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WordType(3) FreeBSD Library Functions Manual WordType(3)

WordType - defines a word in term of allowed characters, length etc.

Only called thru WordContext::Initialize()

WordType defines an indexed word and operations to validate a word to be indexed. All words inserted into the mifluz index are Normalize d before insertion. The configuration options give some control over the definition of a word.

For more information on the configuration attributes and a complete list of attributes, see the mifluz(3) manual page.
wordlist_locale <locale> (default C)
Set the locale of the program to locale for more information.
wordlist_allow_numbers {true|false} <number> (default false)
A digit is considered a valid character within a word if this configuration parameter is set to true otherwise it is an error to insert a word containing digits. See the Normalize method for more information.
wordlist_mimimun_word_length <number> (default 3)
The minimum length of a word. See the Normalize method for more information.
wordlist_maximum_word_length <number> (default 25)
The maximum length of a word. See the Normalize method for more information.
wordlist_allow_numbers {true|false} <number> (default false)
A digit is considered a valid character within a word if this configuration parameter is set to true otherwise it is an error to insert a word containing digits. See the Normalize method for more information.
wordlist_truncate {true|false} <number> (default true)
If a word is too long according to the wordlist_maximum_word_length it is truncated if this configuration parameter is true otherwise it is considered an invalid word.
wordlist_lowercase {true|false} <number> (default true)
If a word contains upper case letters it is converted to lowercase if this configuration parameter is true, otherwise it is left untouched.
wordlist_valid_punctuation [characters] (default none)
A list of punctuation characters that may appear in a word. These characters will be removed from the word before insertion in the index.

int Normalize(String &s) const
Normalize a word according to configuration specifications and builtin transformations. Every word inserted in the inverted index goes thru this function. If a word is rejected (return value has WORD_NORMALIZE_NOTOK bit set) it will not be inserted in the index. If a word is accepted (return value has WORD_NORMALIZE_OK bit set) it will be inserted in the index. In addition to these two bits, informational values are stored that give information on the processing done on the word. The bit field values and their meanings are as follows:
the word length exceeds the value of the wordlist_maximum_word_length configuration parameter.
the word length is smaller than the value of the wordlist_minimum_word_length configuration parameter.
the word contained capital letters and has been converted to lowercase. This bit is only set if the wordlist_lowercase configuration parameter is true.
the word contains digits and the configuration parameter wordlist_allow_numbers is set to false.
the word contains control characters.
the word is listed in the file pointed by the wordlist_bad_word_list configuration parameter.
the word is a zero length string.
at least one character listed in the wordlist_valid_punctuation attribute was removed from the word.
the word does not contain any alphanumerical character.
static String NormalizeStatus(int flags)
Returns a string explaining the return flags of the Normalize method.

Loic Dachary

The Ht://Dig group

htdb_dump(1), htdb_stat(1), htdb_load(1), mifluzdump(1), mifluzload(1), mifluzsearch(1), mifluzdict(1), WordContext(3), WordList(3), WordDict(3), WordListOne(3), WordKey(3), WordKeyInfo(3), WordDBInfo(3), WordRecordInfo(3), WordRecord(3), WordReference(3), WordCursor(3), WordCursorOne(3), WordMonitor(3), Configuration(3), mifluz(3)


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