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WebService::GData::Serialize(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation WebService::GData::Serialize(3)

WebService::GData::Serialize - Factory class that loads the proper serialize package

    #the code below will load WebService::GData::Serialize::XML;
    #and call its encode function
    my $xml= WebService::GData::Serialize->to_xml(@args);
    my $xml = WebService::GData::Serialize->as_xml(@args);  
    my $xml = WebService::GData::Serialize->xml(@args);   
    #a json format might be added
    #load behind the scene: WebService::GData::Serialize::JSON
    my $json = WebService::GData::Serialize->to_json(@args);

inherits from WebService::GData

This package is a simple helper factory class that will load a serializer package and calls its "encode" function. Concrete serializer class should inherit from WebService::GData::Serialize::AbstractSerializer and implement the encode function.

See also WebService::GData::Serialize::AbstractSerializer.


This function will be called when an undefined function on this package is used. It will load the corresponding serializer package. It follows the following format:
*The function can be suffixed with to_ or as_. It will look for the serializer package name specified after the prefix.
*The function is change into uppercase, therefore,the name can be either uppercase letters (as the real serializer package name) or lowercase letters.
*The function must be used in a __set context. You have to specify arguments.


"args:*" Whatever the underlying serializer package requires as arguments


<serialized_data:*> Although the return value shall certainly be raw scalar data, it depends on the serializer package.


    see SYNOPSYS

If you do me the favor to _use_ this module and find a bug, please email me i will try to do my best to fix it (patches welcome)!

shiriru <shirirulestheworld[arobas]>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
2010-11-15 perl v5.32.1

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