Web::Simple::Deployment - various deployment options
This file documents common deployment methods for Web::Simple. If you feel one
is missing, please ask in the IRC channel and we'll work with you to add it.
The most basic deployment option is as a CGI script loading and running your
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Your::Web::Simple::App;
Save that as script.cgi and your web server will handle it
This works in with exactly the same code as CGI deployment. However instead of
letting your web server load script.cgi, you run this on the command line:
plackup script.cgi
Sometimes your app is so small that you have only one or two tiny classes that
you want to run as a CGI script. Web::Simple offers a helpful mechanism to
achieve that.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Web::Simple 'HelloWorld'; # enables strictures and warnings for the file
# additionally, HelloWorld is upgraded to a
# Web::Simple application
package HelloWorld;
sub dispatch_request {
sub (GET) {
[ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ],
[ 'Hello world! It is a fine ' . HelloWorld::Helper->day ]
sub () {
[ 405, [ 'Content-type', 'text/plain' ], [ 'Method not allowed' ] ]
package HelloWorld::Helper;
use DateTime;
sub day {
return DateTime->now->day_name;
See Web::Simple for authors.
See Web::Simple for the copyright and license.