- $Result->Next([boolean])
- Returns the next "Result" object from
among the list of result objects that are part of one
"Response" object.
Returns nothing when called on the last result in a response,
unless auto-continuation is turned on, in which case the next set is
automatically fetched and the first
"Result" from that set's
"Response" is returned.
An optional defined boolean argument turns auto-continuation
on (true) or off (false). If the argument is not defined, or not
provided, the value for the original request's
"AutoContinue" option (default off) is
Note that using auto-continuation can be dangerous. See the
docs for "NextResult" in
- $Result->Prev
- The opposite of "Next". No
auto-continuation feature.
- $Result->Response
- Returns the "Response" object of which
this "Result" object is a part.
- $Result->Request
- Returns the original "Request" object
from which this "Result" object's
"Response" was derived.
- $Result->SearchSpace
- Returns a string which indicates the search space of the original query
that this result was part of. (That is, it returns
"Local", or
It's the same as
- $Result->i[ separator ]
- $Result->I[ separator ]
- The first (lower-case letter "i") returns the zero-based ordinal
of the result from among those in the current
The latter (upper-case letter "I") returns the
zero-based ordinal of the result from among all search results that
might be returned by Yahoo! for the given query.
For example, after
my @Results = Yahoo::Search->Results(Image => "Briteny",
AppId => "my app id",
Start => 45,
Count => 15);
the $Results[0] result object has an
"I" of 45 (the 45th result of all
"Briteny" image results) and an
"i" of 0 (the 0th result among those
returned this time.)
In either case, if an optional argument is given and is true,
it is used as a separator every three digits. In the US, one would
to return "1,234" where
would return "1234".
- $Result->as_html
- Returns a string of HTML that represents the result, as appropriate to the
result's query search space.
There are many ways one may wish to display query results --
this method returns one display that the author finds useful. It may
come in useful for quick prototyping of web applications, e.g.
sub ShowRelated
print join "<hr>", map { $_->as_html } Yahoo::Search->Results(@_);
(Also see
The HTML returned by
"as_html" contains class references,
thereby allowing the look-and-feel to be easily adjusted. Here's a style
sheet that makes Image search results look palatable.
.yResult { display: block; border: #CCF 3px solid ; padding:10px }
.yLink { }
.yTitle { display:none }
.yImg { border: solid 1px }
.yUrl { display:none }
.yMeta { font-size: 80% }
.ySrcUrl { }
.ySum { font-family: arial; font-size: 90% }
Bugs: English-centric
- $Result->as_string
- Returns a textual representation of the
"Result", which may be useful for quick
prototyping or debugging.
- $Result->Data
- Returns a list of key/value pairs containing the fundamental data for the
result (those items marked with '*' in the table at the start of this
my %Data = $Result->Data;
- $Result->Url
- $Result->ClickUrl
- "Url" returns the raw url of the item
(web page, image, etc.), appropriate for display to the user.
"ClickUrl" returns a url
appropriate for the href attribute of a link.
In some cases, the two return the same url.
As with all Result-object methods which return a url of some
sort, you can provide a single argument such as
"href" and receive a string such as
href="..." appropriate to be used directly in html. For
my $HREF = $Result->ClickUrl('href');
print "<a $HREF>click</a>";
is preferable to
my $url = $Result->ClickUrl;
print "<a href='$url'>click</a>";
since the latter would break if $url
contains a singlequote.
- $Result->Title([ as_html ])
- $Result->TitleAsHtml
- "Title" returns the raw title text
associated with the result. If an optional argument is provided and is
true, the title text is returned as html.
"TitleAsHtml" is the same
- $Result->Link
- Returns a link made from the "ClickUrl"
and the "Title", with class
"yLink", e.g.
<a class=yLink href='$URL'>$TITLE</a>
- $Result->Summary([ as_html ])
- $Result->SummaryAsHtml
- Like "Title" and
"TitleAsHtml", but for the summary
associated with the result.
- $Result->CacheUrl
- $Result->CacheSize
- (Appropriate for Doc search results)
"CacheUrl" returns the url
of the document in the Yahoo! cache. See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument version of this method.
"CacheSize" returns the size
(as a string like "22k").
- $Result->ModTimestamp
- (Appropriate for Doc and News
search results)
The Unix timestamp of the Last-Modified time associated with
the the url when it was last checked by Yahoo!'s backend crawlers.
- $Result->Width
- $Result->Height
- (Appropriate for Image and
Video search results)
The width and height (in pixels) of the image or video.
- $Result->ThumbUrl
- $Result->ThumbWidth
- $Result->ThumbHeight
- (Appropriate for Image,
Video, and News search
The url of a thumbnail image, and its width and height.
(Note: few News results have a thumbnail, but some
See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument version of
- $Result->ThumbImg
- (Appropriate for Image,
Video, and News search
Returns a "<img>" tag
representing the thumbnail image, e.g.
<img class=yImg src='$IMGURL' width=$WIDTH height=$HEIGHT>
- $Result->ThumbLink
- (Appropriate for Image,
Video, and News search
Returns a link from the thumbnail to the
"ClickUrl" of the result, e.g.
<a class=yLink href='$CLICKURL'>
<img class=yImg src='$IMGURL' width=$WIDTH height=$HEIGHT>
- $Result->HostUrl
- (Appropriate for Image and
Video search results)
Returns the url of the web page containing a link to the
image/video item that the "Result"
See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument version of this method.
- $Result->Type
- (<Appropriate for Doc, Image, and Video search
Returns a string representing the file type of the item to
which "$Result->Url" points. For
Doc searches, the MIME type (e.g. "text/html") is
For other search spaces, here are the possible return
Video: avi flash mpeg msmedia quicktime realmedia
Image: bmp gif jpg png.
Yahoo! Search derives these Video/Image
"Type" value by actually inspecting
the file contents, and as such it is more reliable than looking at the
file extension.
- $Result->Copyright([ as_html ])
- (<Appropriate for Image and Video search results>)
Returns any copyright notice associated with the result. If an
optional argument is provided and is true, the copyright text is
returned as html.
- $Result->Publisher([ as_html ])
- (<Appropriate for Image, and Video search results>)
Returns any publisher information (as a string) associated
with the result. If an optional argument is provided and is true, the
publisher information is returned as html.
- $Result->Restrictions
- (<Appropriate for Image, and Video search results>)
A (possibly zero-length) string containing zero or more of the
following space-separated words:
See Yahoo!'s web site (http://developer.yahoo.net/) for
information on them.
- $Result->Bytes
- (Appropriate for Image, and
Video search results)
The size of the image/video item, in bytes.
- $Result->Channels
- (Appropriate for Video search results)
Returns the number of channels in the audio, if known.
Examples are "1", "2", "4.1",
"5.1", etc....
- $Result->Seconds
- (Appropriate for Video search results)
Returns the duration of the video clip, if known, in (possibly
fractional) seconds.
- $Result->Duration
- (Appropriate for Video search results)
Returns a string representing the duration of the video clip,
if known, in the form of "37 sec", "1:23", or
"4:56:23", as appropriate.
Bugs: English-centric
- $Result->Streaming
- (Appropriate for Video search results)
Returns "1" if the multimedia is streaming,
"0" if not. If not known, an empty list is returned.
- $Result->SourceUrl
- (Appropriate for News search results)
The main url of the news provider hosting the article that the
"Result" refers to.
See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument version of this method.
- $Result->SourceName([ as_html ])
- $Result->SourceNameAsHtml
- (Appropriate for News search results)
Similar to "Title" and
"TitleAsHtml", but the name of the
organization associated with the news article (and, by extension, with
- $Result->Language
- (Appropriate for News search results)
A code representing the language in which the article is
written (e.g. "en" for English, "ja" for Japanese,
etc.). See the list of language codes at
"perldoc" Yahoo::Search.
- $Result->PublishTime
- $Result->PublishWhen
- (Appropriate for News search results)
"PublishTime" is the Unix
time associated with the article, e.g.
print "Published ", scalar(localtime $Result->PublishTime), "\n";
"PublishWhen" gives a string
along the lines of
3h 25m ago (if less than 12 hours ago)
Tue 9:47am (if less than 5 days ago)
Sat, Dec 25 (if less than 100 days ago)
Sat, Dec 25, 2004 (if >= 100 days ago)
Bug: "PublishWhen" is
- $Result->Address
- $Result->City
- $Result->State
- $Result->Phone
- (Appropriate for Local search results)
Location and Phone number for the business that the
"Result" refers to.
- $Result->Miles
- $Result->Kilometers
- (Appropriate for Local search results)
The distance (in miles and kilometers) from the location used
to make the query to the location of this result.
- $Result->Rating
- (Appropriate for Local search results)
Returns the rating associated with the result, if there is
one. If there is a rating, it is from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) in
0.5-sized steps. If not, nothing is returned.
- $Result->MapUrl
- $Result->AllMapUrl
- (Appropriate for Local search results)
"MapUrl" is a url to a
Yahoo! Maps map showing the business' location.
"AllMapUrl" is a url to a
Yahoo! Maps map showing all the businesses found in the same result-set
that the current "Result" was part
See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument versions of these methods.
- $Result->BusinessUrl
- $Result->BusinessClickUrl
- (Appropriate for Local search results)
The business' home page, if available.
"BusinessUrl" is appropriate for
display, while "BusinessClickUrl" is
appropriate for the href of a link.
See the documentation for the
"Url" method for information on the
one-argument versions of these methods.
- $Result->Term([ as_html ])
- $Result->TermAsHtml
- (Appropriate for Spell,
Related, and Terms search
"Term" returns the term
associated with the result. If an optional argument is provided and is
true, the term text is returned as html.
"TermAsHtml" is the same