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NAMEXmtDialogGetDefaultValues() - read default data values for a dialog from the resource database.SYNOPSIS#include <Xmt/Dialog.h>
void XmtDialogGetDefaultValues(Widget dialog, XtPointer address, ArgList args, Cardinal num_args) ARGUMENTSINPUTS
DESCRIPTIONXmtDialogGetDefaultValues() has dialog and address arguments just as XmtDialogGetDialogValues() and XmtDialogSetDialogValues() do. Instead of transferring data from or to the widgets of a dialog box, however, this function looks up default values for each of the dialog data items and stores them in a structure. If you call this function before popping up your dialogs, you'll give the user or the system administrator to customize the dialog defaults to their personal or site preferences.XmtDialogGetDefaultValues() looks up the resource list that was associated with dialog when it was created by XmtBuildDialog() or XmtBuildQueryDialog(). It uses this resource list in a call to XtGetSubresources() to obtain default values from the args argument list and the resource database and store them in the structure at address. If a resource name appears in the args array, then its corresponding value is used as the default. If a hardcoded default does not appear here, then the resource is looked up in the resource database as a subpart of w. The name of the subpart is ``xmtDefaults''. (For a resource named ``orientation'' of a dialog box named ``*print'', the default would be looked up as ``*print.xmtDefaults.orientation''. If a default value is not found in args or in the resource database, then the default comes from the resource list itself-from the default_type and default_addr fields of the XtResource structure. SEE ALSOChapter 29, Custom Dialogs and Automatic Dialog Management, XmtBuildDialog(), XmtBuildQueryDialog(), XmtDialogCancelCallback(), XmtDialogDo(), XmtDialogDoSync(), XmtDialogGetDataAddress(), XmtDialogGetDialogValues(), XmtDialogOkayCallback(), XmtDialogSetDialogValues(), XmtDialogSetReturnValue().