NAMEcurl_mime_headers - set a mime part's custom headersSYNOPSIS#include <curl/curl.h> CURLcode curl_mime_headers(curl_mimepart *part, struct curl_slist *headers, int take_ownership); DESCRIPTIONcurl_mime_headers(3) sets a mime part's custom headers.part is the part's handle to assign the custom headers list to. headers is the head of a list of custom headers; it may be set to NULL to remove a previously attached custom header list. take_ownership: when non-zero, causes the list to be freed upon replacement or mime structure deletion; in this case the list must not be freed explicitly. Setting a part's custom headers list twice is valid: only the value set by the last call is retained. EXAMPLEstruct curl_slist *headers = NULL; headers = curl_slist_append(headers, "Custom-Header: mooo"); /* use these headers, please take ownership */ curl_mime_headers(part, headers, TRUE); /* pass on this data */ curl_mime_data(part, "12345679", CURL_ZERO_TERMINATED); /* set name */ curl_mime_name(part, "numbers"); AVAILABILITYAs long as at least one of HTTP, SMTP or IMAP is enabled. Added in 7.56.0.RETURN VALUECURLE_OK or a CURL error code upon failure.SEE ALSOcurl_mime_addpart(3)
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