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NAMEODF::lpOD::Document - General ODF package handling and metadataDESCRIPTIONThis manual page describes the "odf_document", the common features of any "odf_part" of a "odf_document", and the particular features of the "odf_meta" and "odf_manifest" parts (that handle the global document metadata and the manifest of the associated container).Every "odf_document" is associated with a "odf_container" that encapsulates all the physical access logic. On the other hand, every "odf_document" is made of several components so-called parts. The lpOD API is mainly focused on parts that describe the global metadata, the text content, the layout and the structure of the document, and that are physically stored according to an XML schema. The common lpOD class for these parts is "odf_xmlpart" (whose Perl implementation is the "ODF::lpOD::XMLPart" package). lpOD provides specialized classes for the conventional ODF XML parts, namely "odf_meta", "odf_content", "odf_styles", "odf_settings", "odf_manifest". In order to process particular pieces of content in the most complex parts, i.e. "odf_content" and "odf_styles", the "odf_element" class and its various specialized derivatives are available. They are described in other chapters of the lpOD documentation. Document initialization and terminationAny access to a document requires a valid "odf_document" instance, that may be created from an existing document or from scratch, using one of the constructors introduced below. Once created, this instance gives access to individual parts through the "get_part()" method.Knowing that the API is object oriented, a document instance initialization is done through a "odf_document-"new()> class method; however, lpOD provides a functional wrapper for each use case of this method. odf_create_document(doc_type) See "odf_new_document(doc_type)". odf_get_document(uri) This function creates a read-write document instance from an existing resource (i.e. a physical, local or remote, ODF file). The returned object is associated to the ODF resource, which may be updated. The required argument is the URI (or file path) of the resource. Example: my $doc = odf_get_document("C:\MyDocuments\test.odt"); If the "save" method of "odf_document" is later used without explicit target, the document is wrote back to the same resource (if this resource is not read-only). Alternatively, the argument may be a "IO::File" corresponding to an open, seekable file handle: my $fh = IO::File->new("test.odt", "r"); my $doc = odf_get_document($fh); odf_new_document_from_template(uri) Same as "odf_get_document", but the ODF resource is used in read only mode, i.e. it's used as a template in order to generate other ODF physical documents. Some metadata of the new document are initialized to the following values:
Each piece of metadata may be changed later by the application. odf_new_document(doc_type) Unlike other constructors, this one generates a "odf_document" instance from scratch. Technically, it's a variant of "odf_new_document_from_template", but the default template (provided with the lpOD library) is used. The required argument specifies the document type, that must be 'text', 'spreadsheet', 'presentation', or 'drawing'. The new document instance is not persistent; no file is created before an explicit use of the "save" method. The following example creates a spreadsheet document instance: my $doc = odf_new_document('spreadsheet'); Note that the instructions below are equivalent: my $doc = odf_create_document('spreadsheet'); my $doc = odf_document->create('spreadsheet'); The real content of the instance depends on the default template. A set of valid template ODF files is transparently installed with the standard lpOD distribution. Advanced users may use their own template files. To do so, they have to replace the ODF files present in the "templates" sub directory of the lpOD installation; the path to the lpOD installation may be retrieved through the lpod->installation_path common function. The user-provided template files must have the same names. Some metadata are initialized in the same way as with "odf_new_document_from_template". Document instance termination In a long running process, as soon as a document instance is no longer used, it's strongly recommended to issue an explicit call to its "forget()" method. Without explicit destructor call, the allocated memory is not automatically released when the object goes out of scope. This functional constraint comes mainly from deliberately implemented circular references that allow the applications to navigate back and forth between objects through direct links. Document MIME type check and controlget_mimetypeReturns the MIME type of the document (i.e. the full string that identifies the document type). An example of regular ODF MIME type is: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text set_mimetype(new_mimetype) Allows the user to force a new arbitrary MIME type (not to use in ordinary lpOD applications !). Access to individual document partsget_part(name [options])Generic "odf_document" method allowing access to any part of a previously created document instance, including parts that are not handled by lpOD. The lpOD library provides symbolic constants that represent the ODF usual XML parts: "CONTENT", "STYLES", "META", "MANIFEST", "SETTINGS". This instruction returns the CONTENT part of a document as a "odf_content" object: $content = $document->get_part(CONTENT); With "MIMETYPE" as argument, "get_part()" returns the MIME type of the document as a text string, i.e. the same result as "get_mimetype()". Note that "get_part(CONTENT)" may be replaced by the "content()" accessor, so the short form of the instruction above is: $content = $document->content; The parts are loaded for read-write use by default. However, a "update" boolean option may be provided; if set to "FALSE", this option instructs lpOD that the loaded part will not be persistently changed. In such case, the part is not really in "read-only" mode, knowing that the user can always insert, update or delete any element, but the changes regarding this part are not committed in the ODF file when the "save()" method is used. However, the user can make an XML export reflecting these changes at any time through the part-based "serialize()" method. For special purposes with XML parts, get_part() may be called with optional "handlers" and/or "roots" parameters that specify a custom behavior during the parsing time, before the full document availability. These parameters are respectively linked to the "twig_handlers" and "twig_roots" options of the underlying XML::Twig API, so you can find details about them in the XML::Twig documentation. The value of each one must be a hash reference whose keys are XML tags and values are user-defined function references. The given handlers are triggered each time the corresponding XML tags are found by the XML parser when the part is loaded, before any other processing. As an example, the following sequence displays the total number of paragraphs found in a document content, knowing that 'text:p' is the ODF tag for paragraphs: my $doc = odf_get_document($filename); my $count = 0; my $content = $doc->get_part( CONTENT, handlers => { 'text:p' => sub { $count++ } } ); say "This document contains $count paragraphs"; Of course there are more user-friendly ways to count objects once the document part is loaded, and this feature is probably not needed in most cases. However, it's the most efficient way to process elements "on the fly" in huge documents. Note that the "handlers" option works only when the document part is loaded for the first time. So, in the following sequence, it will not work because the "CONTENT" part is implicitly and automatically loaded and parsed by "get_body()" (knowing that the body context is located inside the "CONTENT"): sub process_paragraph { say "Hello paragraph !" } $doc = odf_document->get($filename); $context = $doc->get_body; $content = $doc->get_part( CONTENT, handlers => { 'text:p' => \&process_paragraph } ); The user-defined callback function receives 2 arguments. The first one is the XML::Twig instance internally used by lpOD to handle the XML part (you can ignore it as long as you work with ODF::lpOD documented features only). The second one is the parsed ODF element itself. Remember that every key in the handlers hash may be a quoted regexp in order to provide more flexibility. If, in the code example above, 'text:p' is replaced by "qr'text:(p|h)'", then the corresponding handler is triggered for paragraphs and headings (knowing that 'text:h' is the ODF tag for headings). The "roots" option produces a more drastic effect. If this option is set, "get_part()" ignores any XML content outside of the given roots (with the exception of the root element of the XML part). As an example, the instruction below instructs "get_part()" to load the 'office:automatic-styles' element only in the "CONTENT" part: my $content = $doc->get_part( CONTENT, roots => { 'office:automatic-styles' => TRUE } ); In the example above, a specified root tag is specified with an associated "TRUE" value. The given value may be a user-defined function as well; if so, the given function is triggered each time the given XML tag is processed, in the same way as with the "handler" option. The next example illustrates the fastest way to parse a large document just to extract and display its headings (i.e. the 'text:h' elements), without any other processing (this code, with some more output presentation sugar, could be used in order to quickly export a table of content): sub say_heading_text { my ($twig, $heading) = @_; say $heading->get_text; } $doc->get_part( CONTENT, roots => { 'text:h' => \&say_heading_text } ); Remember that, after such a sequence, the loaded content includes only the root element and the 'text:h' elements. The "roots" option allows the applications to avoid performance issues when they just need to get a read-only access to particular portions of huge documents. On the other hand, this option should not be used when the part is loaded for update, because it would produce truncated and inconsistent documents. So, as soon as "roots" is set, the default value of the "update" option is silently set to "FALSE" (but the user can explicitly set this option to "TRUE"... and live with the consequences). Caution: These options work only with a previously existing document, and if the given part has not been already loaded. "get_part()" may be used in order to get any other document part, such as an image or any other non-XML part. To do so, the real path of the needed part must be specified instead of one of the XML part symbolic names. As an example, the instruction below returns the binary content of an image: $img = $document->get_part('Pictures/logo.jpg'); In such a case, the method returns the data as an uninterpreted sequence of bytes. (Remember that images files included in an ODF package are stored in a "Pictures" folder.) Returns "undef" if case of failure. There is a shortcut for "get_part()" for each part in "CONTENT", "STYLES", "META", and "MANIFEST", that is an accessor whose name is the part name in lower case. It's just syntactic sugar. As an example, the two following instruction are equivalent: $part = $doc->get_part(CONTENT); $part = $doc->content; A special "get_body()" or "body()" accessor is available. "get_body()" is mainly a part-based method, introduced later, but, when called from a document object, it returns the body element of the "CONTENT" part. So the four instructions below are equivalent: $context = $doc->get_body; $context = $doc->get_part(CONTENT)->get_body; $context = $doc->content->get_body; $context = $doc->body; Note that "get_body()" may be called with an optional argument that specifies the type of content, typically 'text', 'spreadsheet', 'presentation', or 'drawing'. Of course, a well-formed ODF document should contain only one body and its content type depends on the document type (for example the content type of a text document is always 'text'). Providing a content type to "get_body()" is just a way among others to check the document type, knowing that this method returns "undef" if the given content type doesn't match the real one. Example: my $context = $doc->get_body('spreadsheet'); if ($context) { # do something } else { alert "We are not in spreadsheet context !"; exit; } get_parts Returns the list of the document parts. Accessing data inside a partEverything in the part is stored as a set of "odf_element" instances. So, for complex parts (such as "CONTENT") or parts that are not explicitly covered in the present documentation, the applications need to get access to an "entry point" that is a particular element. The most used entry points are the "root" and the "body". Every part handler provides the "get_root()" and "get_body()" methods, each one returning a "odf_element" instance, that provides all the element-based features (including the creation, insertion or retrieval of other elements that may become in turn working contexts).For those who know the ODF XML schema, two part-based methods allow the selection of elements according to XPath expressions, namely "get_element()" and "get_elements()". The first one requires an XPath expression and a positional number; it returns the element corresponding to the given position in the result set of the XPath expression (if any). The second one returns the full result set (i.e. a list of "odf_element" instances). For example, the instructions below return respectively the first paragraph and all the paragraphs of a part (assuming $part is a previously selected document part): my $paragraph = $part->get_element('text:p', 0); my @paragraphs = $part->get_elements('text:p'); Beware that such instructions should not appear in a real application, knowing that lpOD provides more user-friendly methods to retrieve paragraphs (see ODF::lpOD::TextElement). Note that the position argument of "get_element" is zero-based, and that it may be a negative value (if so, it specifies a position counted backward from the last matching element, -1 being the position of the last one). So a large part of the lpOD functionality is described with the "odf_element" class, i.e. ODF::lpOD::Element. Global document metadataFrom the handler provided by "get_part(META)" (or "meta()"), several pieces of document metadata may be directly get or set.Simple metadata accessorsMost metadata are just text strings. The user may read or write each one using a "get_xxx" or "set_xxx" accessor, where "xxx" is the lpOD name of a particular property. The presently supported simple properties are:
When used without argument, some "set" accessors may automatically set default values, according to the capabilities of the run time environment. For "set_creation_date()" and "set_modification_date()", the default is the current system date. For "set_creator()" and "set_initial_creator()", the default is the identifier of the current system user. For "set_generator()" the default is the system name of the current program (as it would appear in a command line) or, if not available, the current process identifier. If the execution environment can't provide such information, no default value is provided. "set_editing_cycles()", without argument, increments the "editing_cycles" indicator by 1. Both "set_creation_date" and "set_modification_date" allow the user to provide the date in the ODF-compliant (ISO-8601) format, or in numeric format (like the Perl "time" format). In the second case, the provided time is automatically converted in the required format. Of course, the numeric format is more convenient for time calculations. The instruction below, for example, sets the modification date to one hour earlier than the current system time: $meta->set_modification_date(time() - 3600); The corresponding "get_" accessors always return the dates in their storage format. However, the lpOD library provides a "numeric_date" that translates a regular ISO date into a Perl numeric "time" value (a symmetric "iso_date" global function translates a Perl "time" into a ISO date). Examples of use: $meta->set_title("The lpOD Cookbook"); $meta->set_creator("The lpOD Project team"); $meta->set_modification_date; my $old_version = $meta->get_editing_cycles; $meta->set_editing_cycles; Document statisticsThe global document statistics (as defined in the §3.1.18 of the ODF 1.1 specification) may be get or set using the "get_statistics" and "set_statistics" accessors. The first one returns the statistic properties as a hash reference. The second one takes a hash reference with the same structure, containing the attribute names and values. The following example displays the page count of the document (assuming it's a text document):my $meta = $document->meta; my $stat = $meta->get_statistics; say $meta->{'meta:page-count'}; Note that nothing prevents the applications from using "set_statistics" to set any arbitrary figure. KeywordsThe document metadata include a list of keywords (possibly empty). This list may be used or changed.get_keywords Knowing that a document may be "tagged" by one or more keywords, "odf_meta" provides a "get_keywords" method that returns the list of the current keywords as a comma-separated string. set_keywords(string_of_keywords) "set_keywords" allows the user to set a full list of keywords, provided as a single comma-separated string; the provided list replaces any previously existing keyword; this method, used without argument or with an empty string, just removes all the keywords. Example: $meta->set_keywords("ODF, OpenDocument, Python, Perl, Ruby, XML") The spaces after the commas are ignored, and it's not possible to set a keyword that contains comma(s) through "set_keywords". set_keyword(keyword) "set_keyword" appends a new, given keyword to the list; it's neutral if the given keyword is already present; it allows commas in the given keyword (but we don't recommend such a practice). check_keyword(keyword) "check_keyword" returns "TRUE" if its argument (which may be a regular expression) matches an existing keyword, or "FALSE" if the keyword is not present. remove_keyword(expression) "remove_keyword" deletes any keyword that matches the argument (which may be a regular expression). User-defined metadataEach user-defined metadata element has a unique name (or key), a value and a data type.get_user_field(name) Retrieves a user-defined field according to its name (that should be unique for the document). In scalar context, returns the value of the field. In array context, returns the value and the data type. The regular ODF data types are "float", "date", "time", "boolean", and "string". get_user_fields The "odf_meta" API provides a "get_user_fields" method that returns a list whose each element is a hash ref whose (self-documented) keys are "name", "value", and "type". As an example, the following loop displays the name, the value and the type of each use field in the metadata part of a document: my $doc = odf_get_document($source); my $meta = $doc->meta; foreach my $uf ($meta->get_user_fields) { say "Name " . $uf->{name} . "Value " . $uf->{value} . "Type " . $uf->{type} } set_user_fields() Allows the applications to set or change all the user-defined items. Its argument is a list of hash refs with the same structure as the result of "get_user_fields()". set_user_field(name, value, type) Creates or changes a user field. The first argument is the name (identifier). The last argument is the data type, which must be ODF-compliant (see "get_user_field"). If the type is not specified, it's default value is 'string'. If the type is "date", the value is automatically converted in ISO-8601 format if provided as a numeric "time" value. Examples: $meta->set_user_field("Development status", "Working draft"); $meta->set_user_field("Security status", "Classified"); $meta->set_user_field("Ready for release", FALSE, "boolean"); How to persistently update a documentEvery part may be updated using specific methods that creates, change or remove elements, but this methods don't produce any persistent effect.The updates done in a given part may be either exported as an XML string, or returned to the "odf_document" instance from which the part depends. With the first option, the user is responsible of the management of the exported XML (that can't be used as is through a typical office application), and the original document is not persistently changed. The second option instructs the "odf_document" that the part has been changed and that this change should be reflected as soon as the physical resource is wrote back. However, a part-based method can't directly update the resource. The changes may be made persistent through a "save()" method of the "odf_document" object. export Same as "serialize()", introduced below. serialize This part-based method returns a full XML export of the part. The returned XML string may be stored somewhere and used later in order to create or replace a part in another document, or to feed another application. This method may be ignored by users who just need to save created or changed documents in a regular compressed ODF format, because the document-based "save()" method does the whole job. A "indent" or "pretty" named option may be provided. If set to "TRUE", this option specifies that the XML export should be indented, so as human-readable as possible. The default value of this option is "FALSE". The example below returns a conveniently indented XML representation of the content part of a document: $doc = odf_document->get("C:\MyDocuments\test.odt"); $part = $doc->get_part(CONTENT); $xml = $part->serialize(indent => TRUE); Note that this XML export is not affected by the encoding/decoding mechanism that works for user content, so it's character set doesn't depend on the custom text output character set possibly selected through the "set_output_charset()" method introduced in ODF::lpOD::Common. lpOD allow the applications to export individually selected XML elements instead of full XML parts; to do so, a "serialize()" or "export()" element- based method is provided (see ODF::lpOD::Element). store This part-based method stores the present state (possibly changed) of the part in a temporary, non-persistent space, waiting for the execution of the next call of the document-based "save()" method. This method may be ignored by users who just need to save created or changed documents in a regular compressed ODF format, because the document-based "save()" method does the whole job. The following example selects the "CONTENT" part of a document, removes the last paragraph of this content, then sends back the changed content to the document, that in turn is made persistent: $content = $document->get_part(CONTENT); $p = $content->get_body->get_paragraph(-1); $p->delete; $content->store; $document->save; Like "serialize()", "store()" allows the "pretty" option, in order to store human-readable XML in the file that will be generated by "save" (for debugging only). Note that "store()" doesn't write anything on a persistent storage support; it just instructs the "odf_document" that this part needs to be updated. The explicit use of "store()" to commit the changes made in an individual part is not mandatory. When the whole document is made persistent through the document-based "save()" method, each part is automatically stored by default. However, this automatic storage may be deactivated using "needs_update()". needs_update(TRUE/FALSE) This part-based method allows the user to prevent the automatic storage of the part when the "save()" method of the corresponding "odf_document" is executed. As soon as a document part is used, either explicitly through the "get_part()" document method or indirectly, it may be modified. By default, the document- based "save()" method stores back in the container every part that may have been used. The user may change this default behavior using the part-based "needs_update()" method, whose argument is "TRUE" or "FALSE". In the example below, the application uses the "CONTENT" and "META" parts, but the "META" part only is really updated, whatever the changes made in the "CONTENT": $doc = odf_get_document('source.odt'); $content = $doc->get_part(CONTENT); $meta = $doc->get_part(META) #... $content->needs_update(FALSE); $doc->save(); Note that "needs_update(FALSE)" deactivates the automatic update only; the explicit use of the "store()" part-based method remains always effective. add_file This document-based method stores an external file "as is" in the document container, without interpretation. The mandatory argument is the path of the source file, provided according to either the local file system rules or an URL. If the path contains a ":" and if this sign is preceded by anything other than a single letter, then it's regarded as a remote URL. So, as examples, a path that looks like "http:..." is supposed to be aimed at a distant resource, while "C:\...", "/xxx/yyy..." and "aaa" are supposed to specify local files. As soon as a resource is regarded as remote, lpOD tries to load it through "LWP::Simple", so you should read the "LWP::Simple" documentation for details about the supported protocols. Beware that this module is not required at the ODF::lpOD installation time, and that "add_file()" will just fail, without fatal error, as long as it's called with remote URLs when "LWP::Simple" is not installed. Optional named parameters "path" and "type" are allowed; "path" specifies the destination path in the ODF package, while "type" is the MIME type of the added resource. Note that the "path" parameter is by no mean related to the source path specified by the first argument. As an example, the instruction below inserts a binary image file available in the current directory in the "Thumbnails" folder of the document package: $document->add_file( "http://images.somewhere/logo.png", path => "Thumbnails/thumbnail.png" ); If the "path" parameter is omitted, the destination folder in the package is either "Pictures" if the source is identified as an image file (caution: such a recognition may not work with any image type in any environment) or the root folder. The following example creates an entry whose every property is specified: $document->add_file( "portrait.jpg", path => "Pictures/portrait.jpg", type => "image/jpeg" ); If the "type" option is not provided, lpOD attempts to automatically determine the MIME type using "File::Type", provided that the file is available in the local file system. If the file format is not recognized, lpOD doesn't provide any default value, so the mime type of the resource is not registered in the document. Note that right MIME types are not absolutely required by typical ODF-compatible software but that it's a good practice to provide them when possible. The return value is the destination path. If the imported file is an image, this return value may be used as a reference each time the corresponding image is inserted in the document through a "frame" (for details about the ways to insert image frames in documents, see ODF::lpOD::StructuredContainer). This method may be used in order to import an external XML file as a replacement of a conventional ODF XML part without interpretation. As an example, the following instruction replaces the "STYLES" part of a document by an arbitrary file: $document->add_file("custom_styles.xml", path => STYLES); (For mnemonic reasons, it's possible to replace "path" by "part", knowing that each part of a document is practically identified by a path in the physical archive.) Note that the physical effect of "add_file()" is not immediate; the file is really added (and the source is really required) only when the "save()" method, introduced below, is called. As a consequence, any update that could be done in a document part loaded using "add_file()" is lost. According to the same logic, a document part loaded using "add_file()" is never available in the current document instance; it becomes available if the current instance is made persistent through a "save()" call and if a new instance is created using the saved package with "odf_get_document". add_image_file Specialized derivative of "add_file()", to be used in order to import image files used in the document without explicit "type" and "path" parameters. In scalar context, the return value is the same as "add_file()", so it may be used as the image reference in order to associate the image to a "frame" that will make it visible in the document (see ODF::lpOD::StructuredContainer). In array context, "add_image_file()" returns the image reference then (if everything is right) the image size. This size (if defined) may be used to set the size of the corresponding image container in the document (see the "Frames" section in ODF::lpOD::StructuredContainer), like in the following example: my ($link, $size) = $doc->add_image_file('/home/images/logo.png'); my $frame = odf_create_image_frame($link, size => $size); However, the automatic size detection works only if the image file is recognized by Image::Size (fortunately, the most popular formats, such as PNG, JPG, BMP, XPM, TIFF and others are supported). If the "type" option is not set, lpOD attempts to determine the MIME type using "File::Type", but a specific rule applies in case of failure. If the type is not automatically recognized, then lpOD arbitrarily concatenates the suffix of the file name to the "image/" string (so if the source file name is "foo.jpeg" then the supposed MIME type is "image/jpeg"), that may hopefully provide a correct MIME type in some situations. And if nothing works (i.e. if there is no application-provided type, if "File::Type" doesn't answer, and if there is no file suffix), then the type is set to "image/unknown". Users are encouraged to avoid such a result, but, fortunately, a wrong MIME type doesn't prevent a typical ODF-compatible office software to correctly render an image in a document (provided that the image format is really supported, that doesn't depend on lpOD). Note that it's strongly recommended to avoid any intensive use of "add_image_file()" in array context, especially in long running processes and/or with remote resources, knowing that, in order to get the image size, lpOD immediately loads the file and stores it in memory. If "add_image_file()" is called in scalar context, the effective file load is deferred until the ODF target file is generated by "save()". set_part Allows the user to create or replace a document part using data in memory. The first argument is the target ODF part, while the second one is the source string. del_part Deletes a part in the document package. The deletion is physically done through the subsequent call of "save()". The argument may be either the symbolic constant standing for a conventional ODF XML part or the real path of the part in the package. The following sequence replaces (without interpretation) the current document content part by an external content: $document->del_part(CONTENT); $document->add_file("/somewhere/stuff.xml", path => CONTENT); Note that the order of these instructions is not significant; when "save()" is called, it executes all the deletions then all the part insertions and/or updates. save This method is provided by the "odf_document". If the document instance is associated with a regular ODF resource available for update (meaning that it has been created using "odf_get_container" and that the user has a write access to the resource), the resource is wrote back and reflects all the changes previously committed by one or more document parts using their respective "store" methods. The general form of a document processing sections looks like that: $doc = odf_get_document($filepath); # various document updates $doc->save; As an example, the sequence below updates a ODF file according to changes made in the "META" and "CONTENT" parts: my $doc = odf_get_document("/home/users/jmg/report.odt"); my $meta = $doc->get_part(META); my $content = $doc->get_part(CONTENT); # meta updates are made here # content updates are made here $document->save; The "save()" method allows a "pretty" option in order to get human-readable XML in the resulting ODF files. Warning: this feature is intended for debugging only and must be avoided in production, knowing that it may insert indesirable spaces in the text contents and increase the file size. Example: $document->save(pretty => TRUE); The "pretty" feature may be in some way customized through the XML_PRETTY_PRINT() global setting function, that allows the application to select a particular XML export style. The default is 'indented'; other legal values are 'nice', 'indented_c', 'indented_a', 'indented_close_tag', 'cvs', 'wrapped', 'record', 'record_c', 'nsgmls' and 'none'. For details about the effects of each option, see "set_pretty_print()" in XML::Twig. In the following example, the XML is stored according to the 'nsgmls' style: XML_PRETTY_PRINT('nsgmls'); $document->save(pretty => TRUE); An optional "target" parameter may be provided to "save()". If set, this parameter specifies an alternative destination for the file (it produces the same effect as the "File/Save As" feature of a typical office software). The "target" option is always allowed, but it's mandatory with "odf_document" instances created using a "odf_new_document_from..." constructor. ManifestThe manifest part of a document holds the list of the files included in the container associated to the "odf_document". It's represented by a "odf_manifest" object, that is a particular "odf_xmlpart".Each included file is represented by a "odf_file_entry" object, whose properties are
InitializationA "odf_manifest" instance is created through the "get_part()" method of "odf_document", with "MANIFEST" as part selector:$manifest = $document->get_part(MANIFEST); Entry accessThe full list of manifest entries may be obtained using "get_entries()".It's possible to restrict the list with an optional "type" parameter whose value is a string of a regular expression. If "type" is set, then the method returns the entries whose media type string matches the given expression. As an example, the first instruction below returns the entries that correspond to XML parts only, while the next one returns all the XML entries, including those whose type is not "text/xml" (such as "application/rdf+xml"), and the last returns all the "image/xxx" entries (whatever the image format): @xmlp_entries = $manifest->get_entries(type => 'text/xml'); @xml_entries = $manifest->get_entries(type => 'xml'); @image_entries = $manifest->get_entries(type => 'image'); An individual entry may be selected according to its "path", knowing that the path is the entry identifier. The "get_entry()" method, whose mandatory argument is the "path", does the job. The following instruction returns the entry that stands for a given image resource included in the package (if any): $img_entry = $manifest->get_entry('Pictures/13BE2000BDD8EFA.jpg'); Entry creation and removalOnce selected, an entry may be deleted using the generic "delete" method. The "del_entry()" method, whose mandatory argument is an entry path, deletes the corresponding entry, if any. If the given entry doesn't exist, nothing is done. The return value is the removed entry, or "undef".A new entry may be added using the "set_entry()" method. This method requires a unique path as its mandatory argument. A "type" optional named parameter may be provided, but is not required; without "type" specification, the media type remains empty. This method returns the new entry object, or a null value in case of failure. The example below adds an entry corresponding to an image file: $manifest->set_entry('Pictures/xyz.jpg', type => 'image/jpeg'); If "set_entry()" is called with the same path as an existing entry, the old entry is removed and replaced by the new one. If the entry path is a folder, i.e. if its last character is "/", then the media type is automatically set to an empty value. However, this rule doesn't apply to the root folder, i.e. "/", whose type should be the MIME type of the document. Beware: adding or removing a manifest entry doesn't automatically add or remove the corresponding file in the container, and there is no automatic consistency check between the real content of the part and the manifest. Entry property handlingAn individual manifest entry is a "odf_file_entry" object, that is a particular "odf_element" object.It provides the "get_path()", "set_path()", "get_type()", "set_type()" accessors, to get or set the "path" and "type" properties. There is no check with "set_type()", so the user is responsible for the consistency between the given type and the real content of the corresponding file. On the other hand, "set_path()" fails if the given "path" is already used by another entry; but there is no other check regarding this property, so the user must check the consistency between the given path and the real path of the corresponding resource. If "set_path()" puts a path whose last character is "/", the media type of the entry is automatically set to an empty string. However, for users who know exactly what they do, "set_type()" allows to force a non-empty type after "set_path()". AUTHOR/COPYRIGHTDeveloper/Maintainer: Jean-Marie Gouarne <http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr> Contact: jmgdoc@cpan.orgCopyright (c) 2010 Ars Aperta, Itaapy, Pierlis, Talend. Copyright (c) 2011 Jean-Marie Gouarne. This work was sponsored by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (<http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr>). License: GPL v3, Apache v2.0 (see LICENSE). POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: