#include <biolibc/fastx.h>
-lbiolibc -lxtend
char *bl_fastx_qual(bl_fastx_t *record)
record Pointer to the bl_fastx_t structure
Return a pointer to the qual string of a FASTQ record. The record must be
initialized with bl_fastx_init(3) and populated by bl_fastx_read(3) or other
means. If the format if the fastx stream is FASTA, a warning is generated and
NULL is returned. Previously used variables may be reused to process another
record in the same format (FASTA or FASTQ) or reinitialized by
Pointer to the qual string
bl_fastx_t record = BL_FASTX_INIT;
bl_fastx_init(stdin, &record);
bl_fastx_read(stdin, &record);
printf("Qual string = %sn", bl_fastx_qual(&record));
bl_fastx_init(3), bl_fastx_read(3), bl_fastx_write(3), bl_fastx_free(3)