NAMEWorkflow::Persister::DBI::ExtraData - Fetch extra data with each workflow and put it into the contextVERSIONThis documentation describes version 1.60 of this packageSYNOPSIS<persister name="MyPersister" class="Workflow::Persister::DBI::ExtraData" dsn="DBI:mysql:database=workflows" user="wf" password="mypass" extra_table="workflow_ticket" extra_data_field="ticket_id" extra_context_key="ticket_id"/> DESCRIPTIONOverviewSimple subclass of Workflow::Persister::DBI to allow you to declare an extra table and data field(s) from which to fetch data whenever you fetch a workflow. There is a simple restriction: the table must have a field 'workflow_id' of the same datatype as the 'workflow_id' field in the 'workflow' table.Examples# Specify a single field 'ticket_id' from the table 'workflow_ticket' # and store it in the context using the same key: <persister ... extra_table="workflow_ticket" extra_data_field="ticket_id" ... # How you would use this: my $wf = FACTORY->fetch_workflow( 'Ticket', 55 ); print "Workflow is associated with ticket: ", $wf->context->param( 'ticket_id' ); # Specify a single field 'ticket_id' from the table 'workflow_ticket' # and store it in the context using a different key <persister ... extra_table="workflow_ticket" extra_data_field="ticket_id" extra_context_key="THE_TICKET_ID" ... # How you would use this: my $wf = FACTORY->fetch_workflow( 'Ticket', 55 ); print "Workflow is associated with ticket: ", $wf->context->param( 'THE_TICKET_ID' ); # Specify multiple fields ('ticket_id', 'last_viewer', # 'last_view_date') to pull from the 'workflow_ticket' table: <persister ... extra_table="workflow_ticket" extra_data_field="ticket_id,last_viewer,last_view_date" ... # How you would use this: my $wf = FACTORY->fetch_workflow( 'Ticket', 55 ); print "Workflow is associated with ticket: ", $wf->context->param( 'ticket_id' ), " ", "which was last viewed by ", $wf->context->param( 'last_viewer' ), " on ", $wf->context->param( 'last_view_date' ); Configurationextra_table (required)Table where the extra data are kept. extra_data_field (required) Can be a single field or a comma-separated list of fields, all in the same table. If a single field specified you have the option of declaring a different "extra_context_key" under which the value should be stored in the workflow context. Otherwise the values are stored by the field names in the workflow context. extra_context_key (optional) Key under which to save the data from "extra_data_field" in the workflow context. Note: this is ignored when you specify multiple fields in "extra_data_field"; we just use the fieldnames for the context keys in that case. And if you specify a single data field and do not specify a context key we also use the data field name. METHODSinit ( \%params )Initializes persister for extra workflow data. Throws Workflow::Exception if initialization is not successful. fetch_extra_workflow_data ( $wf ) Fetches extra data from database and feeds this to context of given workflow. Takes a single parameter, a workflow object to which extra data are feed if retrieved successfully. Throws Workflow::Exception if retrieval is not successful. COPYRIGHTCopyright (c) 2003-2022 Chris Winters. All rights reserved.This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. Please see the LICENSE AUTHORSPlease see Workflow
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