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NAMEODF::lpOD::StructuredContainer - High-level structures other than tablesDESCRIPTIONThis manual page is related to the sections, item lists, draw pages, frames, and drawing shapes.These element types are implemented through the "odf_section", "odf_list", "odf_draw_page", "odf_frame", "odf_rectangle", "odf_ellipse", "odf_line", and "odf_connector" classes. Item listsA list is a structured object that contains an optional list header followed by any number of list items. The list header, if defined, contains one or more paragraphs that are displayed before the list. A list item can contain paragraphs, headings, or lists. Its properties are "style", that is an appropriate list style, and "continue numbering", a boolean value that, if true, means that if the numbering style of the preceding list is the same as the current list, the number of the first list item in the current list is the number of the last item in the preceding list incremented by one (default=false).A list is created using the "odf_create_list()" function or the "create()" class method of "odf_list", then inserted using "insert_element()" as usual. A list header is created "in place" with "set_header()", called from a list element; this method returns an ODF element that can be used later as a context to append paragraphs in the header. Alternatively, it's possible to call the list-based "set_header()" with one or more existing paragraphs as arguments, so these paragraphs are immediately incorporated in the new list header. Note that every use of "set_header()" replaces any existing header by a new one. Regular list items are created in place (like the optional list header) using "add_item()" which creates one or more new items and inserts them at a position which depends on optional parameters, according to the same kind of logic than the table-based "add_row()" method. Without any argument, a single item is appended at end of the list. An optional "before" named parameter may be provided; if defined, the value of this parameter must be an item number (in numeric, zero-based form) in the range of the list; the new items are inserted before the original item that existed at the given position. Alternatively, a "after" parameter may be provided instead of "before"; it produces a similar result, but the new items are inserted after the given position. If a additional number parameter is provided with a integer value, the corresponding number of identical items are inserted in place. By default, a new item is created empty. However, as a shortcut for the most common cases, it's possible to directly create it with a text content. To do so, the text content must be provided through a "text" parameter; an optional "style" parameter, whose value is a regular paragraph style, may be provided too. The new item is then created with a single paragraph as content (that is the most typical situation). Another optional "start value" parameter may be set in order to restart the numbering of the current list at the given value. Of course, this start value apply to the first inserted item if "add_item()" is used to create many items in a single call. "add_item()" returns the newly created list of item elements. In addition, an existing item may be selected in the list context using "get_item()" with its numeric position. A list item is an ODF element, so any content element may be attached to it using "insert_element()" or "append_element()". Note that, unlike headings, list items don't have an explicit level property. All the items in an ODF list have the same level. Knowing that a list may be inside an item belonging to another list, the hierarchy is represented by the structural list imbrication, not by item attributes. A list may be retrieved using the context-based "get_list()" method, whose optional parameters are the same as "get_element()". A "get_list_by_id()" method selects a list according to its (optional) identifier. In addition, "get_lists()" selects the item lists contained in the context according to the same rules as "get_elements()". SectionsA section is a named region in a text document. It's a high level container that can include one or more content elements of any kind (including sections, that may be nested).The purpose of a section is either to assign certain formatting properties to a document region, or to include an external content. A section is created using "odf_create_section" with a mandatory name as the first argument and the following optional parameters:
A new section may be inserted or appended somewhere using "insert_element" or "append_element". (Of course, an existing section may be copied and pasted thanks to the common "clone" method.) The following code appends a new write-protected section whose content will come from an external ODF text document at the end of the document body: $body = $doc->get_body; $body->append_element( odf_section->create( "ExternalDocument", url => "/home/documents/report.odt" ) ); A section may be retrieved using "get_section()" with the unique name of the needed section as argument, while "get_sections()" returns all the sections (if any) of the context. A section may be retrieved from any element of its direct or indirect content, thanks to the "get_parent_section()" method. This method returns "undef" if the calling element is not included in a section. As an example, the example below selects the first paragraph whose text matches a given expression in the whole document content, then displays the section name if this paragraph belongs to a section: $p = $doc->get_body->get_paragraph(content => "xyz") or die "No matching paragraph\n"; $section = $p->get_parent_section; say $section ? $section->get_name : "Not in a section"; An existing section may be used as the context for any element retrieval, update, creation or deletion. As examples, the following sequence appends a new paragraph to a supposedly existing section: $section = $context->get_section("My Section"); $section->append_element( odf_create_paragraph(text => "Section end") ); Thanks to the "group()" method, it's possible to move a set of existing elements into a section. As an example, the example below grabs all the tables of a given document and moves them in a newly created section: my $context = $doc->get_body; my $section = $context->append_element( odf_create_section("Tables") ); $section->group($context->get_tables); Note that "group()" is a generic "odf_element" method that could be used to move anything into anything. However, this method is not recommended with elements other than sections, unless the user have a good knowledge of the ODF semantics. While a section can host a large variety of content elements, other objects have much more restrictive composition rules, and inappropriate groupings may result in severe inconsistencies. Draw pagesDraw pages are structured containers belonging to presentation or drawing documents. They shouldn't appear in text or spreadsheet documents.A draw page can contain forms, drawing shapes, frames, presentation animations, and/or presentation notes (§9.1.4 in the ODF specification). A draw page is created using "odf_create_draw_page()" and integrated through "insert_element()" or "append_element()". Note that a draw page should be inserted at the document body level, knowing that it's a top level content element. A draw page must have an identifier (unique for the document) and may have the following parameters, to be set at creation time or later:
The following example creates a draw page with these usual parameters and integrates it as the last page of a presentation document:: $dp = odf_create_draw_page( 'xyz1234', name => 'Introduction', style => 'DrawPageOneStyle', master => 'DrawPageOneMaster', layout => 'DrawPageOneLayout' ); $context->append_element($dp); All these parameters may retrieved or changed later using "get_attributes()" and "set_attributes()" with draw page objects. An existing draw page may be retrieved in a given context (that should be the document body or root) through "get_draw_page()" with the identifier as argument. This methods attempt to retrieve a draw page whose identifier matches the argument, then, in case of failure, it looks for a draw page whose name matches. Alternatively, the user can explicitly select a draw page by name using "get_draw_page_by_name()" or according to its zero-based position in the document using "get_draw_page_by_position()". The whole list of draw pages may be returned by "get_draw_pages()". Populating a draw page doesn't require element-specific methods, knowing that:
The "get_title()" method, when applied to a draw page, tries to get the title text box of the page, and returns the text content of the first paragraph found in it, if set. The first frame whose presentation class is "title", if any, is assumed to be the title text box. Beware that there is no "set_title()" method for draw pages. The following sequence, assuming the given file is a presentation document, displays the name and (if defined) the title of every draw page: $doc = odf_get_document($filename); $context = $doc->get_body; foreach my $p ($context->get_draw_pages) { my $n = $p->get_name // '<no name>'; my $t = $p->get_title // '<no title>'; say sprintf("%s %s", $n, $t); } If the draw page doesn't contain any frame whose class is "title", or if its title frame doesn't contain any paragraph, "get_title()" returns "undef". FramesA frame is a rectangular container that may contain text boxes or images. It may contain other kinds of elements that are not presently covered by the lpOD level 1 specification.A frame is created using "odf_create_frame()" with the following properties:
For an existing frame, the properties above may be read or changed using "get_xxx()" or "set_xxx()" methods where "xxx" designates the appropriate property. A frame may be inserted in place through the standard "insert_element()" method, but the behavior depends on the context. Once attached to something, a frame may be associated to a clickable hyperlink through the "set_hyperlink()" that requires a "url" parameter specifying the URL. Optionally, a significant name may be provided through a "name" parameter. Beware that this hyperlink is not related to the content of the frame; it only specifies a link that should be activated by an interactive viewer when the user will click in the frame. Caution: this method is prohibited as long as the frame element is free (i.e. non-attached), so it can't be used with a created but not inserted frame. It's possible to retrieve the hyperlink associated to a frame (if any) through "get_hyperlink()". The returned object is not the URL, it's a regular element whose URL may be read or changed using "get_url()" or "set_url()". In a text document, a frame may be attached to the document body, as long as it's anchored to a page; as an consequence, a "page" parameter must be provided with the page number. The example below inserts a new frame that will appear in the first page, assuming that the document type is "text": $doc->get_body->insert_element( odf_frame->create( name => "FR1", text => "Example", size => "8cm, 3cm", position => "2cm, 3.5cm", page => 1 ) ); Note that a page-anchored frame should be attached to a text document body through "insert_element()" without option, and not "append_element()", knowing that typical ODF viewers can't properly render if it's not stored before any other visible content. Simply put, with the exception above, a frame is anchored to the calling context element. The ODF elements that may insert a frame in the present lpOD API are *draw pages*, *paragraphs*, *tables*, and *cells*. The sequence hereafter inserts a frame immediately after the 5th paragraph of a document; to do so, an empty paragraph is inserted at the right position then used to host the frame: $context = $doc->get_body; $p = $context->insert_element( odf_paragraph->create, after => $context->get_paragraph(position => 4) ); $p->insert_element( odf_frame->create( name => "FR2", size => "12cm, 8cm", text => "In the box" ) ); In a presentation or drawing document, the calling element is typically a draw page. When "insert_element()" is called from a paragraph, an optional "offset" parameter, specifying the position in the text where the frame will be inserted, may be provided (the default position is the beginning of the paragraph). The way to attach a frame to a table cell is not the same in a text document as in a spreadsheet document. lpOD tries to hide the differences provided that the attachement is done when the cell itself is already attached to a document. On the other hand, if the target cell is not attached, lpOD doesn't know what will be the document type and silently selects the attachment method that works for text documents. An existing frame may be selected using "get_frame()" from any context with the frame name as argument. It's possible, of course, to populate a frame using "insert_element()" or "append_element()" from the frame itself. However, the API provides frame- specific methods in order to directly create and incorporate the most common objects in a frame context, namely *text boxes* and *images*. These methods are respectively:
ImagesAn image element may be created out of any document with "odf_create_image()". This constructor requires only one named parameter, that is either "url" or "content". The first one is a link to a graphic resource, while the second one is the binary content of an image in BASE64 encoding.These properties may be retrieved or changed later using "get_uri()", "set_uri()", "get_content()", "set_content()". An image should be incorporated in a document through a frame. In most situations, the applications don't need to explicitly create and handle image objects, that may be more easily set through the image frame constructor (see below). Frames including text boxes or imagesKnowing that a frame is in most situations created as a text box or image container, the "odf_create_text_frame()" and "odf_create_image_frame()" constructors allow the user to directly create a frame with the appropriate content. Each one requires a mandatory argument in first position (before the usual frame parameters).Note that "odf_create_text_frame()" and "odf_create_image_frame()" are just syntactic variants for the following instructions, respectively: odf_frame->create(text => $text [, options]); odf_frame->create(image => $resource [, options]); For "odf_create_text_frame()" the first argument is either a text string or an ODF text element. In the first case the string is used as the content of the text box. In the second case the text element is used as is as the content of the text box. For "odf_create_image_frame()" the first argument is the link to the internal or external image resource. If the "size" parameter is not set, lpOD internally uses Image::Size in order to set it to the original image size of the given resource. Beware that such an automatic size detection may be very costly, so the user should provide explicit frame sizes in any intensive application. Note that the ODF::lpOD::Document class provides a "add_image_file()" method that can import external image files in the ODF package. In array context, this method returns both the internal path of the image and, if possible, the original image size. Caution: the automatic image sizing feature provided by lpOD uses the point (pt) as length unit, not an absolute length unit (such as the millimeter or the inch); so it may ensure a correct aspect ratio but the real display size may depend on the rendering environment. The following sequence imports an image file, creates a frame that uses it, then attach the frame to a newly appended paragraph (so the image will appear at the very end of a text document): my ($path, $size) = $doc->add_image_file('/home/images/logo.png'); my $frame = odf_create_image_frame($path, size => $size); my $paragraph = $doc->get_body->append_element(odf_create_paragraph); $paragraph->append_element($frame); The same job could be done another way: my $frame = odf_frame->create; my $paragraph = $doc->get_body->append_element(odf_create_paragraph); $paragraph->append_element($frame); $frame->set_image('/home/images/logo.png', load => TRUE); Note that it's strongly recommended, each time it's possible, to set an application-provided size, in order to avoid the costly automatic size detection. Beware that a size of 0x0 is sometimes interpreted as "original size" by the office software. If so, the best option consists of providing a "size" parameter set to "0,0": it may avoid useless processing, because the frame is automatically sized by the rendering software, instead of being extracted by lpOD. Drawing shapesCommon Drawing Shape AttributesThe currently covered shapes are "line", "rectangle", "ellipse", and "connector".A shape is created using an "odf_create_xxx()" constructor, where "xxx" is of course replaced by a shape name from the list above, that returns an "odf_shape" object. The common properties that may be set through shape constructor named parameters are:
Note that, while the "name" property is not specified as unique in the standard, OpenOffice.org prevents the end-user from providing non-unique names to drawing shapes. On the other hand, OpenOffice.org currently neither uses nor preserves the "id" property in text documents, but needs it to implement the connectors in presentation documents. So, we presently recommend the use of "name", with unique values, as soon as the applications need persistent shape identifiers. A shape may be provided with a title and a description (which are non- displayed but persistent metadata), through the "set_title()" and "set_description()" methods. These informative data may be retrieved using "get_title()" and "get_description()". A shape may be attached to a text element using "insert_element()" or "append_element()". When "insert_element()" is called from a paragraph, an optional "offset" parameter, specifying the position in the text where the shape will be inserted, may be provided (the default position is the beginning of the paragraph). For some shapes, the following properties must be provided:
However, the "position" and "size" properties don't apply to some particular shapes, such as lines and connectors (see below). A shape becomes visible when it's inserted somewhere using the generic "insert_element()" method. In a text document, a frame may be attached at the document level, as long as it's anchored to a page; as an consequence, a "page" parameter must be provided with the page number. Without this "page" property, lpOD anchors the shape to the first page by default. Simply put, with the exception above, a shape is anchored to the calling context element. Optionally, regular text paragraphs may be embedded in a shape. Unlike the name, the title and the description, this paragraph will be visible. There is no shape-specific method for that; the generic "append_element()" method, called from the "odf_shape" object, allows the user to insert a paragraph in a shape. The given paragraph may have its own style, whose properties override those of the shape "text style". Rectangles and EllipsesRectangles and ellipses are created with "odf_create_rectangle()" and "odf_create_ellipse()", respectively, using the common properties described above, including "size" and "position".The following example, supposed to work with a text document, creates a rectangle anchored to the first page with given position, size, title, description. Then a text paragraph is written in it: $context = $document->get_part(CONTENT)->get_body; $rectangle = odf_create_rectangle( name => "Rectangle1", id => "R1", page => 1 ); $rectangle->set_title("The rectangle"); $rectangle->set_description("The description of the rectangle"); $context->insert_element($rectangle); $paragraph = odf_create_paragraph( text => 'The text in the shape', style => 'Standard' ); $rectangle->append_element($paragraph); Lines and ConnectorsA line is created using "odf_create_line()", with the standard shape parameters with the exception of "size" and "position".The size and the position are defined by line-specific "start" and "end" properties, each one representing the coordinates of an extremity, in the same format as the "position" property of some other shapes. A connector is created using "odf_create-connector()". It may be defined with the same parameters as a line, but can support a more sophisticated configuration, through the following specific properties:
Tables of contentsA table of contents (TOC) is represented by an "odf_toc" object, which is created using the "odf_create_toc()" constructor.Note that a "odf_toc" object is a descriptor that specifies parameters for automatic generation by a typical, ODF-compliant text processor. The TOC is not automatically filled by lpOD. TOC creationA table of contents is created as a free element using the "odf_create_toc()" constructor, with a mandatory unique name as its first argument, and the following parameters:
A table of contents object, after creation, may be put somewhere in a document using a generic method such as "insert_element()". Note that such an object should be inserted in the "CONTENT" part of a text document only. TOC retrievalAn existing table of contents may be retrieved by name using the part method "get_toc()". Note that this method works with the "CONTENT" part only.It's possible to retrieve the full list of the TOCs in the document content through "get_tocs()", without argument. TOC methodsThe "odf_toc" elements provide the following methods:
AUTHOR/COPYRIGHTDeveloper/Maintainer: Jean-Marie Gouarne <http://jean.marie.gouarne.online.fr> Contact: jmgdoc@cpan.orgCopyright (c) 2010 Ars Aperta, Itaapy, Pierlis, Talend. Copyright (c) 2011 Jean-Marie Gouarne. This work was sponsored by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (<http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr>). License: GPL v3, Apache v2.0 (see LICENSE). POD ERRORSHey! The above document had some coding errors, which are explained below: