image_surface_properties - Retrieve the current properties of the
specified object.
image_surface_properties( vid, dt )
There are a number of attributes tracked for each object. Those that directly
influence rendering and are modifiable through transformations (move, rotate,
scale, ...) may vary with time. This function can be used to retrieve either
the current state of such attributes, or resolve what the state would be at a
future point in time (by providing the dt argument).
- 1
- The fields used in proptbl are: (x, y, z, width, height, angle, roll,
pitch, yaw, opacity and order).
- 2
- The values retrieved are expressed in local (object) coordinate
function image_surface_properties0()
a = fill_surface(32, 32, 255, 0, 0);
move_image(a, 100, 100, 100);
cprops = image_surface_properties(a);
fprops = image_surface_properties(a, 50);
print(string.format("now(x,y): %d, %d -- later(x,y): %d, %d",
cprops.x, cprops.y, fprops.x, fprops.y));