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cdk_menu(3) |
FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
cdk_menu(3) |
cdk_menu - curses menu widget
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lcdk [ library ...
#include <cdk.h>
- int activateCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu,
chtype * actions);
- void destroyCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu);
- void drawCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu,
boolean box);
- void drawCDKMenuSubwin (
CDKMENU *menu);
- void eraseCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu);
- void eraseCDKMenuSubwin (
CDKMENU *menu);
- void getCDKMenuCurrentItem (
CDKMENU *menu,
int *menuItem,
int *submenuItem);
- chtype getCDKMenuSubTitleHighlight (
CDKMENU *menu);
- chtype getCDKMenuTitleHighlight (
CDKMENU *menu);
- int injectCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu,
chtype input);
- CDKMENU *newCDKMenu (
CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
const char *menulist[MAX_MENU_ITEMS][MAX_SUB_ITEMS],
int menuListLength,
int *submenuListLength,
int *menuLocation,
int menuPos,
chtype titleAttribute,
chtype subtitleAttribute);
- void setCDKMenu (
CDKMENU *menu,
int menuItem,
int submenuItem,
chtype titleAttribute,
chtype subtitleAttribute);
- void setCDKMenuBackgroundAttrib (
CDKMENU *menu,
chtype attribute);
- void setCDKMenuBackgroundColor (
CDKMENU *menu,
const char * color);
- void setCDKMenuCurrentItem (
CDKMENU *menu,
int menuItem,
int submenuItem);
- void setCDKMenuPostProcess (
CDKMENU *menu,
PROCESSFN callback,
void * data);
- void setCDKMenuPreProcess (
CDKMENU *menu,
PROCESSFN callback,
void * data);
- void setCDKMenuSubTitleHighlight (
CDKMENU *menu,
chtype highlight);
- void setCDKMenuTitleHighlight (
CDKMENU *menu,
chtype highlight);
The Cdk menu widget creates a pull-down menu list. The following are functions
which create or manipulate the Cdk menu widget.
- activateCDKMenu
- activates the menu widget and lets the user interact with the widget.
- The parameter menu is a pointer to a non-NULL menu widget.
- If the actions parameter is passed with a non-NULL value, the
characters in the array will be injected into the widget.
- To activate the widget interactively pass in a NULL pointer for
- If the character entered into this widget is RETURN then this then
this function returns an integer which is a value of the current menu list
* 100 + the sub-menu number. It will also set the widget data
exitType to vNORMAL.
- If the character entered into this widget was ESCAPE then the
widget will return a value of -1 and the widget data exitType will
be set to vESCAPE_HIT.
- destroyCDKMenu
- removes the widget from the screen and frees memory the object used.
- drawCDKMenu
- draws the menu widget on the screen.
- If the box parameter is true, the widget is drawn with a box.
- drawCDKMenuSubwin
- draws the menu item subwindow.
- eraseCDKMenu
- removes the widget from the screen. This does NOT destroy the
- eraseCDKMenuSubwin
- erases the menu item subwindow.
- getCDKMenuCurrentItem
- returns the values menuItem and submenuItem to the current
menu selection.
- getCDKMenuSubTitleHighlight
- returns the highlight attribute of the sub-menu selection bar.
- getCDKMenuTitleHighlight
- returns the highlight attributes of the menu title.
- injectCDKMenu
- injects a single character into the widget.
- The parameter menu is a pointer to a non-NULL menu widget.
- The parameter character is the character to inject into the
- The return value and side-effect (setting the widget data exitType)
depend upon the injected character:
- the function returns the current menu list * 100 + the sub-menu number.
The widget data exitType is set to vNORMAL.
- the function returns -1. to vESCAPE_HIT. The widget data
exitType is set to vESCAPE_HIT.
- Otherwise
- unless modified by preprocessing, postprocessing or key bindings, the
function returns -1. The widget data exitType is set to
- newCDKMenu
- creates a menu widget and returns a pointer to it. Parameters:
- screen
- is the screen you wish this widget to be placed in.
- menuList
- is a list of the menu list titles.
- menuListLength
- is the number of pull down menus.
- submenuListLength
- is the number of menu items under each menu list.
- menuLocation
- tells where each menu is to be located. Valid values are LEFT and
- menuPos
- tells whether the menu is to be on the top of the screen or the bottom.
Valid values are TOP and BOTTOM.
- titleAttribute and
- subtitleAttribute
- are the character attributes of the title and sub-titles
- If the widget could not be created then a NULL pointer is
- setCDKMenu
- lets the programmer modify certain elements of an existing menu
- The parameters menuItem and submenuItem set which menu list
and sub-menu item are going to be highlighted when the widget is
- The other parameter names correspond to the same parameter names listed in
the newCDKMenu function.
- setCDKMenuBackgroundAttrib
- sets the background attribute of the widget.
- The parameter attribute is a curses attribute, e.g., A_BOLD.
- setCDKMenuBackgroundColor
- sets the background color of the widget.
- The parameter color is in the format of the Cdk format
- See cdk_display (3).
- setCDKMenuCurrentItem
- sets the current item in the menu widget.
- setCDKMenuPostProcess
- allows the user to have the widget call a function after the key has been
applied to the widget.
- The parameter function is the callback function.
- The parameter data points to data passed to the callback
- To learn more about post-processing see cdk_process (3).
- setCDKMenuPreProcess
- allows the user to have the widget call a function after a key is hit and
before the key is applied to the widget.
- The parameter function is the callback function.
- The parameter data points to data passed to the callback
- To learn more about pre-processing see cdk_process (3).
- setCDKMenuSubTitleHighlight
- sets the highlight attribute of the sub-menu selection bar.
- setCDKMenuTitleHighlight
- sets the highlight attributes of the menu title.
When the widget is activated there are several default key bindings which will
help the user enter or manipulate the information quickly. The following table
outlines the keys and their actions for this widget.
Key |
Action |
Left Arrow |
Highlights the menu list to the left of the current menu. |
Right Arrow |
Highlights the menu list to the right of the current menu. |
Up Arrow |
Moves the current menu selection up one. |
Down Arrow |
Moves the current menu selection down one. |
Space |
Moves the current menu selection down one. |
Tab |
Highlights the menu list to the right of the current menu. |
Return |
Exits the widget and returns the index of the selected item. This also
sets the widget data exitType to vNORMAL. |
Escape |
Exits the widget and returns -1. This also sets the widget data
exitType to vESCAPE_HIT. |
Ctrl-L |
Refreshes the screen. |
cdk(3), cdk_binding(3), cdk_display(3),
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