copy_image_transform - Duplicate the transform chain of one VID and
transfer it to another.
copy_image_transform( srcvid, dstvid )
This function traverses the entire transform chain of the srcvid, copying each
transform step and attaches it to a new chain in dstvid.
- 1
- This will also initiate a recursive rendering re-order.
- 2
- This will irrevocably alter the origw,origh properties in the destination
order (in order for the scale transform to be usable).
- 3
- The original transform chain in the destination VID will be
- 4
- src and dst cannot be the same VID .
- 5
- Transformations are stored relative of the source objects coordinate space
and, with the exception of scale, won't be translated.
function copy_image_transform0()
a = fill_surface(32, 32, 255, 0, 0);
blend_image(a, 0.5);
move_image(a, 200, 200, 100);
rotate_image(a, 350, 100);
blend_image(a, 1.0, 100);
b = fill_surface(32, 32, 0, 255, 0);
copy_image_transform(a, b);
function copy_image_transform0()
a = fill_surface(32, 32, 0, 255, 0);
copy_image_transform(a, a);
function copy_image_transform1()
copy_image_transform(-10, nil);