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accessors::fast(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation accessors::fast(3)

accessors::fast - Compiletime accessors using Class::Accessor::Fast

Version 0.03

        package My::Simple::Package;
        use accessors::fast qw(field1 field2);
        # constructor is private, redefine only init;
        sub init {
                my $self = shift;
                my %args = @_;
        package main;
        my $o = My::Simple::Package->new( arg1 => 'some value' );
        print $o->field1; # some value
        for ($o->field_list) {
                printf "object have field %s with value %s\n", $_, $o->$_;

This module was created as an alternative to "use fields", and uses Class::Accessor::Fast as a base

Creates accessors at compiletime

Have own default "new" method: it creates object as a blessed hash, then locks keys to defined field list, and invoke "init". So, recommended usage inside packages, is access by hash keys (it's 3 times faster then accessor). Since keys are locked, you will not suffer from autovivification. Public interface recommended to be documented as accessors.

Uses Class::C3

All methods inherited from Class::Accessors::Fast. Own methods defined below

Creates blessed hash, locks it keys to current fields of this package, and invoke "init" method with "ARGS"

Recommended to redefine in subclasses. Will be invoked by inherited "new"

Since this module keeps information about object fields, it can return it.

        for ($o->field_list) {
                printf "%s: %s\n",$_,$o->$_;

This module uses constant::def, so it behaviour could be affected by constant::abs

Use tied hash, instead of Hash::Util"::lock_keys". Much more slower, but could help during development.

Could be enabled by

        # your main program/
        use constant::abs 'accessors::fast::TIE' => 1;

use Carp::confess instead of croak on error conditions

Could be enabled by

        # your main program/
        use constant::abs 'accessors::fast::CONFESS' => 1;

This module uses warnings::register. So, warnings from it could be disabled by

        no warnings 'accessors::fast';

None known

Copyright 2009 Mons Anderson.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Mons Anderson, <>
2009-09-02 perl v5.32.1

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