NAMEWebService::GData::YouTube - Access YouTube contents(read/write) with API v2.SYNOPSISuse WebService::GData::YouTube; #create an object that only has read access my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); #get a feed response from YouTube; my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos; #more specific: my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos('JP','Comedy'); foreach my $video (@$videos) { say $video->video_id; say $video->title; say $video->content; } #connect to a YouTube account my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin( email =>'...' password=>'...', key =>'...' ); #give write access my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); #returns all the videos from the logged in user #including private ones. my $videos = $yt->get_user_videos(); #update the videos by adding the common keywords if they are public #delete a certain video by checking its id. foreach my $video (@$videos) { if($video->video_id eq $myid) { $video->delete(); } else { if($video->is_listing_allowed){ $video->keywords('music,live,guitar,'.$video->keywords); $video->save(); } } } DESCRIPTION!DEVELOPER RELEASE! API may change, program may break or be under optimized.!DEVELOPER RELEASE! API may change, program may break or be under optimized. !DEVELOPER RELEASE! API may change, program may break or be under optimized. !WARNING! Documentation in progress. inherits from WebService::GData This package is a point of entry giving access to general YouTube feeds. Passing an optional authorization object (WebService::GData::ClientLogin) will allow you to access private contents. It also offers some helper methods to shorten up the code. Most of the methods will return one of the following object:
CONSTRUCTORnewCreate a WebService::GData::YouTube instance.
Example: use WebService::GData::ClientLogin; use WebService::GData::YouTube; #create an object that only has read access my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); #connect to a YouTube account my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin( email=>'...' password=>'...', key =>'...' ); #give write access with a $auth object that you created my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); GENERAL METHODSquerySet/get a query object that handles the creation of the
query string sent to the service. The query object will build the query string
required to access the data. All queries contain some default parameters like
the alt,v,strict parameters. You can add other parameters in order to do a
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); $yt->query()->q("ski")->limit(10,0); #or set your own query object $yt->query($myquery); my $videos = $yt->search_video(); base_uri Get the base uri used to query the data.
base_query Get the base query string used to get the data.
connection Get the connection handler (WebService::GData::Base by
default). Mostly usefull to set connector settings.
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); $yt->connection->timeout(100)->env_proxy; STANDARD FEED METHODSYouTube offers some feeds regarding videos like the most discussed videos or the most viewed videos. All the standard feed methods are implemented:methods get_top_rated_videos get_top_favorites_videos get_most_viewed_videos get_most_shared_videos get_most_popular_videos get_most_recent_videos get_most_discussed_videos get_most_responded_videos get_recently_featured_videos get_on_the_web_videos See http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_protocol_video_feeds.html#Standard_feeds All the above standard feed methods accept the following
optional parameters:
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos(); my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos('JP');#top rated videos in Japan my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos('JP','Comedy');#top rated videos in Japanese Comedy my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated_videos('JP','Comedy','today');#top rated videos of the day in Japanese Comedy See also: Explanation of the different standard feeds: <http://code.google.com/intl/en/apis/youtube/2.0/reference.html#Standard_feeds> VIDEO FEED METHODSThese methods allow you to access videos. You do not need to be logged in to use these methods.get_video_by_id Get a video by its id.
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); my $video = $yt->get_video_by_id('Xzek3skD'); search_video Send a request to search for videos. You create the query
by calling $yt->query and by setting the available
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); $yt->query->q("ski")->limit(10,0); my $videos = $yt->search_video(); #or my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); my $query = $yt->query; $query -> q("ski")->limit(10,0); my $videos = $yt->search_video(); #or set a new query object #it could be a sub class that has predefined value my $query = new WebService::GData::YouTube::Query(); $query -> q("ski")->limit(10,0); my $videos = $yt->search_video($query);#this is a helper the same as doing: $yt->query($query); $yt->search_video(); See also: A list of all the query parameters and related methods you can use with the default query object: WebService::GData::YouTube::Query get_related_for_video_id Get the related videos for a video. These videos are
returned by following YouTube's own algorithm.
Example: my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); my $videos = $yt->get_related_for_video_id('Xz2eFFexA'); get_comments_for_video_id Get the comments of a video.
Example: use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); my $comments = $yt->get_comments_for_video_id('Xz2eFFexA'); foreach my $comment (@$comments){ say $comment->content; } USER VIDEO FEED METHODSAll these methods allow you to access the videos of the programmaticly logged in user. Being logged in allow you to access private contents or contents that have been uploaded but is not public yet. The responses will also have a read/write access so you will be able to edit the videos.It does not mean that you need to be logged in to use these methods. By setting the name of the user (channel name),you will only get a read access to the public data. get_user_video_by_id Get a video for the logged in user or for the user name
you specified. It queries the uploads feed which can be more up to date than
the feed used with "get_video_by_id()".
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos = $yt->get_user_video_by_id('Xz2eFFexA'); #if not logged in. my $videos = $yt->get_user_video_by_id('Xz2eFFexA','live');#you must specify the user if not logged in! get_user_videos Get the videos for the logged in user or for the user
name you specified.
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos = $yt->get_user_videos(); #if not logged in, pass the user name as the first parameter my $videos = $yt->get_user_videos('live'); get_user_favorite_videos Get the videos that user specificly set a favorites
(meaning that you may not have write access to the content even if you are
logged in!).
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos = $yt->get_user_favorite_videos(); #if not logged in, pass the user name as the first parameter my $videos = $yt->get_user_favorite_videos('live'); add_favorite_video Parameters
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); $yt->add_favorite_video('video_id'); get_recommended_videos Get the videos that a user may be interested in (defined
by the YouTube algorithm).
You must be logged in to use this feature. Parameters none
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos = $yt->get_recommended_videos(); RATING METHODSThese methods allows you to rate,like or dislike, a
video. They are helper methods that instantiate a video instance for you.
You must be logged in to use these methods. like_video dislike_video Parameters
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); $yt->like_video('video_id'); $yt->dislike_video('video_id'); #in the background it simply does: my $vid = $yt->video; $vid->video_id('video_id'); $vid->rate('like'); VIDEO RESPONSE METHODSThese methods allow you to add a video as a response to
an other video. You can also erase a video response.
They are helper methods that instantiate a video instance for you. You must be logged in to use these methods. add_video_response Parameters
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); $yt->add_video_response('video_id','video_response_id'); delete_video_response Parameters
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); $yt->delete_video_response('video_id','video_response_id'); FACTORY METHODSThese methods instantiate YouTube::Feed::* packages. It
just saves some typing.
video Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video instance comment Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Comment instance playlists Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::PlaylistLink instance complaint Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Complaint instance contact Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Friend instance message Return a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::VideoMessage instance Example: use constant KEY=>'...'; my $auth; eval { $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin( email=>'...@gmail.com', password=>'...', key=>KEY ); }; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); #instantiate a comment my $comment = $yt->comment; $comment->content('thank you all for watching!'); $comment->video_id('2lDekeCDD-J1');#attach the comment to a video $comment->save; #instantiate a video my $video = $yt->video; $video->title('Live at Shibuya tonight'); $video->description('Live performance by 6 local bands.'); $video->keywords('music','live','shibuya','tokyo'); $video->category('Music'); #etc USER PROFILE RELATED METHODSget_user_profileGet the user profile info for the logged in user or the
user set as a parameter.
Example: use WebService::GData::ClientLogin; use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $profile = $yt->get_user_profile; #or if you did not pass a $auth object: my $profile = $yt->get_user_profile('profile_name_here'); get_user_contacts Get the user contact info for the logged in user or the
user set as a parameter. A maximum of 100 contacts can be retrieved.
Example: use WebService::GData::ClientLogin; use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $contacts = $yt->get_user_contacts; #or if you did not pass a $auth object: my $contacts = $yt->get_user_contacts('profile_name_here'); get_user_inbox Get the user inbox for the logged in user.
Example: use WebService::GData::ClientLogin; use WebService::GData::YouTube; my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $messages = $yt->get_user_inbox; foreach my $message (@$messages){ say $message->subject; say $message->content; say $message->from->name; say $message->sent; } USER PLAYLIST METHODS!WARNING! Playlits related methods does not work
perfectly yet!!
These methods allow you to access the videos in a playlist or a list of playlists created by a user. If you are logged in, you will be able to modify the data. If you are not logged in,you will only have a read access and you must set the user name. get_user_playlist_by_id Retrieve the videos in a playlist by passing the playlist
Example: my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...);#not compulsory my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos_in_playlist = $yt->get_user_playlist_by_id('CFESE01KESEQE'); #a feed returns by default up to 25 videos. #you can loop over the entire playlist (if you have more than 25 videos) #if your playlist contains more than 50 videos, you can set the query limit to be 50 #it will result in less calls to the server. while(my $videos = $yt->get_user_playlist_by_id('CFESE01KESEQE')){ foreach my $video (@$videos) { say $video->title; } } get_user_playlists Get the playlists metadata for the logged in user or the
user set as a parameter.
Example: use WebService::GData::Base; my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $playlists = $yt->get_user_playlists; #or if you did not pass a $auth object: my $playlists = $yt->get_user_playlists('live'); #a feed returns by default up to 25 entries/playlists. #you can loop over the channel playlists (if you have more than 25 playlists) #if your channels contains more than 50 playlists, you can set the query limit to be 50 #it will result in less calls to the server. #this is a working example #list all the programming related tutorials from thenewboston channel: my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); $yt->query->max_results(50); my $playlist_counter=1; while(my $playlists = $yt->get_user_playlists("thenewboston")) { foreach my $playlist (@$playlists) { say($playlist_counter.':'.$playlist->title); my $video_counter=1; while(my $videos = $yt->get_user_playlist_by_id($playlist->playlist_id)) { foreach my $vid (@$videos){ say(" ".$video_counter.':'.$vid->title); $video_counter++; } } } $playlist_counter++; } HANDLING ERRORSGoogle data APIs relies on querying remote urls on particular services. Some of these services limits the number of request with quotas and may return an error code in such a case. All queries that fail will throw (die) a WebService::GData::Error object. You should enclose all code that requires connecting to a service within eval blocks in order to handle it.Example: use WebService::GData::Base; my ($auth,$videos); eval { $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin(email=>...); }; my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); #the server is dead or the url is not available anymore or you've reach your quota of the day. #boom the application dies and your program fails... my $videos = $yt->get_user_videos; #with error handling... #enclose your code in a eval block... eval { $videos = $yt->get_user_videos; }; #if something went wrong, you will get a WebService::GData::Error object back: if(my $error = $@){ #do whatever you think is necessary to recover (or not) #print/log: $error->content,$error->code } TODOMany things are left to be implemented!The YouTube API is very thorough and it will take some time but by priority:
Certainly missing many other stuffs... DEPENDENCIES
BUGS AND LIMITATIONSIf you do me the favor to _use_ this module and find a bug, please email me i will try to do my best to fix it (patches welcome)!AUTHORshiriru <shirirulestheworld[arobas]gmail.com>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below:
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