#include <biolibc/vcf.h>
-lbiolibc -lxtend
int bl_vcf_skip_meta_data(FILE *vcf_stream, FILE **meta_stream)
vcf_stream FILE pointer of VCF stream to be read
Skip over header lines in VCF input stream, leaving the FILE structure pointing
to the first character in the first line of data or the first character of the
header line starting with #CHROM if one is present. The header line is
typically read using bl_vcf_get_sample_ids(3). The skipped header is copied to
a temporary file whose FILE pointer is returned.
A FILE pointer to the temporary file with a copy of the header
bl_vcf_get_sample_ids(3), bl_vcf_read_static_fields(3), bl_vcf_read_ss_call(3)