WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File - Persistent RobotRules
require WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File;
require LWP::RobotUA;
# Create a robot useragent that uses a diskcaching RobotRules
my $rules = WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File->new( 'my-robot/1.0', 'cachefile' );
my $ua = WWW::RobotUA->new( 'my-robot/1.0', 'me@foo.com', $rules );
# Then just use $ua as usual
$res = $ua->request($req);
This is a subclass of WWW::RobotRules that uses the AnyDBM_File package
to implement persistent diskcaching of robots.txt and host visit
The constructor (the new() method) takes an extra argument
specifying the name of the DBM file to use. If the DBM file already exists,
then you can specify undef as agent name as the name can be obtained from
the DBM database.
WWW::RobotRules, LWP::RobotUA
Hakan Ardo <hakan@munin.ub2.lu.se>, Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>