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cdk_util(3) |
FreeBSD Library Functions Manual |
cdk_util(3) |
cdk_util - Cdk utility functions
cc [ flag ... ] file ... -lcdk [ library ...
#include <cdk.h>
- int CDKgetDirectoryContents (
const char *directory,
char ***list);
- int CDKreadFile (
const char *filename,
char ***info);
- void alignxy (
WINDOW *window,
int *xpos,
int *ypos,
int boxWidth,
int boxHeight);
- chtype *char2Chtype (
const char *string,
int *length,
int *align);
- EDisplayType char2DisplayType (
const char *string);
- int checkForLink (
const char *line,
char *filename);
- char *chtype2String (
const chtype *string);
- void deleteCursesWindow (
WINDOW *window);
- void eraseCursesWindow (
WINDOW *window);
- int getListIndex (
CDKSCREEN *screen,
const char *title,
CDK_CONST char **list,
int listSize,
boolean numbers);
- char *getString ("
CDKSCREEN *screen,
const char *title,
const char *label,
const char *init);
- int justifyString (
int fieldWidth,
int mesglen,
int justify);
- int mode2Filetype (
mode_t fileMode);
- void moveCursesWindow (
WINDOW *window,
int xdiff,
int ydiff);
- int popupDialog (
CDKSCREEN *screen,
CDK_CONST char **mesg,
int mesgCount,
CDK_CONST char **buttons,
int buttonCount);
- void popupLabel (
CDK_CONST char **mesg,
int count);
- void popupLabelAttrib (
CDK_CONST char **mesg,
int count,
chtype attribute);
- char *selectFile (
CDKSCREEN *screen,
const char *title);
- int setWidgetDimension (
int parentDim,
int proposedDim,
int adjustment);
- void stripWhiteSpace (
EStripType stripType,
char *string);
- int viewFile (
CDKSCREEN *screen,
const char *title,
const char *filename,
CDK_CONST char **buttons,
int buttonCount);
- int viewInfo (
CDKSCREEN *screen,
const char *title,
CDK_CONST char **info,
int size,
CDK_CONST char **buttons,
int buttonCount,
boolean interpret);
These are utility functions that one may use to initialize, build or customize
- CDKgetDirectoryContents
- opens and reads the contents of the given directory, filling the array
list with the sorted contents of the directory. If the directory
cannot be opened then it returns a value of -1.
- CDKreadFile
- Read the file filename, load the contents into a dynamically
allocated array, storing its address via info. It returns the
number of lines read if the file could be opened, -1 otherwise.
- alignxy
- Aligns a box on the given window with the height and width given.
See cdk_position (3) for the interpretation of the xpos,
ypos, boxWidth and boxHeight, parameters.
- char2Chtype
- Translate a character string with embedded format markers (e.g.,
"</X/Y>Blah Blah") to a null-terminated array of
- The length of the array is stored via the length parameter.
- The align parameter contains justification information (LEFT,
- The caller is responsible for freeing the result.
- char2DisplayType
- Lookup the given name in string and return the equivalent display
type. See also cdk_display (3).
- checkForLink
- Check if the given line is of the form
- If so, extract the filename from the line, storing it in the
filename buffer (which must hold at least CDK_PATHMAX characters).
Return nonzero if a filename is extracted.
- chtype2String
- Extract the characters and formatting information from a null-terminated
array of chtype's string. A dynamically allocated string is
- deleteCursesWindow
- Safely delete a given window, i.e., first check if the window
parameter is nonnull.
- eraseCursesWindow
- Safely erase a given window, i.e., first check if the window
parameter is nonnull.
- getListIndex
- Display a scrollable list of strings in a dialog, allow the user to select
one. Return the index in the list of the value selected.
- The list parameter contains the strings to display; there are
listSize strings in the list.
- If numbers is true, the displayed list items will be numbered.
- getString
- pops up an entry widget with
- a title supplied by the value of the title parameter,
- a label supplied by the label parameter, and
- an initial value supplied by the initialValue parameter.
- It returns a pointer to the value typed in or NULL if the widget was
exited early.
- justifyString
- Given a string length mesglen, the available field width
fieldWidth and a justification type justify, return the
number of characters by which to shift the string.
- mode2Filetype
- Given a file protection mode fileMode, return ignoring the
file-type bits, i.e., ignoring the corresponding permissions data.
- moveCursesWindow
- Move a given window by the amounts in xdiff and
- popupDialog
- creates a quick pop-up dialog box. Pass in
- the message in the mesg parameter,
- the size of the message in the mesgCount parameter,
- the button labels in the buttons parameter and
- the number of buttons in the buttonCount parameter.
- The dialog box will be centered on the screen.
- popupLabel
- creates a quick pop-up label widget.
- The message and the size of the message are passed in via the mesg
and count parameters respectively.
- The label widget waits until the user hits a character and is centered on
the screen.
- popupLabelAttrib
- Display a simple dialog with a list of count message strings
mesg. Use the given attribute for the background of the
- selectFile
- Display a file-selection dialog. Return the selected filename, or null if
none is selected. The caller should free the return-value.
- setWidgetDimension
- This is a helper function used to set the height/width of a widget:
- If the proposed dimension proposedDim is FULL or zero, the return
value will be parentDim.
- If the proposed dimension proposedDim is positive,
- and it is larger than parentDim, return proposedDim,
- otherwise return proposedDim plus adjustment.
- If the proposed dimension proposedDim is negative, the return value
will be parentDim plus proposedDim.
- Otherwise, the return value will be proposedDim.
- stripWhiteSpace
- Strip whitespace from the front and/or back of the given
- The stripType parameter controls the type of stripping done:
- viewFile
- Read the file specified by filename and display it in a CDKVIEWER
window. The title, buttons and buttonCount are
applied to the CDKVIEWER window.
- The viewer shows the contents of the file supplied by the filename
- The buttons on the file viewer are supplied by the buttons
- It returns the index of the button selected, or -1 if the file does not
exist or if the widget was exited early.
Strip_Type |
Result |
This tells the function to remove all of the white space from the front
of the given string. |
This tells the function to remove all of the white space from the back
of the given string. |
This tells the function to remove all of the white space from both the
front and the back of the given string. |
- viewInfo
- Display the list of strings in info in a CDKVIEWER window. The
number of strings is given by size. The title,
buttons and buttonCount are applied to the CDKVIEWER
cdk_dialog (3), cdk_display (3), cdk_position (3), cdk_misc (3).
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