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sqitch-passwords(3) |
User Contributed Perl Documentation |
sqitch-passwords(3) |
sqitch-passwords - Guide to using database passwords with Sqitch
You may have noticed that Sqitch has no
"--password" option. This is intentional.
It's generally not a great idea to specify a password on the command-line:
from there, it gets logged to your command history and is easy to extract by
anyone with access to your system. So you might wonder how to specify
passwords so that Sqitch an successfully deploy to databases that require
passwords. There are four approaches, in order from most- to
- 1. Avoid using a password at all
- 2. Use a database engine-specific password file
- 3. Use the $SQITCH_PASSWORD environment variable
- 4. Include the password in the deploy target URI
Each is covered in detail in the sections below.
Of course, the best way to protect your passwords is not to use them at all. If
your database engine is able to do passwordless authentication, it's worth
taking the time to make it work, especially on your production database
systems. Some examples:
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL supports a number of authentication methods
including the passwordless SSL certificate
and, for local connections, peer authentication
- MySQL supports a number of authentication methods
plus SSL authentication
- Oracle
- Oracle supports a number of authentication methods
including SSL authentication
third-party authentication
and, for local connections, OS authentication
- Vertica
- Vertica supports a number of authentication methods
including the passwordless TLS authentication
GSS authentication
and, for local connections, ident authentication
- Firebird
- Firebird supports passwordless authentication only via trusted
authentication <http://www.firebirdsql.org/manual/qsg2-config.html>
for local connections.
If you must use password authentication with your database server, you may be
able to use a protected password file. This is file with access limited only
to the current user that the server client library can read in. As such, the
format is specified by the database vendor, and not all database servers offer
the feature. Here's how the database engines supported by Sqitch shake out:
- PostgreSQL
- PostgreSQL will use a .pgpass file
<http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-pgpass.html> in
the user's home directory to or referenced by the
$PGPASSFILE environment variable. This file must
limit access only to the current user (0600) and
contains lines specify authentication rules as follows:
- For MySQL, if the MySQL::Config module is installed, passwords can be
specified in the /etc/my.cnf and ~/.my.cnf files
These files must limit access only to the current user
(0600). Sqitch will look for a password under the
"[client]" and
"[mysql]" sections, in that order.
- Oracle
- Oracle supports "password
created with the "ORAPWD" utility to
authenticate "SYSDBA" and
"SYSOPER" users, but Sqitch is unable
to take advantage of this functionality. Neither can one embed a
username and password <http://stackoverflow.com/q/7183513/79202>
into a tnsnames.ora
- Vertica
- Vertica does not currently support a password file.
- Firebird
- Firebird does not currently support a password file.
The $SQITCH_PASSWORD environment variable can be used to
specify the password for any supported database engine. However use of this
environment variable is not recommended for security reasons, as some
operating systems allow non-root users to see process environment variables
via "ps".
The behavior of $SQITCH_PASSWORD is
consistent across all supported engines. Some database engines support their
own password environment variables, which you may wish to use instead.
However, their behaviors may not be consistent:
- PostgreSQL
- Vertica
- Firebird
Passwords may also be specified in target URIs. This is not generally
recommended, since such URIs are either specified via the command-line (and
therefore visible in "ps" and your shell
history) or stored in the configuration, the project instance of which is
generally pushed to your source code repository. But it's provided here as an
absolute last resort (and because web URLs support it, though it's heavily
frowned upon there, too).
Such URIs can either be specified on the command-line:
sqitch deploy db:pg://fred:s3cr3t@db.example.com/widgets
Or stored as named targets in the project configuration file:
sqitch target add wigets db:pg://fred:s3cr3t@db.example.com/widgets
After which the target is available by its name:
sqitch deploy widgets
See sqitch-targets and
"sqitch-configuration" for details on
target configuration.
- sqitch-environment
- sqitch-configuration
- sqitch-target
Part of the sqitch suite.
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