image_origo_offset - Shift the current object rotation offset
image_origo_offset( vid:dst, number:xofs, number:yofs )
image_origo_offset( vid:dst, number:xofs, number:yofs, number:zofs )
By default, the rotation origo for each object is set to its local center
(0.5*w, 0.5*h).
- 1
- This is relative to the local object itself. For complex object
hierarchies, the bounding volume would have to be calculated and each
object shifted.
function image_origo_offset0()
a = fill_surface(32, 32, 255, 0, 0);
b = fill_surface(32, 32, 0, 255, 0);
show_image({a, b});
move_image(a, 50, 100);
move_image(b, 100, 100);
rotate_image(a, 45);
rotate_image(b, 45);
image_origo_offset(b, -10, -10);