system_defaultfont - Set / Replace the current default font
boolres, height, baseline,
system_defaultfont( fontres, fontsz, fonth, fallback )
For text rendering functions, some kind of font is needed. The default font is
set either by using this function, or indirectly through the first
render_text call with an explicit font ( arg. fontres is a
string reference to a valid file in the SYS_FONT_RESOURCE namespace,
fontsz is the size argument as used in render_text and fonth
specifies anti-aliasing strength (0: disabled, 1: light, ...) It is also
possible to specify an additional fallback font that will cover missing
glyphs not found in fontres . The downside is that the glyphs might not
visually blend with the primary ones in a visually appealing way, but may
still be better than invisible characters.
- 1
- This is also implicitly updated in LWA arcan builds if it receives
a FONTHINT event from the display server connection, and there is
no event-trigger to detect if that occurs.
function system_defaultfont0()
system_defaultfont("default.ttf", 12, 0);