requests @friends_added = $myspace->approve_friend_requests; # Print the number of friends added and their friend IDs. print "Added " . @friends_added . " friends: @friends_added."; # Approve new frieds and leave them a thank you comment. @friends_added = $myspace->approve_friend_requests( "Thanks for adding me!\n\n- Your nww friend" ); Run it as a cron job. :) Note that "\n" is properly handled if you pass it literally also (i.e. from the command line). That is if you write this "approve_friends" script: #!/usr/bin/perl -w # usage: approve_friends [ "message" ] use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; $myspace->approve_friend_requests( @ARGV ); And run it as: approve_friends "Thanks for adding me\!\!\n\n- Me" You'll get newlines and not "\n" in the message. There, I even gave you your script. send_friend_request( $friend_id, $message )Send a friend request to the friend identified by $friend_id with the message $message. Croaks if not logged in.This is the same as going to their profile page and clicking the "add as friend" button and confirming that you want to add them. Returns a status code and a human-readable error message (yes, I copied these right out of the code to make sure they're correct): FF => 'Failed, this person is already your friend.', FN => 'Failed, network error (couldn\'t get the page, etc).', FL => 'Failed, Add Friend error clicking link on profile page', FP => 'Failed, you already have a pending friend request for this person', FB => 'Failed, this person does not accept friend requests from bands.', FA => 'Failed, this person requires an email address or last name to add them', FC => 'Failed, CAPTCHA response requested.', FU => 'Failed, CAPTCHA response required by user.', FE => 'Failed, user has exceeded their daily usage.', FM => 'Failed, message length greater than 150 characters.', P => 'Passed! Verification string received.', F => 'Failed, verification string not found on page after posting.', After send_friend_request posts a friend request, it searches for various Regular Expressions on the resulting page and sets the status code accordingly. The "F" response is of particular interest because it means that the request went through fine, but none of the known failure messages were received, but the verification message wasn't seen either. This means it -might- have gone through, but probably not. Of course, worst case here is you try again. Advanced features: If $message contains an array reference, send_friend_request will pick one of the elements at random as the message to send. This means you can do: $myspace->send_friend_request( $friend_id, [ 'Hi! I thought I\'d send you a message", 'Hello! I saw your profile and wanted to add you.', 'Hi, I\'m just adding you at random, hope you\'ll accept!' ] ); This can help add a bit more feeling to your requests. EXAMPLES # Send a friend request and get the response my $status = $myspace->send_friend_request( 12345 ); # Send a friend request and print the result my ( $status, $desc ) = $myspace->send_friend_request( 12345 ); print "Received code $status: $desc\n"; # Send a friend request and check for some status responses. my $status = $myspace->send_friend_request( 12345 ); if ( $status =~ /^P/ ) { print "Friend request sent\n"; } else { if ( $status eq 'FF' ) { print "This person is already your friend\n"; } elsif ( $status eq 'FC' ) { print "Received CAPTCHA image request\n"; } } # Send a bunch of friend requests my @posted = (); my @failed = (); foreach my $friend ( @friends ) { print "Posting to $friend: "; my $status = $myspace->send_friend_request( $friend ) if ( $status =~ /^P/ ) { print "Succeeded\n"; push ( @posted, $friend ); } else { print "Failed with code $status\n"; push ( @failed, $friend ); } # Stop if we got a CAPTCHA request. last if $status eq 'FC'; } # Do what you want with @posted and @failed. Also see the WWW::Myspace::FriendAdder module, which adds multiple friends and lets you enter CAPTCHA codes. send_friend_requests( @friend_ids )Send friend requests to multiple friends. Stops if it hits a CAPTCHA request. Doesn't currently give any indication of which requests succeeded or failed. Use the code example above for that. Croaks if you're not logged in.add_to_friendsConvenience method - same as send_friend_request. This method's here because the button on Myspace's site that the method emulates is usually labeled "Add to Friends".add_as_friendConvenience method - same as send_friend_request. This method's here Solely for backwards compatibility. Use add_to_friends or send_friend_request in new code.delete_friend( @friend_ids )Deletes the list of friend_ids passed from your list of friends.$myspace->delete_friend( 12345, 151133 ); Returns true if it posted ok, false if it didn't. Croaks if you're not logged in. send_event_invitation( $event_id, [ @friend_ids ] )Send an event invitation to each friend in @friend_ids. You need to add the event in Myspace first, then run a script that calls this method feeding it the event ID, which you can get from the URL of the page that lets you invite friends. If no friend IDs are passed, send_event_invitation calls the get_friends method and sends to all of your friends.The method returns a reference to 2 arrays, "passed", and "failed". Because it wil probably take a long time to run, it also prints a running report of the friends its inviting with "Passed" or "Failed": Inviting 12345: Passed Inviting 12346: Failed Known issue: If you already have people in your invitation list and this method attempts to add those friends again, it will cause substantial delays (up to a minute or two per friend ID). This is because submit_form will receive an error message and will retry the post 5 times for each friend. Example: my ( $passed, $failed ) = $myspace->send_event_invitation( $event_id, @friend_ids ); die $myspace->error if $myspace->error; print "Sent to:\n"; foreach $id ( @{ $passed } ) { print $id . "\n"; } print "Failed to send to:\n"; foreach $id ( @{ $failed } ) { print $id . "\n"; } See also the send_event_invitations sample script in the sample_scripts directory included with this distribution. send_group_invitation( $event_id, [ @friend_ids ] )Send a group invitation to each friend in @friend_ids. You need to add the group in Myspace first, then run a script that calls this method feeding it the group ID, which you can get from the URL of the group's page. If no friend IDs are passed, send_event_invitation calls the get_friends method and sends to all of your friends.The method returns a reference to 2 arrays, "passed", and "failed". Because it wil probably take a long time to run, it also prints a running report of the friends its inviting with "Passed" or "Failed": Inviting 12345: Passed Inviting 12346: Failed You're only allowed to send 25 intivations at a time (because Myspace users are unpopular I guess?), so we pause for 25-30 seconds after each group of 25 to allow for clicking time so we don't make the server mad. Example: my ( $passed, $failed ) = $myspace->send_group_invitation( $event_id, @friend_ids ); die $myspace->error if $myspace->error; print "Sent to:\n"; foreach $id ( @{ $passed } ) { print $id . "\n"; } print "Failed to send to:\n"; foreach $id ( @{ $failed } ) { print $id . "\n"; } See also the send_group_invitations sample script in the sample_scripts directory included with this distribution. Croaks if called when not logged in. post_bulletin( %options )Post a builletin to your friends.use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; $myspace->post_bulletin( subject => $subject, message => $message ); Croaks if called when not logged in. post_blog( %options )Post a blog entry.$myspace->post_blog( subject => $subject, body => $body ) or die $myspace->error; You can also use "message" instead of "body". Currently only Subject and Message fields are supported. Mood, Category, Music, etc will be left at their default settings. Returns undef and sets $myspace->error if there's an error. Croaks if called when not logged in. CORE INTERNAL METHODSThese are methods used internally to maintain or handle basic stuff (page retreival, error handling, cache file handling, etc) that you probably won't need to use (and probably shouldn't use unless you're submitting a code patch :).trace_funcYou may pass this a code reference. If you do, it will be called on EACH successful HTML page retreived this module. The arguments passed to this code reference are:$trace_func->($where, $page) where $where is a descriptive but curt string explaining where this page was gotten and $page is a reference to the actual HTML. Clever Perl programmers can use caller() (perldoc -f caller) to find out where in the code that this page was accessed. get_page( $url, [ $regexp ] )get_page returns a referece to a HTTP::Response object that contains the web page specified by $url. If it can't get the page, returns undef and sets $myspace->error.Use this method if you need to get a page that's not available via some other method. You could include the URL to a picture page for example then search that page for friendIDs using get_friends_on_page. get_page will try up to 20 times until it gets the page, with a 2-second delay between attempts. It checks for invalid HTTP response codes, and known Myspace error pages. If called with the optional regexp, it will consider the page an error unless the page content matches the regexp. This is designed to get past network problems and such. Example # Load the Myspace homepage and display the HTML source my $response = $myspace->get_page( 'http://www.myspace.com/' ); print $response->decoded_content; follow_to( $url, $regexp )Exactly the same as get_page, but sets the Referer header so it looks like you're clicking the link on the current page instead of just GETting it directly. Use this if you're stepping through pages.follow_linkThis is like a robust version of WWW::Mechanize's "follow_link" method. It calls "find_link" with your arguments (and as such takes the same arguments. It adds the "re" argument, which is passed to get_page to verify we in fact got the page. Returns an HTTP::Response object if it succeeds, sets $self->error and returns undef if it fails.$self->_go_home; $self->follow_link( text_regex => qr/inbox/i, re => 'Mail Center' ) or die $self->error; There are a lot of options, so perldoc WWW::Mechanize and search for $mech->find_link to see them all. _cache_page( $url, $res )Stores $res in a cache._read_cache( $url )Check the cache for this page._clean_cacheCleans any non-"fresh" page from the cache._check_loginChecks for "You must be logged in to do that". If found, tries to log in again and returns 0, otherwise returns 1.submit_form( $url, $form_no, $button, $fields_ref, [ $regexp1 ], [ $regexp2 ] )This format is being deprecated. Please use the format below if you use this method (which you shouldn't need unless you're writing more methods). Be aware that I might make this method private at some point.submit_form( $options_hashref )Valid options: $myspace->submit_form( { page => "http://some.url.org/formpage.html", follow => 1, # 0 or 1 form_no => 1, form_name => "myform", # Use this OR form_no OR form form => $form, # HTML::Form object with a ready-to-post form. # (page, form_no, form_name, fields_ref and action will # be ignored). button => "mybutton", no_click => 0, # 0 or 1. fields_ref => { field => 'value', field2 => 'value' }, re1 => 'something unique.?about this[ \t\n]+page', re2 => 'something unique about the submitted page', action => 'http://some.url.org/newpostpage.cgi', # Only needed in weird occasions } ); This powerful little method reads the web page specified by "page", finds the form specified by "form_no" or "form_name", fills in the values specified in "fields_ref", and clicks the button named "button". You may or may not need this method - it's used internally by any method that needs to fill in and post a form. I made it public just in case you need to fill in and post a form that's not handled by another method (in which case, see CONTRIBUTING below :). "page" can either be a text string that is a URL or a reference to an HTTP::Response object that contains the source of the page that contains the form. If it is an empty string or not specified, the current page ( $myspace->current_page ) is used. "follow" indicates whether or not we're supposedly following a link to the URL supplied in "page". If "page" isn't a URL, "follow" is ignored. This causes "submit_form" to use the "follow_to" method instead of "get_page" when getting the URL. This makes it look like we clicked a link to get to this page instead of just going straight to it. "form_no" is used to numerically identify the form on the page. It's a simple counter starting from 0. If there are 3 forms on the page and you want to fill in and submit the second form, set "form_no => 1". For the first form, use "form_no => 0". "form_name" is used to indentify the form by name. In actuality, submit_form simply uses "form_name" to iterate through the forms and sets "form_no" for you. "form" can be used if you have a customized form you want to submit. Pass an HTML::Form object and set "button", "no_click", and "re2" as desired, and you can use submit_form's tenacious submission routine with your own values. "button" is the name of the button to submit. This will frequently be "submit", but if they've named the button something clever like "Submit22" (as MySpace did in their login form), then you may have to use that. If no button is specified (either by button => '' or by not specifying button at all), the first button on the form is clicked. If "no_click" is set to 1, the form willl be submitted without clicking any button. This is used to simulate the JavaScript form submits Myspace does on the browse pages. "fields_ref" is a reference to a hash that contains field names and values you want to fill in on the form. For checkboxes with no "value" attribute, specify a value of "on" to check it, "off" to uncheck it. "re1" is an optional Regular Expression that will be used to make sure the proper form page has been loaded. The page content will be matched to the RE, and will be treated as an error page and retried until it matches. See get_page for more info. "re2" is an optional RE that will me used to make sure that the post was successful. USE THIS CAREFULLY! If your RE breaks, you could end up repeatedly posting a form. This is used by post_comemnts to make sure that the Verify Comment page is actually shown. "action" is the post action for the form, as in: <form action="http://www.mysite.com/process.cgi"> This is here because Myspace likes to do weird things like reset form actions with Javascript then post them without clicking form buttons. "referer" is sent as the HTTP Referer header. This can be specified via the hash ref method only. _add_to_formInternal method to add a hidden field to a form. HTML::Form thinks we don't want to change hidden fields, and if a hidden field has no value, it won't even create an input object for it. If that's way over your head don't worry, it just means we're fixing things with this method, and submit_form will call this method for you if you pass it a field that doesn't show up on the form.Returns a form object that is the old form with the new field in it. # Add field $fieldname to form $form (a HTML::Form object) and # set it's value to $value. $self->_add_to_form( $form, $fieldname, $value ) get_friends_on_page( $friends_page, $exclude );This routine takes the SOURCE CODE of an HTML page and returns a list of friendIDs for which there are profile links on the page. This routine is used internally by "get_friends" to scan each of the user's "View my friends" pages.Notes: - It does not return the logged_in user's friendID. - We filter out 6221, Tom's ID. - friendIDs are returned in the order in which they appear on the change (note that this is new in 0.62 - in previous versions they were returned in an indetermined order) If $friends_page is not specified or is '', the current page will be used. $exclude is the number of a single friendID to exclude. This is used by get_friends to exclude the friendID of the profile whose friends you're getting since Myspace displays a link to that person's profile on every page of his friend list, which would show up in the list returned by this method. EXAMPLE: List the friendIDs mentioned on Tom's profile (i.e. his top 8, people who left comments, etc): use WWW::Myspace; my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace; $res = $myspace->get_profile( 6221 ); @friends = $myspace->get_friends_on_page( $res->decoded_content ); print "These people have left comments or have links on Tom's page:\n"; foreach $id ( @friends ) { print "$id\n"; } get_friends_images_on_page( $friends_page );This routine takes the SOURCE CODE of an HTML page. When called in scalar context, this function returns the first profile image it can find on the current page (handy for getting a user's image if you're on their profile page or reading a single piece of mail). When called in a list context, this function returns a list of all profile images on the current page. If you treat the return value as a hash reference, you'll get a hash keyed on friend ids (THIS IS NOT CURRENTLY WORKING!!).Notes: - It does not return the logged_in user's friendID. remove_cacheRemove the login cache file. Call this after creating the object if you don't want the login data stored:my $myspace = new WWW::Myspace( qw( myaccount, mypassword ) ); $myspace->remove_cache; make_cache_dirCreates the cache directory in cache_dir. Only creates the top-level directory, croaks if it can't create it.$myspace->cache_dir("/path/to/dir"); $myspace->make_cache_dir; This function mainly exists for the internal login method to use, and for related sub-modules that store their cache files by default in WWW:Myspace's cache directory. _next_buttonTakes the source code of a page, or nothing. If nothing is passed, uses $self->current_page->decoded_content.Returns true if there is a next button on the page. This is so we can say: last unless ( $self->_next_button( $page_source ) ); or: while ( $self->_next_button ) { do stuff } or while ( $self->_next_button ) { do stuff and click next } One of these days I'm going write a "stuff" subroutine so I can actually type that. EXAMPLES _previous_buttonAs you might guess, returns true if there's a "Previous" link on the page. This is used to sanity-check functions like get_friends. If there isn't a "Next" button, this method can be used to make sure there is a "Previous" button.# Exit the loop if we're on the last page last unless ( $self->_next_button( $page_source ) && $self->_previous_button( $page_source ) ); _go_homeInternal method to go to the home page. Checks to see if we're already there. If not, tries to click the Home button on the page. If there isn't one, loads the page explicitly.captcha_killer_handlerA CAPTCHA handler which uses the Captcha Killer service to try to obtain a solution for the CAPTCHA._handle_captchaThis method is called when an action results in a CAPTCHA. If a user-defined "captcha_handler" has been configured, it will be called.The method returns the CAPTCHA response as a string, or undef if it is not known. See the example in the "captcha_handler" to see how this method can be used to test a user-defined "captcha_handler". IN PROGRESSMethods that aren't quite working yet.AUTHORGrant Grueninger, "<grantg at cpan.org>" (Bug reports sent to this address will probably be lost - see "BUGS" below to report bugs)Thanks to: Tom Kerswill (http://tomkerswill.co.uk) for the friend_url method, which also inspired the friend_user_name method. Olaf Alders (http://www.wundersolutions.com) for the human-readable status codes in send_friend request, for the excellent sample code which provides a workaround for CAPTCHA responses, and for the friends_from_profile idea. KNOWN ISSUES
TODOHave 'approve_friends' method check GUIDS after first submit to make sure the current page of GUIDS doesn't contain any duplicates. This is to prevent a possible infinite loop that could occur if the submission of the friend requests fails, and also to signal a warning if myspace changes in a way that breaks the method.Add checks to all methods to self-diagnose to detect changes in myspace site that break this module. get_friends needs to throw an error, or at least set error, if it can't return the full list of friends (i.e. if either of the "warn" statements are triggered) get_friends needs to check the number of pages and try to get all of them. Currently if a next button isn't on a page for any reason, the method will think it's retreived all the friends. Add tests for get_comments. Add Internationalization (i18n) support. Centralize all regular expressions into _regex and _apply_regex methods. Have get_inbox check to see if it's paging properly - i.e. check to see if a message on the current page has the same message_id as a message on the previous page. CONTRIBUTINGIf you would like to contribute to this module, you can post patches by following the simple 4-step process below. If you end up posting several patches and your code shows a good understanding of the module, we will probbaly ask you if you'd like to be added as a developer on the project.There are many methods that could be added to this module (profile editing, for example). If you find yourself using the "submit_form" method, it probably means you should write whatever you're editing into a method and post it on RT. See the TODO section above for starters, and be sure to read the next section about how to submit patches for features/fixes. HOW TO SUBMIT A PATCHTo submit a patch for a new feature or a bug fix, please observe the following. Doing so will allow us to implement your patch quickly. Not doing so may delay its implementation or prevent us from implementing your patch at all.- Check out the newest development version from SVN. The command to use is here: http://sourceforge.net/svn/?group_id=163042 (Or see http://sourceforge.net/projects/www-myspace) - Makke your changes to that version. * - Create a unified or context diff of the changed file(s): svn diff filename > filename.diff (i.e. svn diff Myspace.pm > Myspace.pm.diff) - Email the output (filename.diff) with comments regarding what the patch implements/fixes to C<bug-www-myspace at rt.cpan.org>, or go to the CPAN RT web site (see below) and submit it there. We will apply your patch and run the tests on it. * You can use the checked-out version in your scripts by one of several methods: # Somewhere in your script: use lib '/path/to/svn/checkout/lib'; # Top of your script: #!/usr/bin/perl -w -I/path/to/svn/checkout/lib # Command line: perl -I'/path/to/svn/checkout/lib' BUGSPlease report any bugs or feature requests, or send any patches, to "bug-www-myspace at rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=WWW-Myspace>. We will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as we make changes.IF YOU USE A MAIL SERVICE (or program) WITH JUNK MAIL FILTERING, especially HOTMAIL or YAHOO, add the bug reporting email address above to your address book so that you can receive status updates. Bug reports are nice, patches are nicer (see "HOW TO SUBMIT A PATCH" above). SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc WWW::Myspace You can also look for information at:
COPYRIGHT & LICENSECopyright 2005-2006 Grant Grueninger, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.