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WWW::YoutubeViewer::Videos(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation WWW::YoutubeViewer::Videos(3)

WWW::YoutubeViewer::Videos - videos handler.

    use WWW::YoutubeViewer;
    my $obj = WWW::YoutubeViewer->new(%opts);
    my $info = $obj->video_details($videoID);

Get videos from a category ID.
Get popular videos from a category ID.
Get the most popular videos for a given channel ID.

Get the videos liked by the authenticated user.

Get the videos disliked by the authenticated user.

Send rating to a video. $rating can be either 'like' or 'dislike'.

Like a video. Returns true on success.

Dislike a video. Returns true on success.

Get info about a videoID, such as: channelId, title, description, tags, and categoryId.

Available values for part are: id, snippet, contentDetails player, statistics, status and topicDetails.

$part string can contain more values, comma-separated.


    part => 'snippet,contentDetails,statistics'

When $part is "undef", it defaults to snippet.

Each function returns a HASH ref, with a key called 'results', and another key, called 'url'.

The 'url' key contains a string, which is the URL for the retrieved content.

The 'results' key contains another HASH ref with the keys 'etag', 'items' and 'kind'. From the 'results' key, only the 'items' are relevant to us. This key contains an ARRAY ref, with a HASH ref for each result. An example of the item array's content are shown below.

    items => [
                 contentDetails => {
                   caption         => "false",
                   definition      => "sd",
                   dimension       => "2d",
                   duration        => "PT1H20M10S",
                   licensedContent => bless(do{\(my $o = 0)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/KU_bqVk91zBQGXrMtEDZgkQMkhU\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
    items => [
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/bvAWXfDY4QPsx_UgtmMPFcxPLQc\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
    items => [
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/nr03GopgH8bb755ppx5BA_1VsF8\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
                 player => {
                   embedHtml => "<iframe type='text/html' src='' width='640' height='360' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen='true'/>",
    items => [
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/j01_qxKqxc3BMrFBbX2eiPWkAmo\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
                 statistics => {
                   commentCount  => 2,
                   dislikeCount  => 1,
                   favoriteCount => 0,
                   likeCount     => 5,
                   viewCount     => 174,
    items => [
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/jaa690eVtSvHTYRSSPD3mc1mlIY\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
                 status => {
                   embeddable    => bless(do{\(my $o = 1)}, "JSON::XS::Boolean"),
                   license       => "youtube",
                   privacyStatus => "public",
                   uploadStatus  => "processed",
    items => [
                 etag => "\"5cYuq_ImPkYn_h2RKDdX8DHvM2g/XnxCuOGwiR8MNhH-iHNxHB-ROWM\"",
                 id => "f6df3s3x3zo",
                 kind => "youtube#video",
                 topicDetails => { topicIds => ["/m/0126n", "/m/0jpv", "/m/07h44"] },

Trizen, "<echo dHJpemVuQHByb3Rvbm1haWwuY29tCg== | base64 -d>"

You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

    perldoc WWW::YoutubeViewer::Videos

Copyright 2013-2015 Trizen.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

See <> for more information.

2022-06-07 perl v5.32.1

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