XmStringTableParseStringArray — A convenience function that
converts an array of strings to a compound string table
#include <Xm/Xm.h>
XmStringTable XmStringTableParseStringArray(
XtPointer *strings,
Cardinal count,
XmStringTag tag,
XmTextType type,
XmParseTable parse,
Cardinal parse_count,
XtPointer call_data);
XmStringTableParseStringArray takes an array of strings, allocates an
XmStringTable with an equal number of slots, calls
XmStringParseText on each string in strings, and inserts the
resulting XmString in the corresponding slot in the
- strings
- Specifies an array of strings of characters as determined by
- count
- Specifies the number of strings in strings.
- tag
- Specifies the tag to be used in creating the result. The type of tag
created (charset or locale) depends on the type of the text and the value
given. If the value specified is NULL, and type indicates that a
charset tag should be created, then the tag will have the value of
XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG. If type indicates a locale tag, then
the tag will have the value of XmFONTLIST_DEFAULT_TAG.
- type
- Specifies the type of text to be passed in and the type of tag. If the
type is either XmMULTIBYTE_TEXT or XmWIDECHAR_TEXT, a locale
tag should be created. If the type is XmCHARSET_TEXT, a charset tag
will be created.
- parse
- Specifies the parse table to be used.
- parse_count
- Specifies the number of entries in the parse table.
- call_data
- Specifies data to be passed to the parse procedures.
Returns a new XmStringTable. The function allocates space to hold the
XmStringTable. When the application no longer needs the returned
XmStringTable, the application should call XmStringFree
count times (that is, one time for each returned compound string) and
then call XtFree to deallocate the XmStringTable itself.
XmStringFree(3) and XmTabList(3).