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NAMEWebService::GData::Constants - constants (namespaces,format,services...) used for Google data APIs.SYNOPSIS#don't important anything use WebService::GData::Constants; #import the namespace related constants use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:namespace); #or :format or :general or :all use WebService::GData::Base; use WebService::GData::ClientLogin; my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(service=> BOOK_SERVICE,....); my $base = new WebService::GData::Base(); $base->query()->alt(JSON); #if not imported $base->add_namespace(WebService::GData::Constants::MEDIA_NAMESPACE); $base->add_namespace(WebService::GData::Constants::ATOM_NAMESPACE); #if imported $base->add_namespace(MEDIA_NAMESPACE); $base->add_namespace(ATOM_NAMESPACE); DESCRIPTIONThis package contains some constants for Google data API available protocol formats, namespaces and general matters (version,xml header). You can import all of them by using :all or import only a subset by using :format,:namespace or :generalGENERAL CONSTANTSThe general constants map the google data API version number and the xml header. You can choose to import general related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:general);GDATA_MINIMUM_VERSION XML_HEADER import with :general FORMAT CONSTANTSThe format constants map the available protocol format as of version 2 of the google data API. You can choose to import format related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:format);JSON JSONC RSS ATOM import with :format NAMESPACE CONSTANTSThe namespace constants map the available namespace used as of version 2 of the google data API. You can choose to import namespace related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:namespace); The namespace follow the following format: xmlns:namespace_prefix="uri". In the Google Data protocol, the atom namespace is used as the default one, which means that it will be xmlns="uri". There is also an atomic version of each namespace via _PREFIX and _URI.ATOM_NAMESPACE ATOM_NAMESPACE_PREFIX ATOM_NAMESPACE_URI OPENSEARCH_NAMESPACE OPENSEARCH_NAMESPACE_PREFIX OPENSEARCH_NAMESPACE_URI GDATA_NAMESPACE GDATA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX GDATA_NAMESPACE_URI GEORSS_NAMESPACE GEORSS_NAMESPACE_PREFIX GEORSS_NAMESPACE_URI GML_NAMESPACE GML_NAMESPACE_PREFIX GML_NAMESPACE_URI MEDIA_NAMESPACE MEDIA_NAMESPACE_PREFIX MEDIA_NAMESPACE_URI APP_NAMESPACE APP_NAMESPACE_PREFIX APP_NAMESPACE_URI import with :namespace SERVICE CONSTANTSThe service constants map the available services used for the ClientLogin authentication system. Some of the service name does not map very well the API name, ie Picasa API has a service name of 'lh2'. The constants offer naming closer to the original API (PICASA_SERVICE). Not shorter but may be easier to remember. In case the service name came to change, you won't need to change it in every peace of code either. You can choose to import service related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:service);ANALYTICS_SERVICE APPS_SERVICE BASE_SERVICE SITES_SERVICE BLOGGER_SERVICE BOOK_SERVICE CALENDAR_SERVICE CODE_SERVICE CONTACTS_SERVICE DOCUMENTS_SERVICE FINANCE_SERVICE GMAIL_SERVICE HEALTH_SERVICE HEALTH_SB_SERVICE MAPS_SERVICE PICASA_SERVICE SIDEWIKI_SERVICE SPREADSHEETS_SERVICE WEBMASTER_SERVICE YOUTUBE_SERVICE import with :service QUERY CONSTANTSThe query constants map the possible values for query parameters of version 2 of the google data API. You can choose to import query related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:query);TRUE FALSE import with :query HTTP STATUS CONSTANTSThe http status constants map the possible values for a response code from version 2 of the google data API. You can choose to import http status related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:http_status);OK CREATED NOT_MODIFIED BAD_REQUEST UNAUTHORIZED FORBIDDEN NOT_FOUND CONFLICT GONE INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR import with :http_status ERROR CODE CONSTANTSThe error code constants map the possible values for an error response code from version 2 of the google data API. You can choose to import error code related constants by writing use WebService::GData::Constants qw(:errors);BAD_AUTHENTICATION NOT_VERIFIED TERMS_NOT_AGREED CAPTCHA_REQUIRED UNKNOWN ACCOUNT_DELETED ACCOUNT_DISABLED SERVICE_DISABLED SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE import with :errors See also <http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/accounts/docs/AuthForInstalledApps.html#Errors> for further informations about the errors meaning. BUGS AND LIMITATIONSIf you do me the favor to _use_ this module and find a bug, please email me i will try to do my best to fix it (patches welcome)!AUTHORshiriru <shirirulestheworld[arobas]gmail.com>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.