#include <biolibc/fastx.h>
-lbiolibc -lxtend
size_t bl_fastx_seq_len(bl_fastx_t *record)
record Pointer to the bl_fastx_t structure
Return the length of the seq string of a FASTA or FASTQ record. The record must
be initialized with bl_fastx_init(3) and populated by bl_fastx_read(3) or
other means. Previously used variables may be reused to process another record
in the same format (FASTA or FASTQ) or reinitialized by bl_fastx_free(3);
bl_fastx_t record = BL_FASTX_INIT;
bl_fastx_init(stdin, &record);
bl_fastx_read(stdin, &record);
printf("Seq string length = %zun", bl_fastx_seq_len(&record));
bl_fastx_init(3), bl_fastx_read(3), bl_fastx_write(3), bl_fastx_free(3)