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NAMESDL::PixelFormat - Stores surface format informationCATEGORYCore, Video, StructureSYNOPSISmy $surface = SDL::Surface->new( ... $surface->format; #this returns the PixelFormat object attached to this surface PixelFormat is only created in a "SDL::Surface". This module only provides getters to the surface's pixelformat. Later on we will provide setting capability. DESCRIPTIONAn "SDL::PixelFormat " stores surface format informationMETHODSpalette$surface->format->palette; Returns the "SDL_Palette" and SDL::Palette of the format of the surface. BitsPerPixel$surface->format->BitsPerPixel; The number of bits used to represent each pixel in a surface. Usually 8, 16, 24 or 32. (1 to 7 are not allowed when creating a surface or open a video mode BytesPerPixel$surface->format->BytesPerPixel; The number of bytes used to represent each pixel in a surface. Usually one to four. [RGBA]loss$surface->format->Rloss; #red loss $surface->format->Bloss; #blue loss $surface->format->Gloss; #green loss $surface->format->Aloss; #alpha loss Precision loss of each color component (2[RGBA]loss) [RGBA]shift$surface->format->Rshift; #red shift $surface->format->Bshift; #blue shift $surface->format->Gshift; #green shift $surface->format->Ashift; #alpha shift Binary left shift of each color component in the pixel value [RGBA]mask$surface->format->Rmask; #red mask $surface->format->Bmask; #blue mask $surface->format->Gmask; #green mask $surface->format->Amask; #alpha mask Binary left shift of each color component in the pixel value colorkey$surface->format->colorkey; Pixel value of transparent pixels. alpha$surface->format->alpha; Overall surface alpha value SEE ALSOSDL::SurfaceAUTHORSSee "AUTHORS" in SDL.