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WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels(3)

WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels - Channels interface.

    use WWW::YoutubeViewer;
    my $obj = WWW::YoutubeViewer->new(%opts);
    my $videos = $obj->channels_from_categoryID($category_id);

Return the YouTube channels associated with the specified category.

Return information for the comma-separated list of the YouTube channel ID(s).

For all functions, "$channels-"{results}{items}> contains:

        id => "....",
        kind => "youtube#channel",
            snippet => {
            description => "...",
            publishedAt => "2010-06-24T23:15:37.000Z",
            thumbnails => {
                default => { url => "..." },
                high    => { url => "..." },
                medium  => { url => "..." },
            title => "...",
          },  # end of snippet

Return info for one or more channel IDs.

Multiple channel IDs can be separated by commas.

Returns info about the channel of the current authenticated user.

Returns the channel ID of the current authenticated user.

Retrieve a list of channels that subscribed to the authenticated user's channel.

Return the channel ID for an username.

Return the channel title for a given channel ID.

    items    => [
                    contentDetails => {
                      relatedPlaylists => {
                        likes   => "LLwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ",
                        uploads => "UUwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ",
                    etag => "...",
                    id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ",
                    kind => "youtube#channel",
    kind     => "youtube#channelListResponse",
    pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 },

    items    => [
                    etag => "...",
                    id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ",
                    kind => "youtube#channel",
                    statistics => {
                      commentCount    => 14,
                      subscriberCount => 313823,
                      videoCount      => 474,
                      viewCount       => 1654024,
    kind     => "youtube#channelListResponse",
    pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 },

    items    => [
                    etag => "...",
                    id => "UCwiIs5V6-zX8xaYgwhRhsHQ",
                    kind => "youtube#channel",
                    topicDetails => {
                      topicIds => [
    kind     => "youtube#channelListResponse",
    pageInfo => { resultsPerPage => 1, totalResults => 1 },

Trizen, "<echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d>"

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::YoutubeViewer::Channels

Copyright 2013-2015 Trizen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See <> for more information.

2022-06-07 perl v5.32.1

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