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al_ftofix(3) |
al_ftofix(3) |
al_ftofix - Allegro 5 API
#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
al_fixed al_ftofix(double x);
Converts a floating point value to fixed point. Unlike al_itofix(3), this
function clamps values which could overflow the type conversion, setting
Allegro’s errno to ERANGE in the process if this happens.
al_fixed number;
number = al_itofix(-40000);
assert(al_fixfloor(number) == -32768);
number = al_itofix(64000);
assert(al_fixfloor(number) == 32767);
assert(!al_get_errno()); /* This will fail. */
Returns the value of the floating point value converted to fixed point clamping
overflows (and setting Allegro’s errno).
al_fixtof(3), al_itofix(3), al_fixtoi(3), al_get_errno(3)
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