Namesqitch-bundle - Bundle a Sqitch project for distributionSynopsissqitch [options] bundle sqitch [options] bundle --dest-dir widgets-1.0.0 sqitch [options] bundle --all sqitch [options] bundle pg mysql DescriptionThis command bundles up a sqitch project for distribution. At its simplest, it copies the project configuration file, plan files, and all of the change scripts to a directory. This directory can then be packaged up for distribution (as a tarball, RPM, etc.).By default, the "bundle" command will bundle the plan and scripts for the default plan and top directory, as defined by the core configuration and command-line options. Pass the "--all" option to have it iterate over all known plans and top directories (as specified for engines and targets) and bundle them all. This works well for creating a a single bundle with all plans and scripts. To specify which plans an top directories to bundle, pass the target, engine, or plan file names as arguments. See "Examples" for examples.
You can also pass the core "--engine" option to limit the bundle to the plan for a single engine. The bundle command also allows you to limit bundled changes to a subset of those in a plan. When bundling a single plan, use the "--from" and/or "--to" options to do the limiting. When using multiple plans, specify the changes after each target argument. In either case, the changes can be specified in any way documented on sqitchchanges. See "Examples" for examples. Options
Configuration Variables
ExamplesBundle a Sqitch project with the default plan and scripts into bundle:sqitch bundle Bundle a Sqitch project with all plans and scripts into bundle: sqitch bundle --all Bundle a Sqitch project into BUILDROOT/MyProj: sqitch bundle --dest-dir BUILDROOT/MyProj Bundle a project including changes "adduser" through "@v1.0": sqitch bundle --from adduser --to @v1.0 Bundle a the "pg" engine plans with changes "adduser" through "@v1.0", and the "sqlite" engine with changes from the start of the plan up to "widgets": sqitch bundle pg adduser @v1.0 sqlite @ROOT wigets Bundle just the files necessary to execute the plan for the "pg" engine: sqitch bundle pg Bundle the files necessary for two plan files: sqitch bundle sqlite/sqitch.plan mysql/sqitch.plan SqitchPart of the sqitch suite.
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