#include <xtend/fast-file.h>
int ffread_line_malloc(ffile_t *stream, char **buff, size_t *buff_size,
size_t *len)
stream: FILE stream from which field is read
buff: Character buffer into which field is copied
buff_size: Size of the array passed to buff
len: Pointer to a variable which will receive the field length
ffread_line_malloc() reads a single line of text (up to the next newline
or EOF) from stream, allocating and/or extending the provided buffer if
Delimiter ending the read: either newline or EOF
ffile_t *stream;
char *buff;
size_t buff_len, len;
while ( ffile_read_line_malloc(stream, buff, &buff_len, &len) != EOF )
dsv_read_field_malloc(3), ffgetc(3)