XmTextScroll — A Text function that scrolls text
#include <Xm/Text.h>
void XmTextScroll(
Widget widget,
int lines);
XmTextScroll scrolls text by a given number of lines in a Text widget.
The sign of the number is interpreted according to the value of the
XmNlayoutDirection resource.
- widget
- Specifies the Text widget ID
- lines
- Specifies the number of lines of text to scroll. A positive value causes
text to scroll upward; a negative value causes text to scroll downward.
Note that the text will scroll only as long as one line of text remains
visible in the window.
- If a navigator exists, this function uses the XmQTnavigator trait
to update the vertical navigator's value.
- In the case of vertical writing, a positive value causes the text to
scroll forward; a negative value causes the lines to scroll backward.
For a complete definition of Text and its associated resources,
see XmText(3).