NAMEWWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels - Channels interface.SYNOPSISuse WWW::YoutubeViewer; my $obj = WWW::YoutubeViewer->new(%opts); my $videos = $obj->channels_from_categoryID($category_id); SUBROUTINES/METHODSchannels_from_categoryID($category_id)Return the YouTube channels associated with the specified category.channels_info($channel_id)Return information for the comma-separated list of the YouTube channel ID(s).Channel detailsFor all functions, "$channels-"{results}{items}> contains:[ { id => "....", kind => "youtube#channel", snippet => { description => "...", publishedAt => "2010-06-24T23:15:37.000Z", thumbnails => { default => { url => "..." }, high => { url => "..." }, medium => { url => "..." }, }, title => "...", }, # end of snippet }, ... ]; channel_from_id($channel_id, $part = "snippet")Return info for one or more channel IDs.Multiple channel IDs can be separated by commas. my_channel()Returns info about the channel of the current authenticated user.my_channel_id()Returns the channel ID of the current authenticated user.channels_my_subscribers()Retrieve a list of channels that subscribed to the authenticated user's channel.channel_id_from_username($username)Return the channel ID for an username.channel_title_from_id($channel_id)Return the channel title for a given channel ID.channels_contentDetails($channelID){ items => [ { contentDetails => { relatedPlaylists => { likes => "LLwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ", uploads => "UUwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ", }, }, etag => "...", id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ", kind => "youtube#channel", }, ], kind => "youtube#channelListResponse", pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 }, }, channels_statistics($channelID);{ items => [ { etag => "...", id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ", kind => "youtube#channel", statistics => { commentCount => 14, subscriberCount => 313823, videoCount => 474, viewCount => 1654024, }, }, ], kind => "youtube#channelListResponse", pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 }, }, channels_topicDetails($channelID)items => [ { etag => "...", id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ", kind => "youtube#channel", topicDetails => { topicIds => [ "/m/027lnzs", "/m/0cp07v2", ... ], }, }, ], kind => "youtube#channelListResponse", pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 }, AUTHORTrizen, "<echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d>"SUPPORTYou can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.perldoc WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTCopyright 2013-2015 Trizen.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See <https://dev.perl.org/licenses/> for more information.
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