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NAMEperlcompile - Introduction to the Perl Compiler-TranslatorDESCRIPTIONPerl has always had a compiler: your source is compiled into an internal form (a parse tree, "optree") which is then optimized before being run. Since version 5.005, Perl has shipped with a module capable of inspecting the optimized optree (B), and this has been used to write many useful utilities, including the B::C and B::CC modules that lets you turn your Perl into C source code that can be compiled into a native executable.The "B" module provides access to the optree, and other modules ("backends") do things with the tree. Some write it out as bytecode B::Bytecode, C source code B::C, or a semi-human-readable text. Another B::Xref traverses the parse tree to build a cross-reference of which subroutines, formats, and variables are used where. Another B::Lint checks your code for dubious constructs. B::Deparse dumps the parse tree back out as Perl source, acting as a source code beautifier or deobfuscator. Because its original purpose was to be a way to produce C code corresponding to a Perl program, and in turn a native executable, the "B" module and its associated backends, mainly B::C, B::CC and B::Bytecode are known as "the compiler", even though they don't really compile anything. This document covers the use of the Perl compiler: which modules it comprises, how to use the most important of the backend modules, what problems there are, and how to work around them. LayoutThe compiler backends are in the "B::" hierarchy, and the front-end (the module that you, the user of the compiler, will sometimes interact with) is the O module. Some backends (e.g., "B::C") have programs (e.g., perlcc) to hide the modules' complexity.Since Perl 5.10 the three code-producing backends ("B::C", "B::CC" and "B::Bytecode"), aka the compiler, have been removed from CORE Perl and are available as seperate CPAN module <http://search.cpan.org/dist/B-C/>. Here are the important backends to know about, with their status expressed as a number from 0 (outline for later implementation) to 10:
Using The BackendsThe following sections describe how to use the various compiler back ends. They're presented roughly in order of maturity, so that the most stable and proven backends are described first, and the most experimental and incomplete backends are described last.The "O" module automatically enabled the -c flag to Perl, which prevents Perl from executing your code once it has been compiled. This is why all the backends print: myperlprogram syntax OK before producing any other output. The Cross Referencing BackendThe cross referencing backend ("B::Xref") produces a report on your program, breaking down declarations and uses of subroutines and variables (and formats) by file and subroutine. For instance, here's part of the report from the pod2man program that comes with Perl:Subroutine clear_noremap Package (lexical) $ready_to_print i1069, 1079 Package main $& 1086 $. 1086 $0 1086 $1 1087 $2 1085, 1085 $3 1085, 1085 $ARGV 1086 %HTML_Escapes 1085, 1085 This shows the variables used in the subroutine "clear_noremap". The variable $ready_to_print is a my() (lexical) variable, introduced (first declared with my()) on line 1069, and used on line 1079. The variable $& from the main package is used on 1086, and so on. A line number may be prefixed by a single letter:
The most useful option the cross referencer has is to save the report to a separate file. For instance, to save the report on myperlprogram to the file report: $ perl -MO=Xref,-oreport myperlprogram The Decompiling BackendThe Deparse backend turns your Perl source back into Perl source. It can reformat along the way, making it useful as a de-obfuscator. The most basic way to use it is:$ perl -MO=Deparse myperlprogram You'll notice immediately that Perl has no idea of how to paragraph your code. You'll have to separate chunks of code from each other with newlines by hand. However, watch what it will do with one-liners: $ perl -MO=Deparse -e '$op=shift||die "usage: $0 code [...]";chomp(@ARGV=<>)unless@ARGV; for(@ARGV){$was=$_;eval$op; die$@ if$@; rename$was,$_ unless$was eq $_}' -e syntax OK $op = shift @ARGV || die("usage: $0 code [...]"); chomp(@ARGV = <ARGV>) unless @ARGV; foreach $_ (@ARGV) { $was = $_; eval $op; die $@ if $@; rename $was, $_ unless $was eq $_; } The decompiler has several options for the code it generates. For instance, you can set the size of each indent from 4 (as above) to 2 with: $ perl -MO=Deparse,-si2 myperlprogram The -p option adds parentheses where normally they are omitted: $ perl -MO=Deparse -e 'print "Hello, world\n"' -e syntax OK print "Hello, world\n"; $ perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'print "Hello, world\n"' -e syntax OK print("Hello, world\n"); See B::Deparse for more information on the formatting options. The Lint BackendThe lint backend "B::Lint" inspects programs for poor style. One programmer's bad style is another programmer's useful tool, so options let you select what is complained about.To run the style checker across your source code: $ perl -MO=Lint myperlprogram To disable context checks and undefined subroutines: $ perl -MO=Lint,-context,-undefined-subs myperlprogram See B::Lint for information on the options. The Simple C BackendThe "B::C" module saves the internal compiled state of your Perl program to a C source file, which can be turned into a native executable for that particular platform using a C compiler. The resulting program links against the Perl interpreter library, so it will not save you disk space (unless you build Perl with a shared library) or program size. It may, however, save you startup time.The "perlcc" tool generates such executables by default. perlcc myperlprogram.pl C Backend Invocation If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be names of objects to be saved (probably doesn't work properly yet). Without extra arguments, it saves the main program. -q Be quiet. STDOUT goes to $O::BEGIN_output -qq Be very quiet. Also suppress "Syntax OK" -o<filename> Output to filename instead of STDOUT -v Be verbose. Currently gives a few compilation statistics. -- Force end of options -u<package> use package or filename. Force apparently unused subs from package to be compiled. This allows programs to use run-time eval "foo()" even when sub foo is never seen to be used at compile time. The down side is that any subs which really are never used also have code generated. This option is necessary, for example, if you have a signal handler foo which you initialise with $SIG{BAR} = "foo". A better fix, though, is just to change it to $SIG{BAR} = \&foo. You can have multiple -u or -U options. -U<package> Unuse package or filename. Ignore all subs from package to be compiled. Certain packages might not be needed at run-time, even if the pessimistic walker detects it. If required those packages will be run-time loaded then. -e ARG Eval ARG at startup -c Check and abort (used to print warnings) NYI -w Warn on undefined SYMs -l LIMIT Force max linelength to LIMIT (e.g. MSVC to 2048) -D Debug options (concat or separate flags like perl -D) o Print walkoptree OPs O Prints more OP information c COPs, prints COPs as processed (incl. file & line num) S prints SV/RE information on saving A prints AV information on saving C prints CV information on saving M prints MAGIC information on saving G prints GV information on saving u Do not print -D information when parsing unused subs. -f Force optimisations on or off one at a time. cog Copy-on-grow: PVs declared and initialised statically no-cog No copy-on-grow save-data Save package::DATA filehandles ( only available with PerlIO::scalar ) ppaddr Optimize the initialization of op_ppaddr. warn-sv Optimize the initialization of cop_warnings. av-init Faster initialization of AVs. av-init2 Initialization of AVs via ptmalloc3 independent_comalloc(). use-script-name Use the script name instead of the program name as $0. ro-inc Readonly @INC and %INC pathnames. const-strings Declares static readonly strings as const. save-sig-hash Save compile-time modifications to the %SIG hash. no-destruct Faster destruction. no-fold Do not compile unicode foldings tables, needed for m//i no-warnings Do not compile warnings hashes. stash Add all stash hashes even if not used. no-delete-pkg Do not delete compiler-internal and dependent packages. no-dyn-padlist Disable dynamic padlists (5.18). This is faster but might cause die and exit to crash. cop Omit COP, no file+line info for warnings -On Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). -O means -O1. -O1 -fcog -fav-init2/-fav-init -fppaddr -fwarn-sv -O2 -O1 -fro-inc -fsave-data -O3 -O2 -fsave-sig-hash -fno-destruct fconst-strings -O4 -O3 -fcop -fno-dyn-padlist C Examples perl -MO=C foo.pl > foo.c perl cc_harness -o foo foo.c perl -MO=C,-v,-DcA bar.pl > /dev/null For more information, see perlcc and B::C. The Bytecode BackendThis backend is only useful if you also have a way to load and execute the bytecode that it produces. The "ByteLoader" module provides this functionality.To turn a Perl program into executable byte code, you can use "perlcc" with the "-B" switch: perlcc -B myperlprogram.pl The byte code is machine independent, so once you have a compiled module or program, it is as portable as Perl source (assuming that the user of the module or program has a modern-enough Perl interpreter to decode the byte code). Bytecode Backend Invocation If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be names of objects to be saved (probably doesn't work properly yet). Without extra arguments, it saves the main program. -q Be quiet. STDOUT goes to $O::BEGIN_output -qq Be very quiet. Also suppress "Syntax OK" -ofilename Output to filename instead of STDOUT. NYI -v Be verbose. -- Force end of options. NYI -f Force optimisations on or off one at a time. Each can be preceded by no- to turn the option off. compress-nullops Only fills in the necessary fields of ops which have been optimised away by perl's internal compiler. omit-sequence-numbers Leaves out code to fill in the op_seq field of all ops which is only used by perl's internal compiler. bypass-nullops If op->op_next ever points to a NULLOP, replaces the op_next field with the first non-NULLOP in the path of execution. -s strip-syntax-tree Leaves out code to fill in the pointers which link the internal syntax tree together. They're not needed at run-time but leaving them out will make it impossible to recompile or disassemble the resulting program. It will also stop "goto label" statements from working. NYI -On Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). -O means -O1. -O1 sets -fcompress-nullops -fomit-sequence numbers. -O6 adds -fstrip-syntax-tree. NYI -D Debug options (concat or separate flags like perl -D) O OPs, prints each OP as it's processed. b print debugging information about bytecompiler progress a tells the assembler to include source assembler lines in its output as bytecode comments. C prints each CV taken from the final symbol tree walk. -S Output assembler source rather than piping it through the assembler and outputting bytecode. -H add #! perl shebang header -s scan and keep keep syntax tree if goto op found. scan the script for C<# line ..> directives and for <goto LABEL> expressions. When gotos are found keep the syntax tree. -b Save all the BEGIN blocks. Normally only BEGIN blocks that require other files (ex. use Foo;) are saved. -k keep syntax tree to disassemble the plc. it is stripped by default. -TI testing, dump the @INC av -TF file testing, sets COP::file -m Compile as a module rather than a standalone program. Currently this just means that the bytecodes for initialising main_start, main_root and curpad are omitted. Bytecode Invocation Examples perl -MO=Bytecode,-O6,-H,-ofoo.plc foo.pl ./foo.plc perl -MO=Bytecode,-S foo.pl > foo.S assemble foo.S > foo.plc perl -MByteLoader foo.plc perl -MO=Bytecode,-m,-oFoo.pmc Foo.pm The Optimized C BackendThe "B::CC" optimized C backend will turn your Perl program's run time code-path into an equivalent (but optimized) C program that manipulates the Perl data structures directly. The program will still link against the Perl interpreter library, to allow for eval(), "s///e", "require", etc.The "perlcc" tool generates such executables when using the "-O" switch. To compile a Perl program (ending in ".pl" or ".p"): perlcc -O myperlprogram.pl To produce a shared library from a Perl module (ending in ".pm"): perlcc -O Myperlmodule.pm CC Backend Invocation If there are any non-option arguments, they are taken to be names of subs to be saved. Without extra arguments, it saves the main program. B::C takes all B::C options plus a few new ones: -D Debug options (concat or separate flags like perl -D) o Enable B debugging r Writes debugging output to STDERR just as it's about to write to the program's runtime. Otherwise writes debugging info as comments in its C output. O Outputs each OP as it's compiled s Outputs the contents of the shadow stack at each OP p Outputs the contents of the shadow pad of lexicals as it's loaded for each sub or the main program. q Outputs the name of each fake PP function in the queue as it's about to processes. l Output the filename and line number of each original line of Perl code as it's processed (pp_nextstate). t Outputs timing information of compilation stages -f Force optimisations on or off one at a time. cog Copy-on-grow: PVs declared and initialised statically freetmps-each-bblock Delays FREETMPS from the end of each statement to the end of the each basic block. freetmps-each-loop Delays FREETMPS from the end of each statement to the end of the group of basic blocks forming a loop. At most one of the freetmps-each-* options can be used. no-inline-ops Turn off aggressive inlining of ops omit-taint Omits generating code for handling perl's tainting mechanism. -On Optimisation level (n = 0, 1, 2, ...). -O means -O1. -O1 -ffreetmps-each-bblock -O2 -O1 -ffreetmps-each-loop All B::C -O3 optimisations are automatically used. CC Invocation Example perl -MO=CC,-O2,-ofoo.c foo.pl perl cc_harness -o foo foo.c perl -MO=CC,-mFoo,-oFoo.c Foo.pm perl cc_harness -shared -c -o Foo.so Foo.c perlcc -O myperlprogram.pl perlcc -O MyperlModule.pm See also perlcc and B::CC. Backends For Debuggingperl -MO=Terse,exec foo.pl perl -MO=Debug bar.pl Module List for the Compiler Suite
KNOWN PROBLEMSBEGIN{} blocks are executed before compiling your code. Any external state that is initialized in BEGIN{}, such as main code in use'd modules, opening files, initiating database connections etc., do not behave properly. To work around this, Perl has an INIT{} block that corresponds to code being executed before your program begins running but after your program has finished being compiled. Execution order: BEGIN{}, (possible save of state through compiler back-end), INIT{}, program runs, END{}.Yet unsupported: - attribute handlers (i.e. run-time attributes) - compile-time perlio layers - re-eval groups (?{}) - smartmatch subrefs - compile-time stash-magic delete renames to ANON CC backend: goto, sort with non-default comparison. last for non-loop blocks. See STATUS Other perl to exe compilersMaybe you want to look for the free PAR module or some commercial products, like "perl2exe" at <http://www.indigostar.com/perl2exe.htm> and "perlapp" as "PerlDevKit" from ActiveState at <http://www.activestate.com/Products/perl_dev_kit/>These are technically no compilers, just source packagers with a simple native code unpacker. Run-time behaviour is actually slower than with a normal perl source or real compiler, because of the additional unpacking and check steps. It's just convenient to have single file applications. The simpliest windows "compiler" would be then pl2exe.pl in C::DynaLib. Several years ago the "undump" functionality used to work on several platforms. See perlrun for "-u". Work is planned to revive "undump". AUTHORThis document was originally written by Nathan Torkington, and was maintained by the perl5-porters mailing list perl5-porters@perl.org up to Perl version 5.8.This version with all the compiler options is now part of the "B::C" compiler module, maintained by Reini Urban rurban@cpan.org. SEE ALSOperlguts, illguts, perloptree