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NAMESDL::Mouse - SDL Bindings for the Mouse deviceCATEGORYCore, MouseCONSTANTSThe constants for SDL::Mouse belong to SDL::Events/SDL::Event, under the export tag of ':state'.METHODSwarp_mouseSDL::Mouse::warp_mouse( $x, $y ); Set the position of the mouse cursor (generates a mouse motion event). Even if the mouse is warped to where it currently is, a mouse motion event is generated. set_cursorSDL::Mouse::set_cursor( $cursor_object ); Sets the currently active cursor to the specified one. See SDL::Cursor for details on cursor objects. If the cursor is currently visible, the change will be immediately represented on the display. "set_cursor()" can be used to force cursor redraw, if this is desired for any reason. get_cursormy $cursor_object = SDL::Mouse::get_cursor; Gets the currently active mouse cursor. show_cursormy $return = SDL::Mouse::show_cursor( $state ); Toggle whether or not the cursor is shown on the screen. Passing "SDL_ENABLE" displays the cursor and passing "SDL_DISABLE" hides it. The current state of the mouse cursor can be queried by passing "SDL_QUERY", either "SDL_DISABLE" or "SDL_ENABLE" will be returned. use SDL; use SDL::Mouse; use SDL::Video; use SDL::Events ':state'; #For the constants SDL::init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); SDL::Video::set_video_mode(640, 480, 16, SDL_SWSURFACE); printf("Cursor is %s\n", SDL::Mouse::show_cursor(SDL_QUERY) ? 'visible' : 'not visible'); sleep(3); SDL::Mouse::show_cursor(SDL_DISABLE); printf("Cursor is %s\n", SDL::Mouse::show_cursor(SDL_QUERY) ? 'visible' : 'not visible'); sleep(3); SDL::Mouse::show_cursor(SDL_ENABLE); printf("Cursor is %s\n", SDL::Mouse::show_cursor(SDL_QUERY) ? 'visible' : 'not visible'); sleep(3); SEE ALSOSDL::CursorAUTHORSSee "AUTHORS" in SDL.