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NAMEWebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video - a Video YouTube contents(read/write) for data API v2.SYNOPSISuse WebService::GData::YouTube; #create an object that only has read access my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube(); #get a feed response from YouTube; my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated; #more specific: my $videos = $yt->get_top_rated('JP','Comedy'); foreach my $video (@$videos) { say $video->video_id; say $video->title; say $video->content; say $video->view_count; say $video->favorite_count; say $video->duration; #...etc } #connect to a YouTube account my $auth = new WebService::GData::ClientLogin( email=>'...' password=>'...', key =>'...' ); #give write access with a $auth object that you created my $yt = new WebService::GData::YouTube($auth); my $videos = $yt->get_user_videos();#returns videos from the loggedin user even if private #update the playlist by adding the playlist title as a keyword foreach my $video (@$videos) { if($video->video_id eq $myid) { $video->delete(); }else { if($video->is_listing_allowed){ $video->kewords($playlist->title.','.$video->keywords); $video->save(); } } } DESCRIPTION!WARNING! Documentation in progress.!DEVELOPER RELEASE! API may change, program may break or be under optimized. inherits from WebService::GData::Feed::Entry. This package represents a Youtube Video. If you are logged in you can edit existing video metadata,create new metadata, upload videos. Most of the time you will not instantiate this class directly but use some of the helpers in the WebService::GData::YouTube class. See also:
CONSTRUCTORnewCreate a WebService::GData::YouTube::Feed::Video
If an authorization object is set (WebService::GData::ClientLogin), it will allow you to access private contents and insert/edit/delete/upload videos. GET METHODSAll the following read only methods give access to the information contained in a video feed.view_count favorite_count media_player aspect_ratio duration content comments thumbnails uploaded etag appcontrol_state denied_countries restriction rating uploader recorded genre is_read_only GENERAL SET/GET METHODSAll these methods represents information about the video but you have read/write access on them.It is therefore necessary to be logged in programmaticly to be able to use them in write mode (if not, saving the data will not work). title video_id category description keywords location ACCESS CONTROL SET/GET METHODSThese methods allow to grant access to certain activity.You can decide to unlist the video from the search, make it private or forbid comments,etc. is_private access_control The access control gives you access to the list of access
for a video.
Example: my $controls = $video->access_control; foreach my $control (@$controls) { $control->action.'->'.$control->permission; } my $control = $video->access_control('comment')->permission;#default:allowed $video->access_control('comment','denied'); $video->access_control('comment')->permission; #denied The following methods are helpers that allows know which access control is allowed. It is therefore a shortcut for the following checking: $video->access_control('comment')->permission eq 'allowed' is_listing_allowed is_comment_allowed is_comment_vote_allowed is_video_response_allowed is_rating_allowed is_embedding_allowed is_syndication_allowed VIDEO QUERY METHODSThese methods actually query the service to save your edits.You must be logged in programmaticly to be able to use them. The save method will do an insert if there is no video_id or an update if there is one. delete save COMMUNITY RELATED QUERY METHODSThese methods actually query the service to save your edits.You must be logged in programmaticly to be able to use them and have a video_id already set. Most of the time you will use their counterpart in the WebService::GData::YouTube package as they are shorter. rate This will add a rating to the video. It uses the like/dislike system only: $video->rate('like'); $video->rate('dislike'); add_video_response You can add a video response to a video by specifying an other video object. $response_video->id('response_video_id'); $video->add_video_response($response_video); delete_video_response $video->delete_video_response('response_video_id'); add_favorite_video $video->id('video_id'); $video->add_favorite_video(); or $video->add_favorite_video('video_id');#helper that set the $video->id('video_id') CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTnoneDEPENDENCIESJSONLWP INCOMPATIBILITIESnoneBUGS AND LIMITATIONSIf you do me the favor to _use_ this module and find a bug, please email me i will try to do my best to fix it (patches welcome)!AUTHORshiriru <shirirulestheworld[arobas]gmail.com>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.