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NAMEWWW::Scripter::Plugin::Ajax - WWW::Scripter plugin that provides the XMLHttpRequest objectVERSIONVersion 0.09 (alpha)SYNOPSISuse WWW::Scripter; $w = new WWW::Scripter; $m->use_plugin('Ajax'); $m->get('http://some.site.com/that/relies/on/ajax'); DESCRIPTIONThis module is a plugin for WWW::Scripter that loads the JavaScript plugin (WWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript) and provides it with the "XMLHttpRequest" object.To load the plugin, use WWW::Scripter's "use_plugin" method, as shown in the Synopsis. Any extra arguments to "use_plugin" will be passed on to the JavaScript plugin (at least for now). ASYNCHRONYThe "XMLHttpRequest" object currently does not support asynchronous connections. Later this will probably become an option, at least for threaded perls.NON-HTTP ADDRESSESSince it uses LWP, URI schemes other than http (e.g., file, ftp) are supported.INTERFACEThe XMLHttpRequest interface members supported so far are:Methods: open send abort getAllResponseHeaders getResponseHeader setRequestHeader Attributes: onreadystatechange readyState responseText responseXML status statusText Event-Related Methods: addEventListener removeEventListener dispatchEvent Constants (static properties): UNSENT OPENED HEADERS_RECEIVED LOADING DONE "responseBody", "overrideMimeType", "getRequestHeader", "removeRequestHeader" and more event attributes are likely to be added in future versions. PREREQUISITESThis plugin requires perl 5.8.5 or higher, and the following modules:
BUGSIf you find any bugs, please report them to the author by e-mail (preferably with a patch :-).XML::DOM::Lite is quite lenient toward badly-formed XML, so the "responseXML" property returns something useful even in cases when it should be null. The SECURITY_ERR, NETWORK_ERR and ABORT_ERR constants are not available yet, as I don't know where to put them. It does not conform to the spec in every detail, since the spec is still being written and is different every time I check it. None of the additional features in the Level 2 spec are implemented. There is currently no API to signal that the user has cancelled a connection. You can call the "abort" method, but that does not have exactly the same result that a user-initiated cancellation is meant to have. Furthermore, this module follows the badly-designed API that is unfortunately the standard so I can't do anything about it. AUTHOR & COPYRIGHTCopyright (C) 2008-11 Father Chrysostomos <"['sprout', ['org', 'cpan'].reverse().join('.')].join('@')">This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as perl. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSErwan Mas provided a bug fix.SEE ALSOWWW::ScripterWWW::Scripter::Plugin::JavaScript XML::DOM::Lite The "XMLHttpRequest" specification (draft as of August 2009): <http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest/> "XMLHttpRequest" Level 2: <http://www.w3.org/TR/XMLHttpRequest2/> WWW::Mechanize::Plugin::Ajax (the original version of this module)