XmtLayoutSpace - an XmtLayout gadget that places space between other
items in the layout.
- Include File:
- #include <Xmt/LayoutG.h>
- Constructor:
- XmtCreateLayoutSpace()
- Class Name:
- XmtLayoutSpace
- Class Pointer:
- xmtLayoutSpaceGadgetClass
- Class Hierarchy:
- RectObj → XmtLayoutGadget → XmtLayoutSpace
The XmtLayoutSpace widget is a gadget that serves to place blank space between
items in a row or column of an XmtLayout widget layout. The LayoutSpace gadget
has no visual appearance of its own, and defines no resources of its own, but
takes up space in a layout, and has all the same constraint resources that any
other child of an Layout widget has.
LayoutSpace inherits the resources of the RectObj and Xmt
LayoutGadget classes, but defines no new resources of its own.
Chapter 19, The Layout Widget: The Details,
XmtCreateLayoutSpace(), XmtLayout, XmtLayoutBox,
XmtLayoutPixmap, XmtLayoutSeparator, XmtLayoutString.