NAMEWebService::YouTube::Feeds - Perl interfece to YouTube RSS FeedsVERSIONThis document describes WebService::YouTube::Feeds version 1.0.3SYNOPSISuse WebService::YouTube::Feeds; my $feeds = WebService::YouTube::Feeds->new( { ua => '...' } ); my @videos = $feeds->tag($tag); my @videos = $feeds->user($user); my @videos = $feeds->recently_added; my @videos = $feeds->recently_featured; my @videos = $feeds->top_favorites; my @videos = $feeds->top_rated; my @videos = $feeds->most_discussed_month; my @videos = $feeds->most_discussed_today; my @videos = $feeds->most_discussed_week; my @videos = $feeds->top_viewed; my @videos = $feeds->top_viewed_month; my @videos = $feeds->top_viewed_today; my @videos = $feeds->top_viewed_week; DESCRIPTIONThis is a Perl interface to YouTube RSS Feeds.See About RSS <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. SUBROUTINES/METHODSnew( \%fields )Creates and returns a new WebService::YouTube::Feeds object. %fields can contain parameters enumerated in "ACCESSORS" section.parse_rss($rss)Parses RSS and returns the result. $rss should be an object that XML::Simple can understand.tag( $tag )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object. $tag is a keyword string separated by a space.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. user( $user )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object. $user is an username.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. recently_added( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. recently_featured( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_favorites( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_rated( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. most_discussed_month( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. most_discussed_today( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. most_discussed_week( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_viewed( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_viewed_month( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_viewed_today( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. top_viewed_week( )Returns an array of WebService::YouTube::Video object.See <http://youtube.com/rssls> for details. ACCESSORSuaLWP::UserAgent object DIAGNOSTICSCONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENTWebService::YouTube::Feeds requires no configuration files or environment variables.DEPENDENCIESHTTP::Date, LWP::UserAgent, XML::Simple, WebService::YouTube::Util, WebService::YouTube::VideoINCOMPATIBILITIESNone reported.BUGS AND LIMITATIONSNo bugs have been reported.Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-webservice-youtube@rt.cpan.org", or through the web interface at <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=WebService-YouTube>. I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. AUTHORHironori Yoshida <yoshida@cpan.org>LICENSE AND COPYRIGHTThis module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.
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