input_capabilities - query platform layer or target for input
captbl, ident
input_capabilities( vid:fsrv )
This function can be used to query the platform (default) or a frameserver
(providing a valid fsrv argument) for its current set of input
capabilities in terms of devices (both cases) and data types (frameserver
only). The returned table is key indexed of booleans indicating whether the
type is supported or not. A frameserver may update this mask for a segment at
will. When the mask is changed, an "input_mask" event will be sent
to the frameservers assigned event handler. This mask will be applied to
samples provided through target_input . For the platform, the set may
also change when devices are added and removed in response to a device
appearing and removing. The set of provided or accepted devices may be zero,
one or many of the following: "keyboard, "mouse",
"game", "touch", "position",
"orientation", "eyetracker". The set of accepted datatypes
may be zero, one or many of the following: "analog",
"digital", "translated", "touch",
function input_capabilities0()
for k,v in pairs(input_capabilities()) do
print(k, v);