NAMEsc::PW91CFunctional - The Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.SYNOPSIS#include <functional.h> Inherits sc::DenFunctional. Public Member FunctionsPW91CFunctional (const Ref< KeyVal > &) PW91CFunctional (StateIn &) void save_data_state (StateOut &) Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them. int need_density_gradient () void point (const PointInputData &, PointOutputData &) void set_spin_polarized (int) Protected Member Functionsvoid init_constants () double limit_df_drhoa (double rhoa, double gamma, double ec, double decdrhoa) Protected AttributesRef< LSDACFunctional > local_ double a double b double c double d double alpha double c_c0 double c_x double nu Additional Inherited MembersDetailed DescriptionThe Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation functional computes energies and densities using the designated local correlation functional.J. P. Perdew, Proceedings of the 75. WE-Heraeus-Seminar and 21st Annual International Symposium on Electronic Structure of Solids held in Gaussig (Germany), March 11-15, 1991, P. Ziesche and H. Eschrig, eds., pp. 11-20. J. P. Perdew, J. A. Chevary, S. H. Vosko, K. A. Jackson, M. R. Pederson, and D. J. Singh, Phys. Rev. B, 46, 6671, 1992. Member Function Documentationint sc::PW91CFunctional::need_density_gradient () [virtual]Reimplemented from sc::DenFunctional.void sc::PW91CFunctional::point (const PointInputData &, PointOutputData &) [virtual]Implements sc::DenFunctional.void sc::PW91CFunctional::save_data_state (StateOut &) [virtual]Save the base classes (with save_data_state) and the members in the same order that the StateIn CTOR initializes them. This must be implemented by the derived class if the class has data.Reimplemented from sc::DenFunctional. void sc::PW91CFunctional::set_spin_polarized (int) [virtual]Reimplemented from sc::DenFunctional.AuthorGenerated automatically by Doxygen for MPQC from the source code.
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