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pick_items(3) |
Arcan Lua API |
pick_items(3) |
pick_items - Pick a number of objects based on a screen-space coordinate.
pick_items( number:x, number:y )
pick_items( number:x, number:y, number:limit=8 )
pick_items( number:x, number:y, number:limit=8 )
pick_items( number:x, number:y, number:limit=8<=64, bool:reverse=false
pick_items( number:x, number:y, number:limit=8<=64,
bool:reverse=false, vid:rtgt=WORLDID )
pick_items is a low level function for building user-interface related picking
tools. It takes a screen- or rendertarget- space coordinate and sweeps through
the pipeline based on their render order (see order_image ). If
reverse is provided it will sweep from high to low, otherwise from low
to high. It will early out once limit objects have been found. It will
always return an integer indexed table of zero to limit number of
VID s. Limit is not allowed to exceed 64.
- 1
- All VID s start out as eligible for picking. This can be controlled
by setting the MASK_UNPICKABLE mask, see image_mask_set .
This mask value is not inherited by default through linking. This means it
needs to be set for each new object regardless of how link_image is
being used.
- 2
- Clipping and alpha channel is ignored and will need to be considered
manually by testing against any possible clipping parents.
- 3
- This function can be very costly based on the complexity of the scene and
some caching mechanism should be used if a high number of calls is
expected, for instance when tied to a touch or mouse- input device event
- 4
- The cost progression is roughly (low to high) normal, rotated, linked, 3d
object, rotated-linked, rotated-linked-3d object.
- 5
- If an object is shader displayed or manually manipulated by skewing
vertices through image_tesselation or a vertex stage shader, the
picking operation result is undefined.
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