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docs::mp3lint-tools(3) |
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docs::mp3lint-tools(3) |
mp3lint-tools - tools and tests available in mp3lint
This file documents the tools available in mp3lint, and the tests provided by
each tool.
Checks au files (Sun/NeXT/DEC audio) by parsing the header.
- data
- Tests if file is a valid au file.
- samplerate
- Tests sample rate of au file is at least
$lint_minsamplerate Hz.
- $lint_minsamplerate
- Minimum sample rate in Hz (number, default 44100)
- samplesize
- Test samplesize of au file is at least
$lint_minbitsize bits.
- $lint_minbitsize
- (number, default 16)
- channels
- Tests file is stereo.
Directory related tests. All tests performed by this tool are disabled if the
-n option is given to mp3lint.
- tracknums
- Tests for non-consecutively numbered tracks.
- artist
- Checks the filename and directory versions of the artist name match.
To allow for multi-artist compilations, if the directory
matches the regular expression $lint_various no
warning is issued.
- $lint_various
- (string (regular expression), default "\/Various\/")
- album
- Checks the filename and directory versions of the album match.
Tests various (often pedantic) features of the filename. All tests performed by
this tool are disabled if the -n option is given to mp3lint.
Tests that test/fix directories are very cautious about whether to
treat that directory as part of the music metadata. They err on the side of
caution, and only check the directories if they match up with music files
inside them.
This can cause directories to be unexpectedly skipped, if the
filenames it finds within them are not valid. It also means you may need to
run mp3lint more than once with the -f (fix) option, first to fix
files, then to fix directories.
- format
- Checks to see the filename is in a valid format. See mp3lintrc(5)
for details of how to specify filename formats. Only works on
- disc
- If the filename or directory name contains something resembling (Disc
1), checks the spelling of "Disc", and that it is followed
by a space then a number.
Possibly the most pedantic and debatable test, hence it is in
the default list of tests to skip ($lint_skip)
If -f (fix) is enabled, it attempts to correct the
- ext
- Checks the extension of the file. Complains if it is uppercase or .mp2
.mp2 files are often .mp3 files mislabelled, plus MPEG Layer 2
files are generally playable by most mp3 (Layer 3) players, so the
utility of a .mp2 extension is dubious.
If -f (fix) is enabled, renames the file to correct the
- space
- Checks if the filename (minus the extension) or directory name ends in a
space, eg "Fade Into .mp3". This is
often a sign that the filename has been truncated, preserving the
- the
- Complains if the artist name begins with The.
This is another debatable test, so it is in the default list
of messages to skip ($lint_skip)
It is arguably a good idea to remove "The" from the
start of artist names, as it is often debatable whether or not they
should have one, and it leads to extra confusion trying to find
An exception is made for The The, for obvious
If -f (fix> is enabled, the file or directory is
renamed to remove the leading "The ".
- caps
- Does a check of the filename or directory name capitalisation.
As it is quite picky, it is in the default list
($lint_skip) of messages to skip.
If installed, it uses Text::Autoformat to work out the correct
format, otherwise it falls back on a crude internal method.
If -f (fix) is enabled (and Text::Autoformat is
installed), it renames the file or directory to correct the
- $lint_case
- (string, default "highlight")
Capitalisation style to use. Available values:
- highlight
- Capitalises everything except "unimportant" words. This is the
- title
- Capitalises every word.
- sentence
- Capitalises the first word.
- upper
- Uppercases everything.
- lower
- Lowercases everything.
- paren
- Checks that brackets in the filename or directory name balance. Arguably
pedantic, but it is useful for catching truncated filenames, eg
"Foo (remixed by Fatb.mp3"
If -f (fix> is enabled, it renames the
file/directory to correct mismatched parentheses, but leaves unclosed
parentheses alone as probably a symptom of a deeper problem (truncated
Various checks that don't belong anywhere else and are related to the file
- empty
- Checks for zero-length files.
- access
- Checks for non-existant or unreadable files and broken symbolic
- perms
- Checks permissions. If -F (fix) is specified, attempts to fix incorrect
- $perms_file
- (octal number, default 0644 (rw-r--r--))
- $perms_dir
- (octal number, default 0755 (rwxr-xr-x))
For details on the encoding of permissions, see chmod(1),
but briefly, the value consists of a leading 0, then 3 digits, one each for
the user, group, and everyone else. Each digit is the sum of the values
4 for write, 2 for read, and 1 for execute.
For instance, if you wanted full access for yourself, read and
execute for your group, and no access for anyone else, you would use (r+w+x
= 4+2+1 =) 7 for user, (r+x = 4+1=) 5 for group and 0 for world (everyone
else). Putting this together, we get 0750
Example values:
0700 = rwx------
0751 = rwxr-x--x
0604 = rw-----w-
0124 = --x-w-r--
If you want to let other users on your machine read your files,
use 0644 (rw-r--r--) for $perms_file and
0755 (rw-r--r--) for $perms_dir. If you want
to keep your files private, use 0600 (rw-------) for
$perms_file and 0700 (rwx------) for
Directories need to have their "x" flag set if you want
people to be able to change into them.
It is essential that $perms_dir and
$perms_file start with a 0, eg 0755 not
755, for them to correctly be interpreted as octal values.
Checks .flac files using flac and metaflac from the flac
distribution at http://flac.sourceforge.net/download.html
It also uses md5sum(1), see mp3lint(1) for more
details on needed software.
- tracknum
- Tests for presence of a vorbis TRACKNUMBER comment, and compares it to the
filename. If the -n option is given to mp3lint, this test only
checks that the tracknum is a valid number, not that it matches the
- artist
- Tests for presence of a vorbis ARTIST comment, and compares it to the
filename. The filename test is suppressed if the -n option is given
to mp3lint.
- album
- Tests for presence of a vorbis ALBUM comment, and compares it to the
filename. The filename test is suppressed if the -n option is given
to mp3lint.
- track
- Tests for presence of a vorbis TITLE comment (track name), and compares it
to the filename. The filename test is suppressed if the -n option
is given to mp3lint.
- channels
- Tests if flac is stereo
- samplerate
- Tests samplerate is at least $lint_minsamplerate
- $lint_minsamplerate
- (number, default 44100 Hz)
- samplesize
- Tests sample bitsize is at least $lint_minbitsize
- $lint_minbitsize
- (number, default 16 bits)
- md5sum
- Decompresses and checksums audio using md5sum, and compares it to the md5
checksum for the original data, stored in the STREAMINFO metadata block.
Assumes the original uncompressed audio was signed and
Does not yet handle flac files embedded in .ogg files.
Does not yet parse id3 tags. Although the reference implementation
only supports them to the extent of noticing and skipping them, some players
use them.
Checks ID3 tags in mp3 files using the MP3::Tag module
If your machine is set up correctly, the module can be installed
by typing (as root):
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install MP3::Tag
cpan> quit
If you have problems with the CPAN client, download MP3::Tag from
http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/MP3/tagged-0.40.tar.gz (or any later
This follows the standard perl installation procedure as used by
mp3lint, ie unpack, "perl Makefile.PL",
"make", "make
install". You will need to be root for
"make install".
The tagged package has a web page at
- tag
- Checks for the existence of an id3 tag.
- tracknum
- Tests for a tracknumber tag (id3 v1.1 and v2.0+ only). Checks it is
numeric and matches the filename. If the -n option is given to
mp3lint, the filename test is skipped.
- artist
- Tests for an artist tag and compares it to the filename. This test is
suppressed if the -n option is given to mp3lint.
- album
- Tests for an album tag and compares it to the filename. This test is
suppressed if the -n option is given to mp3lint.
- track
- Tests for a song tag (track name) and compares it to the filename. This
test is suppressed if the -n option is given to mp3lint.
- compare
- If a file has both id3v1 and id3v2 tags, tests they are the same.
- warnings
- Shows warnings generated by the MP3::Tag module, generally about
unsupported id3 tag versions/features.
The id3v1 tag format has very short fixed length fields. This often means that
data is unavoidably truncated.
All tests that compare id3v1 data allow for this by only comparing
up to the length of the id3v1 data. This currently affects the tests
compare, artist, album, and track.
ID3v2.4 is not yet supported.
Checks m3u playlists, although will also work if they are just lists of files.
- playlist
- Checks all the files mentioned in the m3u file exists. Attempts to be
(slightly) smart about relative pathnames and backslashes for pathname
delimiters. Complains if it finds drive letters in the filenames
Currently doesn't do anything with EXTINF comments.
Tests integrity of mp3 files using the mp3_check command. If quick mode (-q) is
enabled, silently returns without doing anything.
mp3_check is available from sourceforge, see
See mp3lint(1) for more details on installing needed
- framecheck
- Tests integrity of mp3 with mp3_check. As mp3info and mp3_check often give
different numbers of broken frames, both tests are run, and there are
options to specify a minimum number of broken frames before complaining.
- $lint_maxbadframes_mp3check
- number of bad frames to accept before complaining
(number, default 0)
Tests mp3 files using the mp3info command. If quick mode (-q) is enabled, only
does a full mp3 scan if the mp3 is variable bit rate (vbr).
There are two programs called mp3info available on the net. This
expects the one that is at http://ibiblio.org/mp3info It is also the version
that Debian users get if they type "apt-get
install mp3info"
- channels
- Tests mp3 is stereo.
- samplerate
- Tests mp3 samplerate is at least
$lint_minsamplerate Hz.
- $lint_minsamplerate
- minimum samplerate to accept (number, default 44100)
- bitrate
- Tests mp3 is at least $lint_minbitrate_mp3 kbps.
To allow for vbr mp3s with an average bitrate slightly lower than the
target, you may wish to lower it slightly, eg for 128kbps, specify 120.
- $lint_minbitrate_mp3
- minimum bitrate to accept (number, default 120)
- framecheck
- Tests for broken mp3s. As mp3info and mp3_check often give different
numbers of broken frames, both tests are run, and there are options to
specify a minimum number of broken frames before complaining.
- $lint_maxbadframes_mp3info
- number of bad frames to accept before complaining (number, default 0)
Checks Ogg Vorbis files. Requires the program
"ogginfo", available from
On debian systems, it can be installed by typing
"apt-get install vorbis-tools" as
- header
- Tests integrity of Ogg header.
- short
- Tests if Ogg is truncated.
- tags
- Tests for corrupt comment tags
- tracknum
- Tests if Ogg has a TRACKNUMBER comment, that it is a number, and matches
the filename. If the -n option is given to mp3lint, this test only
checks that the tracknum is a valid number, not that it matches the
- artist
- Tests if Ogg has a ARTIST comment, and that it matches the filename. The
filename test is suppressed if the -n option is given to
- album
- Tests if Ogg has a ALBUM comment, and that it matches the filename. The
filename test is suppressed if the -n option is given to
- track
- Tests if Ogg has a TITLE comment (track name), and that it matches the
filename. The filename test is suppressed if the -n option is given
to mp3lint.
- serial
- Tests if Ogg has multiple streams in it by the presence of multiple serial
- bitrate
- Tests Ogg nominal (requested) bitrate is at least
$lint_minbitrate_ogg kbps.
- $lint_minbitrate_ogg
- (number, default 100 kbps)
- channels
- Tests if Ogg is stereo.
- samplerate
- Tests Ogg samplerate is at least
$lint_minsamplerate Hz.
- $lint_minsamplerate
- (number, default 44100 Hz)
- stream
- Tests integrity of Ogg stream[s] in file.
Does not yet handle flac files embedded in .ogg files.
Checks wav files by parsing the RIFF header.
- allow
- If $lint_allow_wav is set to zero, complains if it
finds a .wav file. This is useful if the only use you have for wav files
is while ripping, so a .wav file means a problem with your ripping
- $lint_allow_wav
- Whether to complain (boolean (1/0), default 1)
- samplerate
- Tests sample rate of wav file is at least
$lint_minsamplerate Hz.
- $lint_minsamplerate
- Minimum sample rate in Hz (number, default 44100)
- samplesize
- Test samplesize of wav file is at least
$lint_minbitsize bits.
- $lint_minbitsize
- (number, default 16)
- channels
- Tests file is stereo.
- data
- Tests if file is a valid WAV file, and if it is an mp3 hiding in a wav
file or is some other sort of non-pcm audio.
To add a new tool to mp3lint, create a module under the namespace
MP3::Archive::Lint::Tools::. This should inherit from
MP3::Archive::Lint::Tool. You will need to implement the following
- new
- Your constructor will get passed a reference to a
MP3::Archive::Lint::Conf object. You should pass this to the base
class constructor with something like:
- initscan
- "initscan" is called once per file being
tested. You should do any per-file initialisation here.
The following methods and variables will be useful:
- $self->settests("test1", "test2")
- In either "initscan" or
"new", you should call
"settests" to set the list of tests to
run. "settests" expects an array of test
names (as strings). After "initscan" has
been called, those tests are called in order. Tests are simply methods in
your tool.
- $self->{file}
- The full path and filename of the current file/dir.
- $self->{path}
- The canonicalised path component of the current file, minus the
- $self->{filename}
- The filename of the current file, minus the path.
- $self->{qfile}
- $self->{file}, but quoted with single quotes so
it can safely be passed through the shell.
- $self->{skipnametests}
- Flag, whether to skip filename-related tests or not.
- $self->{isalbum}, $self->{istrack}
- Flags, whether to treat the current file an an album track. (Both
- $self->config()
- Returns the current
"MP3::Archive::Lint::Conf" object.
Useful config methods:
- $self->config->get($varname)
- Returns the value of the configuration variable
$varname or undef if not found.
- $self->config->skipnametests()
- Returns a boolean whether to skip filename-related tests or not.
- $self->archive()
- Returns the current MP3::Archive(3) object.
The best plan is probably to start with an existing tool and work
from there. Wav.pm is probably a good starting point, as it is simple
and fairly representative.
See sections for individual tools, above.
Please report any problems found to ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk
mp3lint(1), mp3lintskip(1), mp3lintsum(1),
mp3lintrc(5), MP3::Archive(3), mp3-archive-tools(1)
perl(1), MP3::Tag(3), mp3info(1),
mp3_check(1), checkmp3(1), ogginfo(1), flac(1),
metaflac(1), md5sum(1), sort(1), diff(1)
Ian Beckwith <ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
Copyright 2003 Ian Beckwith <ianb@nessie.mcc.ac.uk>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
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