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WordDBInfo(3) |
FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
WordDBInfo(3) |
WordDBInfo - inverted index usage environment.
Only called thru WordContext::Initialize()
The inverted indexes may be shared among processes/threads and provide the
appropriate locking to prevent mistakes. In addition the memory cache used by
WordList objects may be shared by processes/threads, greatly reducing
the memory needs in multi-process applications. For more information about the
shared environment, check the Berkeley DB documentation.
For more information on the configuration attributes and a complete list of
attributes, see the mifluz(3) manual page.
- wordlist_env_skip {true,false} (default false)
- If true no environment is created at all. This must never be used if a
WordList object is created. It may be useful if only WordKey
objects are used, for instance.
- wordlist_env_share {true,false} (default false)
- If true a sharable environment is open or created if none exist.
- wordlist_env_dir <directory> (default .)
- Only valid if wordlist_env_share set to true. Specify the
directory in which the sharable environment will be created. All inverted
indexes specified with a non-absolute pathname will be created relative to
this directory.
Loic Dachary loic@gnu.org
The Ht://Dig group http://dev.htdig.org/
htdb_dump(1), htdb_stat(1), htdb_load(1), mifluzdump(1), mifluzload(1),
mifluzsearch(1), mifluzdict(1), WordContext(3), WordList(3), WordDict(3),
WordListOne(3), WordKey(3), WordKeyInfo(3), WordType(3), WordRecordInfo(3),
WordRecord(3), WordReference(3), WordCursor(3), WordCursorOne(3),
WordMonitor(3), Configuration(3), mifluz(3)
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