XML::Doctype::ElementDecl - A class representing an <!ELEMENT> tag
$elt = $dtd->element( 'foo' ) ;
$elt->name() ;
$elt->attr( 'foo' ) ;
This module is used to represent <!ELEMENT> tags in an XML::Doctype
object. It contains <!ATTLIST> tags as well.
This module is alpha code. It's developed enough to support XML::ValidWriter,
but need a lot of work. Some big things that are lacking are:
- new
# Undefined element constructors:
$dtd = XML::Doctype::ElementDecl->new( $name ) ;
$dtd = XML::Doctype::ElementDecl->new( $name, undef, \@attdefs ) ;
# Defined element constructors
$dtd = XML::Doctype::ElementDecl->new( $name, \@kids, \@attdef ) ;
$dtd = XML::Doctype::ElementDecl->new( $name, [], \@attdefs ) ;
- add_attdef
$elt_decl->add_attdef( $att_def ) ;
- attdef
$attr = $elt->attdef( $name ) ;
Returns the XML::Doctype::AttDef named by
$name or undef if there is no such
- attdefs
$attdefs = $elt->attdefs( $name ) ;
Returns the list of XML::Doctype::AttDef instances associated
with this element.
- attribute_names
- Returns a list of the attdefs' names.
- child_names
@names = $elt->child_names ;
Returns a list of names of elements in this element decl's
content model.
- is_declared
if ( $elt_decl->is_declared ) ...
$elt_decl->is_declared( 1 ) ;
Returns TRUE if there is any data defined in the element other
than name and attributes or if is_declared has been set by calling
is_declared( 1 ) or passing DECLARED => 1 to new().
- is_empty
- is_any
- is_mixed
- name
$n = $elt_decl->name ;
Gets the name of the element.
- validate_content
$v = $elt_decl->validate_content( \@seq ) ;
Takes an ARRAY ref of tag names (or '#PCDATA') and checks to
see if it would be valid content for elements of this type.
Right now, this must be called only when an element's end tag
is emitted. It can be broadened to be incremental if need be.
This object uses the fields pragma, so you should use base and fields for any
Barrie Slaymaker <barries@slaysys.com>
This module is Copyright 2000, 2005 Barrie Slaymaker. All rights reserved.
This module is licensed under your choice of the Artistic, BSD or
General Public License.
Hey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained
- Around line 46:
- You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'
- Around line 48:
- '=item' outside of any '=over'
- Around line 333:
- You forgot a '=back' before '=head1'